Vault Fossil

SnapSlav said:Simply put, it all made perfect sense in the books, but some omissions made the TV presentation seem a little questionable.Akratus said:Also, why doesn't mr King in the North have ANY precautions against this sort of thing. He's winning against the richest house in the land, wouldn't he expect a backstab? Wouldn't he expect them to get all underhanded on him? I would have a big bodyguard shadow me at all times, especially in the court of a man who's family's loyalty is in question.
For one thing, the events of the Red Wedding were a violation of Guest Right, a sacred custom in Westeros that had, until then, NEVER been broken. Once Lord Frey shared his bread and salt, that was supposed to seal the deal that his guests were safe. So NO ONE saw this coming for that very simple reason. Also bear in mind that the Starks are PATHOLOGICALLY honor-bound people. Northerners in general are much more strict to live by social codes, but the Starks of the North were the family who embodied these characteristics the most extremely. Robb letting his guard down and not expecting underhanded backstabs was because he was an honorable, direct and honest person. He was physically a Tully, but personality-wise he was damn near a carbon copy of his father. Just like Ned, who failed to protect his House during the Stark Purge of King's Landing BECAUSE he was approaching the coup in a direct and honest fashion- thus exposing himself to the underhanded deceit awaiting him -Robb did precisely the same thing. He COULDN'T have seen it coming, because such dishonesty just wasn't in his nature.
As for the bodyguard... he DID have one, but the actor wasn't present for seasons 2 and 3, so the character wasn't around, sadly. That character being Greatjon Umber. For those who may have forgotten the character, he was that giant of a man who Grey Wind bit 2 fingers off of when he briefly challenged Robb's leadership in Season 1, only to laugh off the whole thing and end up being one of Robb's strongest supporters, and also, in the TV show, was the first to bend the knee to Robb as his new King in the North. He was seated at the banquet with Robb, when the Freys and Boltons turned on the Northern Loyalists, and he was one of the targets of the massacre that managed to put up a very commendable, strong resistance. However, obviously, his efforts failed to save King Robb. In the show, Blackfish Tully essentially covered an amalgamation of his role and that of the Greatjon.
Following the massacre, lots of people's attitudes changed about old customs and how reliable such things as Guest Right even are (especially where the Freys are concerned), and a growing sentiment shows up where people talk of seeing all of the atrocities committed against the Starks with the phrase, "The North Remembers", and I liked seeing a hint of this in the preview for the season finale with Tyrion commenting "The Northerners will never forget this". Indeed, they won't... =)
Yeah, the show didn't dwell on it but the Red Wedding's absolute worst aspect is the violation of guest right. It's more ancient than the most ancient traditions, even the Wildlings respect it. It's also why, in the books, Craster being killed by the Night's Watch deserter is so wrong; yeah he's a scumbag, but the Watch were his guests all the same.
By doing this, the Freys and Boltons basically made themselves pariahs. Had they killed Robb on the battlefield, or poison or ''hunting accident'', it would have been less of a problem. But slaughtering him after he was seen as an honored guest? Massive no-no. Even Tywin says that it's friggin stupid in the books and that he didn't expect Walder and Roose to do something like that.
Also, the Greatjon's actor had a falling out with the producers, which is why he's not cast. Apparently the guy has issues, from what I heard he got in a fight and his ear was bit off or somesuch. They could easily have replaced him with another prominent Stark bannermen, however; in the books there's like a dozen, while in the show we only see Bolton and Karstark (who counts for half of Robb's army for some silly reason...).