Zeronet said:
Oh please, the Ghouls are not in space, they are at a space centre. There's nothing ridiculous about it. Ghouls come across Space Centre, maybe it's heavily radiated so others can't get near and become interested in it. Considering the people writing the game IE "Not Bethesda" i suspect it's a bit more than a "LOL GHOULS IN SPACESHIPS' gag.
No, they're not in space.

I hadn't noticed that yet.
So let me rephrase my comment: ghouls trying to becoming a space roaming species? That's so ridiculous you'd think the team that made Fallout 2 was somehow behind this New Vegas contraption. You know, the funny guys who were unable to top the original game and were already sowing the seeds from which later oblivious game developers would reap such brilliant ideas as aliens and space as the final frontier.
Expresate said:
1. They're not in space, from what I can tell they're trying to get to space. Will they succeed? Probably not.
I hope they don't, 'cause otherwise we already know what we'll be seeing in Fallout 4. Yeah, that's right: ghouls in space.
Expresate said:
2. You seem to have skipped over the information in other previews about how they've improved the RPG parts of the game. Improving one FPS part and several RPG parts is pretty damn shitty, right?
Yeah, I totally missed those points, I skipped over them, my mistake.

Or maybe you skipped over the myriad of threads in which I've already explained to death how I do not consider a game in which your twitchy thumb and not your character's expertise determines the outcome of a fight to be a role playing game. Don't get any big ideas: combat will be straight FPS combat with a stupid (and now dumbed down) VATS system that never made any sense anyway.
The vast amount of dialogue doesn't mean a thing (it's numbers), the "improved" facial expressions don't matter, nor does the quality of the voice actors: if the story is crap, it doesn't matter how beautifully told or rendered this crap comes, it'll still be crap.
So far it looks like New Vegas will be a mish mash of recycled Fallout (2) tidbits, a plethora of casino games, FPS combat, recycled Van Buren tidbits (that didn't feel at home in Van Buren to begin with) and no end boss (because that's such an unexpected thing to do nowadays, it's so nouveau, innit?

). Oh, and it'll all be served to you on a silver platter held by some of the old guys who worked on the old games! Nostalgia! It's just like the old days (just close your eyes now and then)!
Incognito said:
So you pull some vague info from a ridiculously poorly written article from a crappy catalog/magazine and complain about it? That's fair and balanced analysis, yup.
Yeah, you're right.

That was the very first time I read anything about Obsidian making the definite step towards FPS combat.

I've never complained about it before and I don't have any good reasons to complain about it at all really.

It's not like FPS combat hasn't been part of roleplaying games since, well, I dunno, the very beginning, right?

I remember doing PnP games just holding a Magnum replica and shooting the other participants, blam blam, you're dead.

Those were the days, the rules were simple and there never was any discussion about whom had won the fight because BLAM BLAM BLAM I just shot you, you're dead, you can't talk no longer.

Sweet memories those PnP days of mine.

Solid rules and solid roleplaying action.
You guys are funny.