The GoBernment
First time out of the vault

Not many franchises that I like were ever picked up by different people.
Not many franchises that I like were ever picked up by different people.
EA is also ignoring the Dune series and that's really fucking shitty because I enjoyed Dune 2000 and Emperor: Battle For Dune a lot back in the day.
The new Doom has only bullet sponge enemies?Har har. ;P
Well, I honestly didn't like the direction the new doom went.
If they wanted to go Brutal Doom, they should have done Brutal fucking Doom.
Instead, we got a semi-brutal doom shooter which overall isn't anywhere near as frantic as the original doom...
And obligatory bullet sponge enemies...I remember when the shotgun 1 hit killed imps and zombies.
The new Doom has only bullet sponge enemies?
Its relative to the old game.
In 1-2, the only bullet sponge was really the Hell Barons, which were disproportionally tough for their damage.
You could kill the Cyberdemon in, say...A minute? Maybe 2 tops?
In Doom 4, enemies are overall about 3 times tougher than the old ones, the shotgun would 1 hit Imps from long range in Doom 1, now it takes repeated shots.
The Spiderdemon is also fucktons tankier in Doom 4, than in Doom 1-2.
Yeah, now I don't feel so bad about having a low end PC incapable of running Doom 4. One thing great about the previous Doom games is that they were fast paced.
Doom 4 is still fast paced, but mostly due to lack of cover, and enemies being fucking annoyingly hard to put down for good.
Doom 4 IMO, is the biggest downgrade when it comes to visuals, ironically.
Yes yes, more polygons and such, but armour/health pickups look like garbage, weapons look like shit, everything is a dull colour of brown (Doom 1 was very very nice and colourful), enemies look as generic as ever, and it has 0 of the charm of the original.
Doom 4 is just Battlefield or CoD, with some more gore, and different visuals.
Halo, that series was apart of my life since I was a toddler. To see it shattered and desecrated by the inhumane basterds at 343 is just depressing and frustrating. It's better that this series would end instead of being milked more.Halo has become a sad shallow parody of itself and I actively hate it. Like someone kidnapped my kid and brainwashed them into being white supremacists.
I say this almost entirely about Halo 5 because Halo 4, I agree, was just....well it wasn't GOOD but it had some actual emotion to it.
The Thief reboot wasn't complete shit.
It was something WORSE than shit. Like a shit that came from a demon honey badger. It fundamentally misunderstood the character, appeal, and more of a game which has the EASIEST FUCKING PREMISE POSSIBLE OF COLLECTING LOOT BECAUSE ITS VALUABLE AND OUR HERO WANTS TO SPEND IT.
Was there a point for such a difference? Armor is armor in most FPS games. The only difference is how much you get and can retain. I feel this point on armor and how it looks are more nitpicks than legitimate complaints. @TorontRayne 's points sound more like actual faults one could find with closer examination than your point on armor.there's no more security armour and combat armour.
Was there a point for such a difference? Armor is armor in most FPS games. The only difference is how much you get and can retain. I feel this point on armor and how it looks are more nitpicks than legitimate complaints. @TorontRayne 's points sound more like actual faults one could find with closer examination than your point on armor.
Doom may be a step above the modern shooter (it's a lot better than CoD/Battlefield but that's not much of an achievement since anything could be better) but only just since it's reusing elements of old shooters. It can be improved on. The multiplayer is pretty dull though (then again, using the people that made nu-Halo's multiplayer would make any multiplayer dull and lifeless). Funny how Bethesda thought that was gonna be the main selling point of Doom 2016 and publicized that aspect instead over anything else.
Its a downgrade from a 90's game, ergo its shit.
If you can't make a 2016 game at least twice as good as a 90's game, you've failed, end of story.
The problem is that Doom 2016 had the 'bright' idea of copying the idea of upgrades from it's cousins. Some of the requirements for the upgrades do feel tedious and gimmicky rather than natural.Armour actually had mechanics in Doom 1, you could get up to 200 of the stuff, etc.
Megarmour was a huge bonus which could last you entire levels, in Doom 4, armour is but a marshmallow coating over you.
But seriously, there's no way modern gaming will ever match or hope to surpass the gold standards set by great games of those times and even those times had their share of awful games, unless you want to claim the worst of 90s games are somehow better games than any modern triple-A game that has matched its faults? By that standard, almost any 2016 game would be considered good.![]()
In fact, most modern games these days would probably match up with the bad games of the 90s, though thanks to the current generation of gamers, they don't get as much critique or negative reception. I blame hype culture for this.