Games You're Looking Forward To

I don't know why, but I am a real sucker for Icewind Dale. I hope the next unrevealed game of Obsidian is IWDIII and it doesn't turn out to be a third person hack'n'slay. :(
Surf Solar said:
.. I hope the next unrevealed game of Obsidian is IWDIII and it doesn't turn out to be a third person hack'n'slay. :(
Exactly. I'm playing the IWD1 right now, such a beautiful game! Unfortunately, the AD&D rules are owned by Atari (I think), so the Obsidian's release sounds highly unlikely to me.


generalissimofurioso said:
- Metal Gear Solid: HD Collection (PS3)

I'd probably mention this if it wasn't for the fact that it will be the third time I'm buying MGS2 and 3. Only reason I'm gonna do that is because of how painful it is to my eyes to play those on my HDTV. Plus, Peace Walker's co-op was kinda fun and I'm more than glad to buy it again so I can play it without the shitty PSP controls.

Another one I just remembered is Hitman: Absolution. Curious about how it's gonna turn out, but kinda need to see more before I can stop being skeptical and actually look forward to it.
Armored Core 5

Yeah i like them mech games :mrgreen:

Sc2 - HotS
HL 2 ep 3
Serious Sam 3

Also i have to say Bioshock infinite trailers have been looking good, even though i never played BS1 or BS2
Ausdoerrt said:
Exactly. I'm playing the IWD1 right now, such a beautiful game!

Yeah, unfortunately IWDII was as unimpressive as IWDI beautiful. Not to mention inferior gameplay-wise.

The encounters/combat (which arguably is what the game is about) were much more challenging and well thought out (Sawyer did a good job there), Character Creation is very good aswell. "Beautifulness" is measured on a subjective manner, I for one find the backgrounds gorgeous again. What's your point?
The encounters/combat (which arguably is what the game is about) were much more challenging and well thought out (Sawyer did a good job there), Character Creation is very good aswell. "Beautifulness" is measured on a subjective manner, I for one find the backgrounds gorgeous again. What's your point?

I'll take the challenging part, though it wasn't always because of the thought put in, but just dealing with the clunky system. Gameplay-wise my biggest issue was that the game was too long for its own good, and dragged a lot. The way the speech skills were implemented wasn't very good either. Certain areas were more annoying than entertaining (forest maze, monastery puzzles). Visuals-wise, IWDII didn't have the great hand-drawn backgrounds, nor the distinct feel for every area as IWDI. Character creation didn't change much at all, though I'm still not sure if the switch to 3e was for better or for worse.

My point is I didn't like IWDII nearly as much as I, and I'm expressing my opinion. Sorry to hear yours is different. :roll:

PS If they made IWD today, it'd probably look sth like Dragon Age (II). Not that I'd mind seeing it. I'd rather prefer it being a more straightforward dungeon-crawl h'n's like IWDI.
Other than Hard Reset...not much. Have a bunch of older games I should get back to and finish.
I guess I'd like to try Mass Effect 3 out too, though I really need to get the second game first. Weird.
Forgot about Rage in my last post. A post apocalyptic game made by id? Gimme

The game made a funny cameo in last nights episode of Breaking Bad. :)

Woopsie, forgot Serious Sam 3: Battle for Earth. Really should of remembered after playing Serious Sam: Second Encounter a few days back.
Love me some Sam, well except the Serious Sam 2, that was just weird.
Ausdoerrt said:
I'll take the challenging part, though it wasn't always because of the thought put in, but just dealing with the clunky system. Gameplay-wise my biggest issue was that the game was too long for its own good, and dragged a lot. The way the speech skills were implemented wasn't very good either. Certain areas were more annoying than entertaining (forest maze, monastery puzzles). Visuals-wise, IWDII didn't have the great hand-drawn backgrounds, nor the distinct feel for every area as IWDI. Character creation didn't change much at all, though I'm still not sure if the switch to 3e was for better or for worse.

Too long? Ok, I'm not through the game and I trust you on this example, but I doubt it beats Baldurs Gate II in terms of "it feels WAY.TOO.LONG". Let's see. ;)

What do you mean "dealing with the clunky system"? The interface was an improvment over the earlier IE games and the combat was the same as ever. What was clunky there exactly?

I don't have a problem with the speech skills, my barbarian has a lot of points in the "Intimidation" skill and my bard has a lot of "Diplomacy" points, I could approach many dialoges in a different style, even could make some optional quests much easier. There are also many checks for the PCs chosen race, some are even crucial to the ending of certain quests. While it still can be improved upon it was a great change from the first IWD, and it feels like there are even more statchecks and such than in the Baldurs Gate games...

As for the puzzles, I like them, the forest maze was rather easy if you just have a character with the wilderness lore skill, the Ice Temple and its Puzzles (or the Battle Chamber!) was much fun. Currently I am at those Monastery Puzzles, the last one is kinda hard, I agree.

I disagree on the "distinct feel" issue, IWD II feels the same like a frozen, icy wasteland, the dungeons are different and so on. I really liked the feel of the Forest Maze (but I am a sucker in general for well developed forest areas in games). I agree that the areas sometimes could use a bit more colour like in IWD I, but as said, I'm travelling through a frozen wasteland, I can live with different shades of white and snow. ;) The backgrounds are painted over as in all the other IE games, it was just a different artist doing that.

Agreed that the character creation (for someone "noob" to D&D like me) was a bit confusing seeing how much stuff has changed from IWDI to II, but the ability to choose new races (I'm playing a drow party) or the feats and such makes it for me.

My point is I didn't like IWDII nearly as much as I, and I'm expressing my opinion. Sorry to hear yours is different. :roll:

Yes, I was maybe a bit too harsh, but some points (like the wonky system you described) I can still not understand. ;) Don't get me wrong, Icewind Dale I is an excellent game, I just don't understand why many people like the II not so much.

PS If they made IWD today, it'd probably look sth like Dragon Age (II). Not that I'd mind seeing it. I'd rather prefer it being a more straightforward dungeon-crawl h'n's like IWDI.

True. Well know that Atari lost the license, maybe Obsidian buys it and they make IWDIII in their Onyx engine?
Oh, I forgot about NHL 12. If anyone's interested, the demo's up. Feels much more polished and faster then NHL 11. Plus the goalie fights are pretty epic.
I second looking forward to RAGE. I love the aesthetic design to it.

Typical PA stuff imho. I do like certain parts of the battle system showcased in the trailer (like the mini-robots), but the rest looks a bit meh. The fake Russian accent/one-liners are corny as hell. I'd say Hard Reset looks more promising overall.

Icewind Dale off-topic response, collapsed ahead:

Surf Solar said:
Too long? Ok, I'm not through the game and I trust you on this example, but I doubt it beats Baldurs Gate II in terms of "it feels WAY.TOO.LONG". Let's see. ;)

Well, I'd say the total length is about the same. The problem is that, compared to BGII, where much of the "length" comes from side-quests, IWD is a whole lot more linear. I never had the endurance to finish the game, but I know the Monastery marks about half-way point. If you haven't felt that the game drags yet, then maybe you won't.

What do you mean "dealing with the clunky system"? The interface was an improvment over the earlier IE games and the combat was the same as ever. What was clunky there exactly?

I have no warm feelings for the combat system of any IE game, really. Pathfinding is awful in all of those, but somehow I remember it being the most frustrating in IWDII. Don't know why.

I don't have a problem with the speech skills, my barbarian has a lot of points in the "Intimidation" skill and my bard has a lot of "Diplomacy" points, I could approach many dialoges in a different style, even could make some optional quests much easier. There are also many checks for the PCs chosen race, some are even crucial to the ending of certain quests. While it still can be improved upon it was a great change from the first IWD, and it feels like there are even more statchecks and such than in the Baldurs Gate games...

It feels tacked-on, that's what. Doesn't seem like it's adding anything much valuable to the game. It's subpar compared to every story-centered RPG game, and imo it would've been better for it to just be honest like IWDI and throw all that out of the window.

As for the puzzles, I like them, the forest maze was rather easy if you just have a character with the wilderness lore skill, the Ice Temple and its Puzzles (or the Battle Chamber!) was much fun. Currently I am at those Monastery Puzzles, the last one is kinda hard, I agree.

IF. What if you don't? What if you're new to the game and you didn't read a walkthrough ahead of time? Wilderness lore characters are hardly a key component in any other traditional DnD RPG. And even with a tracker, it was annoying enough. Monastery puzzles started fine, but get progressively more obscure and difficult, and there's too damn many in a short period of time. And sending you in there naked was extremely annoying as well. Ice temple was the only one I sort of liked. Though still, none of the IWDII puzzles I've seen compare favorably to the awesomeness of Trials of Luremaster.

I disagree on the "distinct feel" issue, IWD II feels the same like a frozen, icy wasteland, the dungeons are different and so on. I really liked the feel of the Forest Maze (but I am a sucker in general for well developed forest areas in games). I agree that the areas sometimes could use a bit more colour like in IWD I, but as said, I'm travelling through a frozen wasteland, I can live with different shades of white and snow. ;) The backgrounds are painted over as in all the other IE games, it was just a different artist doing that.

I'd say there was too much icy wasteland and cavey dungeons in the first half of the game. There's more variety later on, but it's easy to lose interest by then. And I don't know, the backgrounds just don't look as impressive to me.

Agreed that the character creation (for someone "noob" to D&D like me) was a bit confusing seeing how much stuff has changed from IWDI to II, but the ability to choose new races (I'm playing a drow party) or the feats and such makes it for me.

The added variety is always good, I just think it wasn't the best 3.0e implementation I've seen. I liked how it worked in NWN1 much better (battle system aside).

Don't get me wrong, Icewind Dale I is an excellent game, I just don't understand why many people like the II not so much.

For people tracking it on release, I think overly high expectations may've been one problem. There was little improved over IWDI, and changes that WERE made weren't necessarily for the best. Plus the game started to look dated by the time it got released. Me personally, I don't have a specific reason, I just know that if I try to marathon the two back-to-back, I lose interest early into IWDII because it doesn't feel as great as I.[/spoiler:63036f86a8]
I'm cautiously looking forward to the Jagged Alliance 2 remake, which is (now) scheduled for Q1 2012.

Cautiously, because though I loved Jagged Alliance 2 to death, and a graphics update would be a good reason to play JA2 again, Strategy First in its infinite wisdom seems to have decided that the turn-based action of JA2 wasn't a good thing. DESPITE IT BEING THE GODDAMN POINT OF THE GAME! It's a turn-based tactical game! Why change it? Why make a remake of the game and then changing exactly that part that made the game uniqe?
It's like the X-com story all over again. Or the Fallout story.

All the game series I love tend to get raped in exactly the same way... Maybe I'm masochistic or something.

Also looking forward to Crusader Kings II