Gamespot UK plays Fallout 3 (again)


Vault Consort
Staff member
Another European hands-on, this time Gamespot in London. But they were at E3 as well, so this is their second time through! They didn't get to start from their old save point, but they did manage to steal an extra half hour of playing time.<blockquote>As we entered the first town that we could find, we came across a small boy named Bryan Wilks who was trying to find his father. Fallout 3 uses a dialogue system that's based around morality, so you can choose to be sympathetic or dismissive when you come across individuals. We're not usually that friendly toward strangers, but in the interest of seeing some of the side missions, we decided to play nice with the kid and help him find the father. As he went and took refuge in a nearby diner, we pushed on through the town to have a look around.

The town was overrun with fire ants: huge, mutated insects that spewed fire at us if we got too close. The sound that these creatures made--a sticky but squeaky noise that sounded like plastic rubbing together--echoed through our headphones for most of our playtime, and they were tough enemies to kill.


It's worth noting just how adult this game is; even the young boy repeated the "F" word without batting an eyelid. He called the enemies in question the "f***in' ants," something that we've not really ever heard said by a minor in a video game before. Thankfully, the voice acting in Fallout 3 is pretty good, at least with the few characters that we came across.

After searching around, we came across the boy's father, who was unfortunately lying dead on the floor of his house after being attacked by the ants that his son had been so recently been expressing his disapproval of. Sad as it was, the world of Fallout is harshly low on resources, so we had to scavenge what we could from the body and the rest of the house. Although it was obviously of little help to him, he'd stashed plenty of ammunition and a Chinese assault rifle, which was a much better weapon for taking out the remaining fire ants than our standard sidearm. Stocked up, we returned to meet the boy and give him the bad news. We had three responses to choose from: "Bryan, I'm sorry, but your father is dead," "Your father's dead," or "Sorry kid. Your old man is ant food." We decided to switch from good cop to bad cop and go for the last option, which was met with a response of, "You're an a**hole."</blockquote>Maybe you're the a**hole, Bryan Wilks, did you ever think about that? More previews will be coming after Leipzig if not sooner, and we can't wait to round them up by the dozens.
We had three responses to choose from: "Bryan, I'm sorry, but your father is dead," "Your father's dead," or "Sorry kid. Your old man is ant food."

Wow, man.. so many options. And such long lines of text. I'm puzzled.

We decided to switch from good cop to bad cop and go for the last option, which was met with a response of, "You're an a**hole."

A rather normal reaction from a kid who just finds out he lost his father.

So, there you have it, imbecilic writing is still at large in Bethesda's house.

And let's not forget:

It's worth noting just how adult this game is; even the young boy repeated the "F" word without batting an eyelid.


Edit: Lots of people looking for their father in this game, eh? And coupled with Emil's "who woudnt wantz liam nison as there father?!!1" kinda paints a sad picture for Bethesda. You'd believe they're all orphans. :(
Per said:
More previews will be coming after Leipzig if not sooner, and we can't wait to round them up by the dozens.

Ah yez, und shoot zem und throw zem in ze ditches, Herr Per...
Why didn't they shoot the brat after his little verbal assault? And I would've liked an option were you tell the kids his fathers in the house and he runs all excited there only to be crushed! That's evil, spewing crap that's trying to sound clever isn't.

And fire ants? Seems they're taking the comic book approach to radiation :( Superpowers for everyone!
A couple of related Emil posts from the BGSF:

Any crippling or disabling of body parts (like the antennae to frenzy the ants) can be done in real-time as well as V.A.T.S. So if a guy's charging me in real time and I shoot at his leg, I could cripple him to slow him down. I could shoot an ant's antennae to frenzy him, shoot a Super Mutant's arm in the hope that he drops his weapon, etc.

I've found V.A.T.S. to be better for this stuff simply because the paused screen makes things much less hectic. But you can absolutely do it in real-time as well.

I've got to admit, I find it pretty funny when people hear some stuff and freak out, assuming we've someone injected Oblivion-esque magic into Fallout 3. We do some interesting things with technology, sure -- Rock-It Launcher, Mesmetron (whatever that may be...), Shiskebab -- but it's all pretty well grounded in science/science fiction and, more importantly, the Fallout universe.
That kid sounds really mature, I wonder if the Virtuous Hooker of Megaton would do him despite his young age.

FeelTheRads said:
Wow, man.. so many options. And such long lines of text. I'm puzzled."

Yeah, I find that snippet even more telling of the dialogues in Fallout 3 than the apparently gargantuan amounts of "fuck" being thrown around. You have quite clearly the good answer, the neutral answer and the evil answer with, I assume, their respective impact on karma. At least the "ant food" line is amusing.

Emil Pagliarulo said:
I've got to admit, I find it pretty funny when people hear some stuff and freak out, assuming we've someone injected Oblivion-esque magic into Fallout 3. *snip* ...but it's all pretty well grounded in science/science fiction and, more importantly, the Fallout universe.

Oh really, Emil? What about the Glowing Ones and their newfound radiation abilities, how does that fit the setting?
Seymour the spore plant said:
You have quite clearly the good answer, the neutral answer and the evil answer with, I assume, their respective impact on karma. At least the "ant food" line is amusing.

Yeah, having "slightly gruff" be shorthand for "evil assholery" is widespread and tiresome in RPGs.
i hope fire radscorpions and fire deathclaws are in too!
also ... fuck, i feel so adult ...
I actually liked the dialogue options there, reminded me of some parts of Fallout. Though I do agree with Blazerfrost, there should be a 'lie' option. "I saved him, but he couldn't live with the thought of his son being a worthless weakling."
Well first off I will remind everyone of Fire Geckos.

And second I don't see anything particularly wrong with those three options. Not every snippet of writing can or SHOULD be a huge soliloquy. Fallout one had plenty of dialogue choices like

:Yeah, whatever.
:No problem.

Which were simple and functionally identical but just gave you a little bit more flavor to your characters.
Per said:
Another European hands-on, this time Gamespot in London. But they were at E3 as well, so this is their second time through!

Not really. Gamespot and Gamespot UK are separate entities with a separate staff. Tom McShea previewed for GameSpot, this is Guy Cocker.
The town was overrun with fire ants: huge, mutated insects that spewed fire at us if we got too close.
Fire spewing fire ants? Oh, I get it! Good stuff. Very subtle.

It's worth noting just how adult this game is; even the young boy [...]] called the enemies in question the "f***in' ants"

Oh, wait, please pardon my apparent immaturity. What I meant was

Fucking bravo! :clap:
Brother None said:
Not really. Gamespot and Gamespot UK are separate entities with a separate staff. Tom McShea previewed for GameSpot, this is Guy Cocker.

If so it's a bit confusing at the start how he uses "we" to span both Gamespots. Points for taking the other hands-on into account, though.

Ranne said:

Oh, wait, please pardon my apparent immaturity. What I meant was

Fucking bravo! :clap:

This isn't very useful.
I'm simply irritated that there are adult people out there who see the use of the so-called "F-word" as a sign of maturity and who think that making fire ants breathe fire is a humorous and/or witty thing to do. What can be useful about it? You tell me. I just posted my initial reaction to the news. :|
Of course, that would make more sense. Not that it's any excuse at my current English proficiency level, but in my native language, the word "adult" has a bit more specific meaning that refers to mental and physical development and I guess I unconsciously perceived it in this sense without noticing the context... My mistake. :oops:
IMO, those dialog options work just well. Fallouts had lot of em like that. And yes, they had some characters, whose every second line was fuck or something as intelligent. Maybe the kid was just one of that kind of characters. Maybeee...

And about the reaction of the kid: 1. It's possible that kid said more, but writer of preview didn't mention it. 2. At least Fallout 2 had some people, who said something similar like that when you told them something crucial. For example, if you insulted someone, often their feedback was something like: "You wanna get your ass kicked that bad, fucker!?"

Being critical is one thing, being overly critical is another.

My English ain't that good + I'm very tired, so there can be lot o' stupid mistakes.
FeelTheRads said:
We decided to switch from good cop to bad cop and go for the last option, which was met with a response of, "You're an a**hole."

A rather normal reaction from a kid who just finds out he lost his father.
Well remember it's an African American kid :wink:
FeelTheRads said:
Wow, man.. so many options. And such long lines of text. I'm puzzled."

Yeah, I find that snippet even more telling of the dialogues in Fallout 3 than the apparently gargantuan amounts of "fuck" being thrown around. You have quite clearly the good answer, the neutral answer and the evil answer with, I assume, their respective impact on karma. At least the "ant food" line is amusing.
l saw one of those video interviews where Todd Howard(or at least I think it was him, maybe one of the other guys? would say it's the one that sounds like a douche but oh wait...) made it a point to say that talking like a jackass wouldn't affect your karma. Basically saying you can be a GOOD asshole as long as when you are making actual decisions you make the good ones. Basically, what you say != karma what you decide = karma. Then again that is just what HE says about the game and I don't really have much trust towards them.
K.C. Cool said:
I actually liked the dialogue options there, reminded me of some parts of Fallout. Though I do agree with Blazerfrost, there should be a 'lie' option. "I saved him, but he couldn't live with the thought of his son being a worthless weakling."
I'll do you one better, "Your dad killed himself because of your foul language young man!"