Jesuit said:
You really need a specific example of a fire breathing insect to suggest that such a thing is well within the realm of 50's monster movies?
Where did I say I did?
Jesuit said:
It calls your authority on the matter into question, it should also serve as a cue to you that you're making a fool of yourself.
Owtch. The irony here is like peanut butter on a thin spread.
Jesuit said:
You're going to have to explain to me how that cues into how Americans talk about their own history.
How could that possible not be a part of my learning?
I think you misunderstand, I was merely pointing out it is unlikely that I have such levels of ignorance as you claim I do and to falsify your claim that I am an automatic laughing stock of American historians. It was not my intention to claim I'm an expert on American cultural science. But the thing is, your authority as such an expert is also irrelevant, since here we're on the internet, and I have no way of knowing or caring about what you studied (I do not believe you, let that be clear - for a university-educated person not to understand that
discourse means discursive formation (more Habermas than Foucault, if you're wondering) and not colloquia is not something I'm buying). If you are an expert, you should be able to construct a proper argument, not simply go "I know this better than you, so I am right".
This is NMA. If you wish to make a point, you will need to bring
strong arguments, not adhominems or appeals to authority.
Jesuit said:
Or you could take it as a warning to not make that argument when talking to Americans about Americans because it will, in fact, make you seem ridiculous to them.
Oh wow. Do you not see how "I am an American so I must know better than you" does not actually work as a replacement for actual arguments?
Ok, let me shift my repeating into an actual warning: drop this nonsense and return to actual arguments, or this thread will be split and a strike will be given for, shall we say, bad behaviour. You need to learn that hopping on one foot and shouting "you look ridiculous" is no way to conduct an argument. Not by our book.
Jesuit said:
I don't care how you define Fallout's flavor for your own personal needs.
"That's just your opinion" is not an argument here, either.
Jesuit said:
It is a Wikipedia article. It is not an authority.
Jesuit said:
I'm sorry, we are talking about 50s pop culture aren't we? Please explain to me what the hell you think it's doing there if it isn't a deliberate throwback to the 50's.
In my last-ditch attempt to rally this to the flag, I will now attempt to drag this thread by its hairs out of the idiocy it has been demeaned to.
We are discussing retro-50s specifically as it refers to Fallout lore. Now, the Fallout world is constructed to give a world of the future as American 50s pop culture represents it. Leonard Boyarsky states that the artists "set out to make a future science that looked like what the Golden Era of science fiction thought that future science would look like." Tim Cain noted it is "based on the horrors that 1950's science had predicted for a future apocalyptic world." Neither definition allows for the inclusion of foreign pop culture, kaiju eiga or otherwise.
Now, the primary point this revolved around is that fire ants breathing fire is stretching the limits of said setting a bit. You can bob to and fro on the point, I suppose, but one thing you can not do is prove its validity by referring to kaiju eiga films - for reasons cited above.
Two arguments are peripheral to this. One is the reference to an easter egg in the original game. This is easily refuted, as easter eggs in both games referred to materials regardless of their origin - Blade Runner, Wargames, are those 50s pulp? Clearly, the function of easter eggs was not to represent a consistent part of Fallout's approach to 50s pulp, and as such they are void to any argument.
The other is the game mechanical one. As I mentioned, I find Bethesda's approach to science fiction design slightly farcical. They appear to be having some trouble letting go of fantasy/Oblivion design, not the least shown in their tendency towards dungeons, but also in this monster design. There is a reason people keep referring to fire-breathing monsters or radiation-blowing ghouls as "magic", it is because in the core mechanics they come very close to the way magical monsters are treated in fantasy cRPGs. I find the similarity disturbing, but am not drawing conclusions based on it as of yet.
Now, your
arguments, please. Think well. Any attempt to discount my arguments by ad hominem (in its technical meaning: making reference to my personal knowledge or understanding rather than my actual arguments) or by appeals to authority (least of all your own authority or that of Wikipedia), shall be dealt with forthwith!