Jesuit said:
It is generally assumed that such a statement assumes the inclusion of foreign influences of significant impact.
"Generally assumed"?
Anyway, no it isn't. "Golden Era sci-fi" is purely American, an the views of 50's science on the post-apocalyptic obviously precludes pop culture of any kind.
Jesuit said:
Them! established the concept of a radiated giant insect-monster.
Yes. That is why nobody has any issues with giant bugs in Fallout (idiots notwithstanding).
Jesuit said:
They play heavily on the themes of 50's pulp. Technology run amok, cold war fear, etc.
Excellent. Yet you will agree they aren't, actually, thematically connected to 50's pulp in the same way that drawing from Golden Era sci fi or using certain architectural styles are, no? Indeed, Fallout does connect its easter eggs more fittingly with the lore than Fallout 2 did, but are you actually claiming Dr. Who should be seen as part of Fallout's thematic? If not, why would Godzilla?
Jesuit said:
You can't really cite people's impressions as proof that these things are in fact magical.
I didn't cite their impressions as proof, I stated the game mechanics are eerily similar in my impression - an impression I noted is not definitive. How does what you said apply to that point? All I am saying is that in terms of game mechanics we are talking functionally identical to magic, which is kind of silly.
Jesuit said:
Your bullshit debate limiting mind games:
Have a strike. I am trying to teach you to follow our rules. If you really wish not to, that is your choice.
Jesuit said:
You're either being extremely unclear or deliberately disingenuous at this point, I don't really care which as my appreciation of your opinion on this matter is too far gone.
No, you misread my statement, and now you're trying to insult me. How is that any way to behave?
Jesuit said:
I'm not an expert, and never claimed to be an "expert". If you don't want people to bring your authority up to question then don't try to use it as a means for making an argument. Yes, I know you're gonna say you didn't, but you did.
How did I do that, then? You started attacking me personally, stating I would be the laughing-stock of all American historians. I simply falsified this statement, nothing more, nothing less.
Jesuit said:
There. isn't. a. single. American. in. academia. that. would. take. that. argument. seriously.
And yet I have met American academia who do. Thus your statement is falsified. Again.
Jesuit said:
When you make an argument and someone calls it ridiculous you either re-explain it or make another argument.
What? You honestly think you calling something ridiculous obliges me to explain myself again? Why? So you can call it ridiculous again.
Jesuit said:
you're actually trying to tell me how I and those around me remember American history and culture.
No I'm not. I suspect you do not know the meaning of the term
discourse in the sense that I meant it, which is neither how you commonly remember it nor how you commonly talk about it.
Jesuit said:
It is a one way street around here isn't it? Reputation: deserved.
You are obviously here with a belligerent attitude, setting out to insult people. When people insult in kind, you then claim our reputation is deserved?
Very typical, it happens like that a lot. People come here, break our rules, insult our regulars, and when they're swatted down for it they cry injustice.
A serious question: do you honestly not see how your arguments keep coming down to ad hominems and other false dismissals? If you are truly academically schooled, why are you behaving like this? If we are truly so wrong, what need have you to be so abusive?
Anani Masu said:
Ok, so some ants can already spray their acid when threatened. Them! demonstrated that radiation can cause ants to grow to the size of SUVs without losing their proportional strength. Please explain why a mutation that causes their acid to ignite on contact with the air is more magical than
a guy who can cause things to burst into flames with the power of his will. This seems to me to be driven more by a desire to criticize Bethesda than by genuine lore concerns.
The psykers are a very sensitive point of contention. I've talked about it with developers at times and it seems to me the consensus was that the psykers represented a lore possibility for Fallout, a possibility for a future Fallout game to focus heavily on that part of pulp lore (because psykers are very much a part of Golden Era sci fi).
So yes, in that sense you're right, if we combine giant ants from Fallout 2 with psykers from Fallout 1 then we can justify fire ants. In the basics, this argument is correct, and I can not refute it whole. I could point to the fact that combining two parts of lore to make a third doesn't always work, I could point out that psykers are a unique rarity and not a prominent part of lore, I could point out that psykers are prominent in pulp lore while fire-breathing insects are not. With those arguments, you could see possible issues with fire-breathing ants, or not, but you make a good argument, and I have none to counter it of equal strength, so we inch dangerously close to "it's just your opinion, man" territory.