Gamespy on Fallout fans

generalissimofurioso said:
I know I've been banned from the GameFAQs/Gamespot boards a grand total of 25 times...

Mostly for being really blunt when it came to certain things (Pointing out blatant racism, destroying Libertarians, etc.)

Though I also got banned for quoting the Simpsons once...
("Aso! Aso! Me Rikey The Flied Lice!" in response to stereotypical "Asians can't speak right thread")

GameFAQs modding makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. I've been modded for pointing out people blatantly breaking their own forums rules, while the guy who did it got nothing.

Apparently who and what gets modded depends on what side of the argument the mod in question is. Oh, and don't try to be funny, any amount of humor is always subject to moderation it seems.
freshmeat said:
You just hung up on him? You have far more patience than I do. I actually slapped my girlfriend(hard) when she asked me "what's the big deal about Fallout". Needless to say, she is no longer my girlfriend. I'm sorry, but she should have known better by now.

lol, i love Fallout too, but i doubt i would put that love in front of getting some. Hitting girls suck, btw. I once called my cousin a "whore" coz she stole a pack of cigs from me and then broke all remaining cigs into little pieces. I burned her favourite doll in revenge. :> Violence isn't the answer!

Sorrow said:
I think that it's not about the game being a piece of shit or not being piece of shit, but about game being Fallout or FINO.

Aye, what i meant, badly chosen words. ;[
Madbringer said:
lol, i love Fallout too, but i doubt i would put that love in front of getting some. Hitting girls suck, btw. I once called my cousin a "whore" coz she stole a pack of cigs from me and then broke all remaining cigs into little pieces. I burned her favourite doll in revenge. :> Violence isn't the answer!

I'm not an advocate of violece, but sometimes women need some sense smacked into them. All those hormones get in the way of the brain.
freshmeat said:
I'm not an advocate of violece, but sometimes women need some sense smacked into them. All those hormones get in the way of the brain.

Funny you say that, 'cause I can say the same about certain men too. Not the hormones part though... in this case there's no brain for the hormones to get in the way of.
freshmeat said:
You just hung up on him? You have far more patience than I do. I actually slapped my girlfriend(hard) when she asked me "what's the big deal about Fallout". Needless to say, she is no longer my girlfriend. I'm sorry, but she should have known better by now.
A true patriot :salute: .
freshmeat said:
You just hung up on him? You have far more patience than I do. I actually slapped my girlfriend(hard) when she asked me "what's the big deal about Fallout". Needless to say, she is no longer my girlfriend. I'm sorry, but she should have known better by now.

Honestly if she can't see the beauty of the series and understand why the developers must stay committed to its roots, I doubt she'd have stayed committed to you anyway. You made the right choice, I say!

Myself, I'm more or less not on speaking terms with my friends who are planning to buy this game on release day. They'll see when they play the game and see just how shitty it is though.
The biggest problem here is that...

I don't want to contract a disease and die.

Does anyone share these feelings? :clap:
Turtlelove said:
The biggest problem here is that...

I don't want to contract a disease and die.

Does anyone share these feelings? :clap:

The only deaths I've ever wished upon anyone were swift and brutal... So if anyone ever wanted to kill me, they know what I expect.
freshmeat said:
You just hung up on him? You have far more patience than I do. I actually slapped my girlfriend(hard) when she asked me "what's the big deal about Fallout". Needless to say, she is no longer my girlfriend. I'm sorry, but she should have known better by now.

While I appreciate your fervor for Fallout.. that's just wrong. Not everybody is obligated to care about Fallout.
Domestic violence is not a joking matter. The more people make psychotic comments, the more ammunition is provided for whiners who want to defame the community.
Agreed. We don't want that kind of thing here.

Freshmeat - This is a your first strike. No more of this subject.

I would suggest everyone drop the domestic violence comments and return to the topic.
quietfanatic said:
The more people make psychotic comments, the more ammunition is provided for whiners who want to defame the community.

Actually it can be assumed that a few of the people who register only to post over-the-top bursts of rage against Bethesda or the world in general are "reverse trolls" from Quarter to Three or similar places, either trying to fuel the perception of our forum as a skum pitt or just for the heck of it.
Pope Viper said:
Freshmeat - This is a your first strike. No more of this subject.

I honestly don't see what the big deal is, but your word is law, and I abide.

Let's regroup and focus on the real bad guys here, Bethesda.
freshmeat said:
Let's regroup and focus on the real bad guys here, Bethesda.

Wrong. The 'bad guys' are trolls that either join the boards to make a mess, or the ones Per described.

Keep in mind we're not a Bethesda hate site, mkay?
Wooz said:
Wrong. The 'bad guys' are trolls that either join the boards to make a mess, or the ones Per described.

Keep in mind we're not a Bethesda hate site, mkay?

Agreed. Was purely in jest.
Let's all agree that the real bad guy is George W. Bush, who's really a lesbian from the planet Klingon.
Now where's me tin foil hat.
Vault 69er said:
Let's all agree that the real bad guy is George W. Bush, who's really a lesbian from the planet Klingon.
Now where's me tin foil hat.

I know for a fact that he doesn't speak klingon. I've tried.

I suspect Romulan.