Gamespy on Fallout fans

freshmeat said:
Vault 69er said:
Let's all agree that the real bad guy is George W. Bush, who's really a lesbian from the planet Klingon.
Now where's me tin foil hat.

I know for a fact that he doesn't speak klingon. I've tried.

I suspect Romulan.

Romulan doesnt make sense, Romulans are logical, rather I think hes just a genetic clone of Bush Senior, who gets to be president again through his younger clone, like what Saddam Husien wanted to do but for him it actually worked.

And the real badguys are Bethseda and Microsoft who only buy RPG licenses(Shadowrun,Fallout) so no one else will 'god forbid' develope a title that actually does it justice.

Instead of RPG we get some sort of FPS. (Fallout: Escape from city 101 and Shadowrun Tournament)
A Boy and his Dog said:
Romulan doesnt make sense, Romulans are logical, rather I think hes just a genetic clone of Bush Senior, who gets to be president again through his younger clone, like what Saddam Husien wanted to do but for him it actually worked

Only Vulcans adhere to strict logic, an ideal which Romulans rejected. They are much more duplitous and devious with their actions, and are known for being deceitful. A klingon doesn't make much sense either because he'd be bashing skulls left and right. Then again he may be Ferengi, always looking for top dollar.

Back on topic, Alan "Delsyn" Rausch is probably just your average typical human schlock.
Anyway dudes and dudettes, I think you're totally harshing on the playas' at Beth. Oblivion was awesome I like totally shot a guy in the head and he was running around with it stuck in his head and was all like LOOOL cos' I was totally high.
Anyway I'm gonna go smoke pot at friends place, her mom is hot.
Checks ya later peeps.
:crazy: :crazy: :twisted: :crazy: :twisted: :crazy: :twisted:
Nekropuke said:
Anyway dudes and dudettes, I think you're totally harshing on the playas' at Beth. Oblivion was awesome I like totally shot a guy in the head and he was running around with it stuck in his head and was all like LOOOL cos' I was totally high.
Anyway I'm gonna go smoke pot at friends place, her mom is hot.
Checks ya later {I said "peeps". Beat me like a baby seal, please.}.
:crazy: :crazy: :twisted: :crazy: :twisted: :crazy: :twisted:

He's totally being sarcastic.

He's just pretending to be a bad stereotypical Oblivion fan.