GamesRadar - The Infinite Potential of Fallout 3

So basically they will say to you that someone murdered the sheriff but will forget that you happened to have a part in that.

Oh, geez.

"Have you heard? Someone murdered the Sheriff!"

"Horrible business."
Why has no one who told the sheriff about burke used VATS to save him when burke draws his weapon?

Also the radio's are not the only music in the game. Check the megamart video for confirmation.
If the Sheriff going to face off the bad guy alone is in character for the Sheriff, cool. You're right, it demonstrates unpredictability and NPC independence.

But if it's just something completely random - well, then it grates a little. If it's a WTF moment, for instance... you'd have thought the Sheriff would have got some backup or something before drawing a gun on the guy. Though as I say, if the Sheriff is a bit of a hothead anyway... fine. Keeps things interesting (although I'm sure 99% of people will reload the game rather than letting this particular consequence ride, as dead sheriff probably = fewer quests, no player house, etc. Of course, if it meant I could become the Sheriff myself... cool!).
Humpsalot said:
Why has no one who told the sheriff about burke used VATS to save him when burke draws his weapon?

Few previewers have tried this option out, most of them take the destroy Megaton option.

Mr. Teatime said:
although I'm sure 99% of people will reload the game rather than letting this particular consequence ride.

Not really, things could get interesting. I think people will try and play it out differently with different chars.
fedaykin said:
But guy, just don't understand! YOU JUST. DON'T. UNDERSTAND!

I'm not your guy, BUDDY!

But seriously. I've played Oblivion, I think I know how big they say they think the world will feel. If Oblivion's world size is any gauge for FINO3, then it's not going to be very large at all.

Additionally, I recall reading mention on this site of how the devs for FINO3 wanted to get rid of the pop culture references that purportedly ruined the feel of FO2 in their eyes. So what the hell is Megaton? Really. This Church of the Atom crap seems awfully reminiscent of the cultists that Chuck Heston stumbles upon in the original "Planet of the Apes." In that movie, I believe they were also worshiping a still-functional ICBM/warhead. I don't know if this is just a bad case of synchronicity, hypocrisy, or both. Just doesn't feel right to me.

As to the rest of the article- I can't speak for anyone but myself, but... assuming I actually wanted to pick this game up- would it have hurt them to leave out all the damned spoilers?

Humpsalot said:
Why has no one who told the sheriff about burke used VATS to save him when burke draws his weapon?
in oblivion, preventing scripted deaths always broke the script and/or quest and I doubt fallout will be any better
Iozeph said:

As to the rest of the article- I can't speak for anyone but myself, but... assuming I actually wanted to pick this game up- would it have hurt them to leave out all the damned spoilers?

If you don't want spoilers, you can't read much about games that haven't come out.
FINO3 = Fallout In Name Only 3

It was inspired by GINO = Galactica In Name Only as some of the old time Battlestar Galactica fans call the new series.
The Dutch Ghost said:
FINO3 = Fallout In Name Only 3

It was inspired by GINO = Galactica In Name Only as some of the old time Battlestar Galactica fans call the new series.
They are wrong about Galactica. Just as you are about Fallout 3.
mandrake776 said:
They are wrong about Galactica. Just as you are about Fallout 3.

What are you talking about?
I only gave an explanation what FINO3 meant, where did I state my opinion on Fallout 3 or Battlestar Galactica?
Wasteland Stories said:
No. Old Battlestar Galagtica was boring, new Battlestar Galactica boring too. All of us just need second season of Firefly.
Blasphemy. Go look at the Adama Maneuver and tell me that's boring.
The Dutch Ghost said:
So basically they will say to you that someone murdered the sheriff but will forget that you happened to have a part in that.

Most likely. Although murdering the sheriff is so predictable that they probably put that in the exceptions table. Then again, there have been previews that mention that you can take over the job.
oihrebwe said:
Humpsalot said:
Why has no one who told the sheriff about burke used VATS to save him when burke draws his weapon?
in oblivion, preventing scripted deaths always broke the script and/or quest and I doubt fallout will be any better

I'm wondering if it is so broken that if you fire before burke does if the town attacks you.
The Dutch Ghost said:
mandrake776 said:
They are wrong about Galactica. Just as you are about Fallout 3.

What are you talking about?
I only gave an explanation what FINO3 meant, where did I state my opinion on Fallout 3 or Battlestar Galactica?
Sorry, I meant to say he instead of you. I didn't say anything about you with regards to Galactica though.
Multidirectional said:
AskWazzup said:
After reading this article, i felt like i was reading a newspaper from the USSR days.

Let me agree here, us being from the same country and all.. The funny thing is that gaming journalism propaganda probably works a lot better than shit we had in USSR times. I mean, at least most people knew it was all bullshit, even if they kept silent about it.
But when you look at comment sections of these reviews, boy do they make gamers horny.. I actually read one comment near some of these reviews where reader called Bethesda "Kings of RPG". How much worse can it get ?

Well, the journalists could get a red star pinned to their shirt, with the big round vault door in the middle, and letters running in circle around it "YOUNG OCTOBERIST".

After all, Fallout3 is supposed to release in October.
Morbus said:
You don't understand just how big the game feels, just how open the game seems and just how much freedom the game appears to offer.

These amps go to 11
mandrake776 said:
They are wrong about Galactica. Just as you are about Fallout 3.

I don't care about BSG's latest incarnation. When it comes to fallout 3 being FINO, well...

/::switching to dead horse beating mode::

It's not a true Fallout game in my eyes. Sure, Bethsoft bought the franchise, but doing that and slapping a logo on their box doesn't make it a true spiritual successor.

I played the first two fallout games, as well as tactics, to death. I also played most of the elder scrolls series from start to finish modded and unmodded (sans battle spire). I still have Oblivion on my hd; my one concession to oblivion being that I haven't seen a better archery model yet in a game of this type(if they added wind effects and removed the explosive blow back on kills, it'd be perfect).

But even so, every iteration of the elder scrolls since Arena has become increasingly dumbed down(consolised), restrictive, as well as smaller in regards to the land you can traverse/explore.

Everything I have seen that has been released so far has shown me that they have made a Fallout- Oblivion total conversion with a few extra bits tacked on. Cosmetically, in some areas, yes- they may have reproduced the look. Though much of that still looks like Fallout through the horrible Oblivion looking glass. The feel just isn't there. FINO3 is shaping up to be a FPS style pantomime of what BS *thinks* Fallout is, and that pantomime risks veering into parody as we see weapons like the rock-it launcher and the Fatman catapult.

The lack of a software developer kit is a big strike against them, because neither Morrowind or Oblivion were very enjoyable to me until after they were heavily modded. The kit came with Morrowind and Oblivion for free and at launch. Now, with the exception of adding normal mapping and a physics engine in Oblivion, FINO3 will still basically be running on the same engine as the previous two elder scrolls titles.

There's no reason not to have that kit unless they are holding it back in the hopes that desperate impulse buyers will snap up their craptastic DLC in lieu of nothing else.

But even after all that, I'll say that games like the elder scrolls have their place and can be enjoyed for what they are and that's fine. It doesn't mean that games like Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 can't coexist beside them( and they did!).

But the trend of taking just about any older title/series and converting it to a FPS is lazy to me.

Bethsoft, and a sizable chunk of the gaming media(who don't know their asses from their elbows) have talked down turn-based games and dismissed the format as out of date because it's become fashionable to do so.

BUT "If you build it they will come." Yeah, yeah... corny quote from a sappy movie, but it's true. Beth could have done something different for a change and continued to make their signature franchise(Elder Scrolls) in first person while branching out and making Fallout3 true to its top down roots, thus introducing a new generation of gamers to the fun of turn-based games. That's how new trends are set and and that's how old trends often become new again.

In the end, however, laziness won out. They wanted to run with an already outdated engine instead of building a top down engine that could be used for a slew of other titles as well as fallout.

I'm sure FINO3 is going to sell( it's been hyped long enough), but with a glut of FPS titles on the market(that in many cases do FPS BETTER), and a lack of modability(until we see otherwise), FINO3 will end up just as throw-away as their other FPS titles- if not more so.

If you like that, that's awesome. More power to you, but it doesn't make Bethesda's latest game a true Fallout sequel.
Cimmerian Nights said:
Morbus said:
You don't understand just how big the game feels, just how open the game seems and just how much freedom the game appears to offer.

These amps go to 11

That's because Bethesda saw them coming.


BUT "If you build it they will come." Yeah, yeah... corny quote from a sappy movie, but it's true. Beth could have done something different for a change and continued to make their signature franchise(Elder Scrolls) in first person while branching out and making Fallout3 true to its top down roots, thus introducing a new generation of gamers to the fun of turn-based games. That's how new trends are set and and that's how old trends often become new again.

In the end, however, laziness won out. They wanted to run with an already outdated engine instead of building a top down engine that could be used for a slew of other titles as well as fallout.

I've got my opinion on what is and what is not a fallout sequel, there are things I like, and others I don't like. But, addressing these 2 points:

At #1: Beth don't do TB games, it's not their area of specialty (yes this is subjective etc etc, but you know what I mean), they've always made RT TPP games. Doing a TB game would be totally new to them, they'd be 'newbies' creating a TB game. They would have gotten slack from the older fans for not having a good TB system, and from newer fans for it being a TB system. In the end, money is their aim, like any other company.

That said, gameplay made fallout for me, so it not being TB and ISO meant it's not that much of a fallout to me, and not because I prefer TB/ISO, not at all (in fact I don't). But if a game series started out TB/ISO or RT/TPP, it should continue that way. I would hate an ISO TES game.

At point #2: Laziness? No. I very much doubt a company would chose to be lazy, they'd chose to be more profitable yes, but not lazy. I don't know what you mean by "topdown engine", but if you mean ISO, I already wrote about that. I don't see the Gamebryo (I think that's the name. I may be wrong) engine to be outdated, and it's their game engine, they'll know everything about it, which is a + for them.