GamesRadar - The Infinite Potential of Fallout 3

But if a game series started out TB/ISO or RT/TPP, it should continue that way. I would hate an ISO TES game.
Game series have to evolve or they die. Not every evolution is successful, but look at Final Fantasy, people were getting noticeably tired of the same formula, and so it was changed, Silent Hill now features combat that isn't awful, Resident Evil became more action oriented, Metroid got an FPS makeover. Unless you have a fanbase as large and rabid as Dragon Quest, you can't just keep putting out the same game with a fresh coat of paint (yes, I know how rabid you guys are, but there's seriously like 15 people in the whole world who have even heard of fallout (yes, that's hyperbole)).
A surprising amount of games use it actually. It's just that Bethesda generally talk about it like they made it.
Nor does Fallout need fans whose main game interests are Halo, Call of Duty or GTA mandrake776.

Why should Fallout appeal to those fans, they have plenty of games designed for their tastes.

Flawed reasoning.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Nor does Fallout need fans whose main game interests are Halo, Call of Duty or GTA mandrake776.

Why should Fallout appeal to those fans, they have plenty of games designed for their tastes.

Flawed reasoning.
I'm not sure what you're arguing here.
In a couple of previews, they have said that it has been hinted at that in the final game you can save the sherrif, so who knows.

I believe if the sherrif dies, you get the quest reward for the bomb from his son-not certain.

Also, I believe this only happens if you agree to blow the bomb and then go back on your word--which will also result in Burke passing along the word to wack you to raiders and such--another previewer who did this found notes on the raiders at the mega mart, from burke telling them to kill him.
RE4 didn't evovle, it changed genres.
Silent Hill's new combat makes the game a lot less scary. You're supposed to be a helpless shit with no combat abilities.
Metroid kept the core concept of exploration and expanded upon it (i.e. evolved). The auto-aiming feature kept Metroid Prime from going into the wrong territory.

FPS is not an evolution of turn-based combat, and neither is RTwP. They're different systems.
Soccer is not an evolution of chess, nor vice versa.
PlanHex said:
RE4 didn't evovle, it changed genres.
Even if it changed genres (it didn't) it evolved.

Silent Hill's new combat makes the game a lot less scary. You're supposed to be a helpless shit with no combat abilities.
I take it from this that you haven't actually played the game.

Metroid kept the core concept of exploration and expanded upon it (i.e. evolved). The auto-aiming feature kept the game from going into the wrong territory.
Yeah, I wish they had put something like that into Fallout 3 so you could do the aimed shots like you could in Fallout 1 and 2.

FPS is not an evolution of turn-based combat, and neither is RTwP. They're different systems.
Soccer is not an evolution of chess, nor vice versa.
If you're implying FPS RPG and TB RPG are as different as chess and soccer, there's nothing I can say that will get through your cognitive dissonance.
FPP and TB are different, none are better, they're just different. IIRC FPP was around before TB, rendering the "TB is old" argument null.
mandrake776, you are pretty much arguing that Fallout has to appeal to those groups of gamers, fast paced FPS, and that therefore Fallout 3 would be an evolution.
mandrake776 said:
Even if it changed genres (it didn't) it evolved.
How so? I couldn't even begin to count the differences.
Hell, I don't even like the games. I only played RE1, but I've seen enough gameplay videos to tell that the entire combat system has changed drastically enough to put it in an entirely different genre. It's closer to Max Payne + zombies - bullet-time than the original games.

I take it from this that you haven't actually played the game.
You can't honestly sit there and tell me that Silent Hill: Origins' system was an improvement and the logical evolution.

Yeah, I wish they had put something like that into Fallout 3 so you could do the aimed shots like you could in Fallout 1 and 2.
You're equating turn-based combat with aimed shots.
The point you're not getting is that the core of the Metroid games is exploration and not action.
Core of Fallout is PnP emulation and a big part of that is the turn-based combat.

If you're implying FPS RPG and TB RPG are as different as chess and soccer, there's nothing I can say that will get through your cognitive dissonance.
If you're implying that chess and soccer are the same at their core, then there's nothing I can say that will get through your incessant stupidity.
PlanHex said:
mandrake776 said:
If you're implying FPS RPG and TB RPG are as different as chess and soccer, there's nothing I can say that will get through your cognitive dissonance.
If you're implying that chess and soccer are the same at their core, then there's nothing I can say that will get through your incessant stupidity.

Well... if you look at 'soccer' (Football where I come from- just so you know what I mean) from the managers perspective (as opposed to the level of 'just having a kickabout') then football is a game all about using your pieces strengths well to take advantage of the oppononents pieces weaknesses, while minimising your pieces weaknesses.

Chess ofcourse is the game of using your pieces strengths well to take advantage of the opponents pieces weaknesses, while minimising your pieces weaknesses. (But unlike football, you all start with the same pieces, making it fairer).

So fundamentally the two are very similar, from a football managers perspective.

However, in terms of being similar, FPS and third person shooter combat systems are about as diametrically opposed to turn based as you can get. RtwP was designed as a way to put turns in real time, and thus is the middle ground between turn based and real time (and thus sort of evolved from both) and this seems to be what VATS is supposed to do, but I lack optimism on whether it will suceed in any way, shape or form.
mandrake776 said:
But if a game series started out TB/ISO or RT/TPP, it should continue that way. I would hate an ISO TES game.
Game series have to evolve or they die.

What does that mean?

Do you mean that people won't keep on paying for exactly the same product, just because you give it a periodical graphical overhaul? Well, maybe that is true.

Or, do you mean that every series needs to abruptly change genres? If so, then I can see no reason why that should be the case - after all, I can't imagine that reciprocal genre changes would be very popular; a sudden rash of third-person isometric roleplaying games based on popular first person shooters is unlikely...

Or, are you making the same - odd - assumption as so many commentators, that there is some kind of evolutionary hierarchy in gaming, with first-person shooters offering the very pinnacle of computer gaming? If so, then that just isn't the case; the issue of perspective in Fallout, for instance, was always solidly based on how best to simulate tactical roleplaying combat.

Actually, many people here conceded that a first-person perspective, properly implemented, could provide a superior experience in exploration. The only proviso was that combat should still be isometric and turn-based. This was a purely pragmatic requirement, based on the best method for playing stats-based, tactical combat.

If you really want to push an analogy of evolution, then you would do well to remember that evolution tends to conserve essential traits...
Me thinks its time to add "evolution" to the list of terms that are now bastardized from its intended meaning.
PlanHex said:
If you're implying FPS RPG and TB RPG are as different as chess and soccer, there's nothing I can say that will get through your cognitive dissonance.
If you're implying that chess and soccer are the same at their core, then there's nothing I can say that will get through your incessant stupidity.

Holy shit, you just sucker punched logic and kicked irony in the irony nuts.

Me thinks its time to add "evolution" to the list of terms that are now bastardized from its intended meaning.

mandrake776 said:
[you can't just keep putting out the same game with a fresh coat of paint.
Like how Fallout 3 has been shoe-horned into the tired, recycled Oblivion paradigm?

Can we not put the trite "rabid Fallouts fans want a Fallout 3 done in the same engine as the first two" strawman to bed? I've never heard anyone anywhere say they wouldn't embrace what a 3D engine with a rotatable/zoomable camera could bring as well as the numerous combat improvements that could be borrowed from other TB combat games like JA2 or Tactics even.
It's a tired cliche you're pushing there.
Iozeph said:
But even so, every iteration of the elder scrolls since Arena has become increasingly dumbed down(consolised)
I consider Daggerfall to actually be a step up from Arena, but I do agree that everything since TES II has mostly been a process of dumbing down the RPG aspects and bolstering the superficial aspects.

I have a feeling that's just what we're getting with Fallout now, downhill after the second game.
When did First Person become more "evolved" then top-down?
When did Real-Time become more "evolved" then turn based?

I am confused about when this shift happened?
I always thought these seperate game mechanics had existed side by side since almost the beginning of gaming history.

Did the world go retarded while I was in college? God damn...