exclusive Fallout 3 footage

Wooz said:
<s>Whoops. Deleted it as there were two identical ones. Luckily, I always ctrl-c posts before doing so. My bad, sorry. Here's the post:</s>

EDIT: Goddammit, make up your mind already.

sry wooz, i didn't know you deleted i tried fixing it myself....
Artisticspaz said:
you can think a game looks like shit before playing but you can't state facts

- rigid character animations
- being able to kill a super-mutant fresh out of the vault
- vampires
- atomic cars that somehow haven't managed to explode yet
- oblivious/ crippled "RAI"
... I just think those things are in the game?

So when I play it... the gang member's mother won't hunch in the middle of the room yelling a deadpan and repetitive, "what is going on?" rather than running from the two giant cockroaches? Cause that'd be pretty awesome. I can't wait!

You said earlier we've nothing but subjective judgment until we've played the game. Playing the game, we'd still judge it subjectively... cause... it'd be based on our experience.
sai | GLYPH said:
- rigid character animations
- atomic cars that somehow haven't managed to explode yet
- oblivious/ crippled "RAI"

I more than agree with you on that, though character animations for the enemies were actually pretty good, You and those BOS guys no…

sai | GLYPH said:
- being able to kill a super-mutant fresh out of the vault
- vampires

Being able to kill a super mutant using the same type of combat as original fallout would be BS, however doing it in an fps where you can move around and dodge attacks instead of basing it off % and luck is entirely possible…though the super mutant could put up a better fight I agree

And they think they’re vampires, THINK. They’re crazy bastards…though they could’ve chosen something to better fit the setting like making them think everything is honkey dorrey despite being in a desolate wasteland

sai | GLYPH said:
You said earlier we've nothing but subjective judgment until we've played the game. Playing the game, we'd still judge it subjectively... cause... it'd be based on our experience
I Never said subjective judgement(that would be retarded, and I have limits my INT is above 5) I said you have subjective evidence to base your judgment on.

AND YES THE MOTHER WILL NOT RUNAWAY OR HUNCH IN THE CORNER OK!!!…she’ll use her fatman….and shoot some atomic bomb teddy bear at it screaming in mariahs voice”U BITCHES GONNA GET OUT DA HOUSE NOW!”….Todd howard is somewhere giggling in the corner wishing he’d put that into the game…
Being able to kill a super mutant using the same type of combat as original fallout would be BS, however doing it in an fps where you can move around and dodge attacks instead of basing it off % and luck is entirely possible…though the super mutant could put up a better fight I agree

Killing a Super Mutant straight out of the Vault is ridiculous, it would be like throwing ten MiBs armed with Plasma Rifles at JC Denton in the second stage of Deus Ex while his better weapon is probrably is a 10mm pistol.

What I liked in Fallout and (specially) Fallout 2 is how the Supermutants were Super-Soldier hardasses. Killing a Super Mutant in the middle game, with weaker weaponry using tactics? It's kinda okay. I remember killing Super Mutants with .233 by loading up on the psycho and then shooting their groins to cripple and then their eyes to kill. Killing a Super Mutant as SOON AS YOU GET OUT OF THE VAULT? Ridiculous. He's probrably three times stronger, three times tougher and five times more experienced in actual combat. By that stage up to early midgame, a lone Super Mutant should DESTROY YOU, just as they did in Fallout 1/2 (remember the remants of the master army near NCR, universally hated by Ironman players?)

By the beginning of the game, you are nothing but a n00b whose shooting experience resumes to a BB Gun. A lone Super Mutant should be a serious threat.
kikomiko said:
I have to stop reading all of this. You guys say the storyline is horrible, but I really can't trust you guys. Everything that you see minor problems with in FO3, you blow way out of proportion. I will just have to see the story for myself. This is just ruining the game for me.

If criticism can ruin the game, the game was never that good to begin with.
Artisticspaz said:
a game based on dialogue/story can't be judged on vids of combat...
It's too bad then that Fallout 3 is based on combat like its spiritual predecessor Oblivion.

Artisticspaz said:
And i think Bethseda i showcasing more combat than dialogue, not because dialogue isn't a main focus, but because they are aiming at the avg. consumer who see's shit blowing up as"OMG AWESOMEZORZ THIS GAMEZ ROCKZZZZZ!"....which isn't all that wrong if you look at the avg. consumer.....sad i know.
How far are you willing to go with this? "Okay guys, no seriously, the game gets really deep once you beat it, that's when the really good writing and black humor will show up. Sure, it' all about the bloody mess and mini nukes for the first 30 hours or so but once you are all done and the ending credits start to roll, golly gee is it great!"
Artisticspaz said:
I could look at Fallout 1 vids and say this looks like a post-apocalyptic Diablo that uses turn based instead of realtime.
You could do that. Or you could play the demo which was wisely provided. Where's Fallout 3's demo? Oh, that's right, Bethesda makes up lame excuses and refuses to release a demo so that people who don't go to conventions or trade-shows can try it. So, how am I expected to judge Fallout 3 without wasting money on it? And I'm not going to encourage anyone else to buy it (except maybe second-hand) because I don't want Bethesda to get any extras added to their sales figures for a job poorly done. Now, without giving them a sale that I don't think they deserve, how am I supposed to legitimately play the game to judge it?
I could also say that the story of finding a water chip to save your people from dying is a simple uninteresting story of going on a quest to get a special artifact.
Yeah, but it would be silly to do so if you had no experience with the developers' previous works.
fallout1 ... doesn’t censor itself at all
Fallout 3 does.
If the dev. Of fallout 1 only showed you vids of some jack-off shooting at random crap
That's not all we've seen, though.
and all you knew about main story from them is that you need to go find a water chip to save your vault…
Sounded interesting when I first heard it and hadn't heard much else about it. You speak as though you think none of us were around back then.
Bethseda has done bad marketing in terms of the footage they choose to showcase
So, you've played it enough to judge if they just marketed it badly OR if that is actually all they have to show as far as strong points go?
ookami said:
You could do that. Or you could play the demo which was wisely provided. Where's Fallout 3's demo? Oh, that's right, Bethesda makes up lame excuses and refuses to release a demo so that people who don't go to conventions or trade-shows can try it. So, how am I expected to judge Fallout 3 without wasting money on it? And I'm not going to encourage anyone else to buy it (except maybe second-hand) because I don't want Bethesda to get any extras added to their sales figures for a job poorly done. Now, without giving them a sale that I don't think they deserve, how am I supposed to legitimately play the game to judge it?

Yeah, but it would be silly to do so if you had no experience with the developers' previous works.

fallout1 ... doesn’t censor itself at all Fallout 3 does.
Ok taking this in order

Beth has never to my knowlege released a Demo for any of their games, and they still sell so many copys of the O:GOTY that its still 54USD for a USED COPY. frankly they dont see why they have to change their ways, and if you want to you can still rent vidio games (for example Gamefly)

Tim Cains 2 previous titals to Fallout 1 were Star Trek: Starfleet Academy (76%) and M.A.X. (83%)(moby ranked) 2 combat games If I remember correctly

Tod Howards previous titals are Dagerfall, Morrowind and Oblivion (both with moby ranks of 92 belive it or not, aparently more people liked oblivion more than I did than I thought!)

so to be honest, while personaly their was a trend to me with the last 2 games, I STILL expect to see better plotlines from someone with previous Experience in RPGs than someone whos previous experience was with combat games. so Tods rathre blatant disapointment this time around is annoying

Given that the SIMs had to fend off attempts to force its ratings to M twice over its ken and barby doll nudity with patches, and the weirdness of the Rating rules or lack theirof in various counties, frankly im not surprised at anyone censoring games nowdays. and right now in the US if anything happens to a kid in game your looking at getting M rated right off the box at least, and there are people out their who feel it should be higher. Especialy if the game provides some kind of reward for doing so.

heck they almost had to go in and remove the nipples from AOC the (Adult only) MMO! (and I wish I was kidding!)
This post was originally going to be a list of the things I liked (few) and disliked (many) in the clips, but it was becoming excessively long and I've become bored with typing it, so I'll just sum it up with:


This game is not Fallout, and while it may be somewhat enjoyable on its own merits, it will never be deserving of that title.

That is all.
Oakraven said:
Beth has never to my knowlege released a Demo for any of their games
Well, your knowledge is lacking then. In their flagship franchise even, there were playable demos for TES:Arena, TES II:Daggerfall and TESA:Redguard.
and they still sell so many copys of the O:GOTY that its still 54USD for a USED COPY.
There's one born every minute. They tapped into the market that thought a plastic kiddie pool was so awesome because of all the scenery around it when they sat in it outside. But when it comes to anything else: "Huh, Olympic-sized? Ocean pools? What kind of crap is that? Kiddie pool is awesumz! Kuttam Pokuna is so outdated and stupid lulz."
frankly they dont see why they have to change their ways
That hits the problematic nail right on the head in so many ways.
Total reinvention = we aren't willing to learn a damn thing that doesn't involve the marketing department.
and if you want to you can still rent vidio games
That's still money and it's still giving a +1 to some sales/rental statistic somewhere that I don't think they deserve.
Tod Howards previous titals are Dagerfall
Yeah, Todd and his big 'Additional Design' credit in Daggerfall. Of course, it was 'his' title. I guess we'll have to remember that those two Terminator games are 'his', too.
I consider the quality here to be despite Todd. Ken Rolston looks like the stronger contributer on the RPGness of that one. The incomplete feel of the game in its RPG aspects, however, reeks of Action Todd (accessories sold seperately)!
and Oblivion
Which doesn't impress me. This is the most recent result of the gradual RPG-lobotomy/FPS-implantation being performed on TES. And, hey, look who was large and in charge on that one.
I STILL expect to see better plotlines from someone with previous Experience in RPGs
Hmmmm, now what was that game for which he first played the part of Project Leader? Was that a RPG? No, it was an action-adventure spin-off (whoever categorized it on Mobygames must not have bothered actually finding out). Something has always made me doubt that Todd has thrown many dice outside of a gambling context.
and the weirdness of the Rating rules or lack theirof in various counties
Yep, I'm just hoping that the world will be rid of Jackoff Thompson and his blame-game ilk. Believe me, I wish you were kidding, too.
I honestly missed the old game demos, sorry,

As to the the "theirs one born every min" frankly that does not wash when you realise that according to their public numbers they have sold more digital downloads Oblivion than they sold copys of Oblivion, (which is why they dont have a problem with thrid party used game sales, they feel that they make more money that way)

that and and to be honest I have no clue as to why ANYONE buys new copys of Oblivion for console when you can get a PC that will run it for the price of the Xbox Elite and get FREE upgrades that are better than the base game and all the combined DLC)

my point with the design credits was that Todd (whos games have been getting progressivly worse since Dagerfall by the way) has experience developing RPGs and nothing but RPGs,

Tim Cains credits prior to fallout were Combat games.

Ironicaly Tim seems to have done a decent job with his work in ROGs while Todds work is making me wonder just what kind of unholy mess we can expect out of his upcomeing MMO.

As for JT and crew? theirs always people like him around. I remember when their was a petition going around to to get the TVshow Hill Street Blues pulled off the air for its "Glorification of Police brutality and coruption, adulrery, and denigration of minority


The only thing I can figure out is that theirs some kind of Weird "Nintendo" efect going on with ZM and Bethesda, in that they can put their name on a toaster and it will sell 2 million copys
Oakraven said:
my point with the design credits was that Todd (whos games have been getting progressivly worse since Dagerfall by the way) has experience developing RPGs and nothing but RPGs,

Tim Cains credits prior to fallout were Combat games.

Ironicaly Tim seems to have done a decent job with his work in ROGs while Todds work is making me wonder just what kind of unholy mess we can expect out of his upcomeing MMO.
This is probably largely due to interests. Tim Cain made the game primarily because he loved P&P games (specifically GURPS, which they originally licensed).
He also started out with a combat emulator.
Other than that, he was surrounded by people who were passionate about P&P RPGs.

I'm pretty sure that Todd's background and history is entirely different.
After Ken Rolston's departure, I don't think many people at Bethesda have P&P background.
Oakraven said:
Ironicaly Tim seems to have done a decent job with his work in ROGs while Todds work is making me wonder just what kind of unholy mess we can expect out of his upcomeing MMO.

Todd has an mmo coming? Jesus Christ...

I know of Tim's V13 and that interests me and I hope he can deeply embarrass the FO3 drivel with it's quality.

I too am amazed Beth has managed to keep it's name so popular in many circles when they can't finish their games till after release, and then it's usually the the mod community who step in and do it for them.
I know of Tim's V13 and that interests me and I hope he can deeply embarrass the FO3 drivel with it's quality.

It's Chris Taylor and Jason Anderson who are working on V13, not Tim Cain.
But calling a Chris a Tim spares me two whole letters for the sake of typing efficency.