exclusive Fallout 3 footage

Wooz said:
Yes. It's also hilarious that people who don't eat shit would find eating shit gross.

Well the person who found it gross was a little displeased new management would be taking over his favorite desert bakery, even knowing it would happen for a year or so, seeing advertisements for new recipes that seemed some what similar to the ones he enjoyed under the old management. So, this man was prepared to cross the street and check the store out, when in the shop's windows was what appeared to be a steaming pile of brow…”OH MY GOD” the man thought, “That’s shit, SHIT IN MY FAVORITE BAKERY”. He then saw a man approach and take a bite, nearly gagging he scowled, “THIS IS A DISASTER, I’VE GOT TO TELL EVERY BODY” and he ran off. While this man might’ve believed it to be poop as he saw it, standing nearly 60 ft away, it turned out in fact that this was not the case. While it held the same shape and steamy residue of a fresh turd on the outside, it was actually just a different dish of a chocolate then he had seen advertised 7 days ago. Though, this dish didn’t taste bad, different yes, but all in all it tasted good, some even claiming it to taste better than the old recipes. All in all, it did taste moderately different. The person though, being so informed with his glance at nearly 60 ft away obviously knew everything, having not even tasted it or given a little whiff, went on his merry way, not even considering actually checking it out even though the store would finally re-open under the new management in less than 30 min.

*note this is not a jab at the moderator, and I apologize for being out of line in anyway and will take punishment if need receivith one(th?). If it’ll make it up to you though and win me some points…l’ll help protect your moo moos**

**STRIKE 2!!!
kikomiko said:
. They make high quality games

I would look up the words "High" and "Quality" because I don't think they mean what you think they mean.

Unless of course you are being facetious. In that case: LOL nice one!
Yes I believe with Oblivion they went downhill, I was so disappointed (being a huge TES fan). Though up till Morrowind I regarded them as my favourite game making company. Now, I have no preferences for a game company.
Artisticspaz said:
While it held the same shape and steamy residue of a fresh turd on the outside, it was actually just a different dish of a chocolate then he had seen advertised 7 days ago.
Great. So, they still made something that looks and smells like shit so far.
or given a little whiff
Preview videos, videos of the leaked copy and the information that has been released so far is enough of a 'whiff'. I know what chocolate is, this is not it. This is a flashy, over-hyped substitute with nothing more than a legal right to be called Chocolate 3.

Also keep in mind that the 'new management' seems to hate us and scoffs at us for having the audacity to expect genuine chocolate, particularly not in turd form. Some of us were also fans of previous works of the old incarnation of the 'new management' with their line of fudge and are well aware of when they started skimping on quality ingredients and putting in feces as filler (they refer to it as something like 'streamlining'). You might remember it. They called it Fudge IV: Sugarblivion. It sold well because a surprising amount of people had never had actual fudge or chocolate before and were impressed with Fudge IV because there was so much of it.

As far as I'm concerned, the 'new management' can take Fudge IV and Chocolate 3 and put them right back up the orifice out of which they came.
Like most of you I have be dying for this game to come out. I was hesitant to watch the lastest interview in fear of spiolers, but it was a well done, they probably rehearsed what they were going to say to make some of us cover our ears and the other have move to the edge of our seats. I think the game will be fun ... how much i don't know until i play it ... i don't listen to reviews ... Mass effects was suppose to me and awsome game .... i played for 2hrs then got rid of it. I am worried DC isn't big enough for exploring but they keep saying its plenty big. Someone commented before about chatting in one place and a group of mutants 30M away and raiders 30M another way and no interaction. Would be neat to lure one group into the other, wonder what would happen. Well 16 more days till we get to try it ... unless your and IDIOT who pirated it ... I hope they kick your ass.


There is no light at the end of the tunnel, only the quick flash at the end of my barrel.
thefalloutfan said:
Yes I believe with Oblivion they went downhill, I was so disappointed (being a huge TES fan). Though up till Morrowind I regarded them as my favourite game making company. Now, I have no preferences for a game company.

I believe they messed up on the gameplay but not on trying to improve the overall atmosphere for the scope of the game. Anyone can nitpick on the fact that you can pause during the sequence of the monks being attacked by the Dawn characters and them being all non chalant about it but I really don't understand where is the perfection that so many are looking for.

I personally don't see it. I simply don't see a game out there that is giving me this perfect game that makes me don some helmet and turn off all the lights as I play. Not that I would want that but it does tell you a lot about the difference between those that play games and those that make games.
Like most of you I have be dying for this game to come out.
Not really

There is no light at the end of the tunnel, only the quick flash at the end of my barrel.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and it's a train coming your way, but it's too late to go back and run from it...
Anyone else notice this gem?

"Fallout, obviously a legendary series that sort of lives in the action RPG hybrid genre, is that fair to say?"

"That's fair to say. There's definitely elements of action, along with the stats and RPG combat gameplay."

Alphadrop said:
That confused me too.

That was meant to confuse people who have no idea how previous games look like.
I'm not sure why would that confuse someone who played previous games, it's obviously just one more example of bullshiting. :)
Casual Gamer said:
We aren't far past them though, I wish we were, but the problem he mentioned is unique to all non-scripted games, not unique to Bethesda's games. There's no easy way to make videogame characters organically behave like human beings in an environment with so many variables. There will be, eventually, I assume.

Never played gothic, but I'd eat my hat if I couldn't confound any modern AI without really trying.

Your obviously not even trying while posting on a forum.


You've never played a game beyond Oblivion.

Which is entirely possible, and perhaps why you defend it so much, because you have no other experience and are therefore not particularly able to judge it on it's quality. You simply have no point of reference and assume therefore that's it's a good quality product.

I very much doubt creating effective AI is easy, in fact I bet it's quite hard to do, but that doesn't mean that some people don't actually apply themselves and get hard things done in order to make quality games.

Just not people at Bethesda.

There are plenty of great AIs out there, sometimes so good sequels based on similar engines are intentionally dumbed down to make the games easier because some whiner's cried top loud they couldn't win as easily as they liked.

I am put in mind particularly of Total War: Shogun which had a damn fine strategic AI based largely on old Sun Tzu cause and effect and was quite fun to oppose at times. An AI significantly dumber in all following Total War games, despite the improvements in graphics, units, and capabilities all the games play in easy mode no matter the difficulty when compared to old Shogun.

Christ man they have been writing Chess routines to challenge grandmasters since before you were likely born so whining about how hard AI is to master to give Beth an out for crappy design is pathetic.

Hell I'm military trained and I quite appreciated the Combat AI in the Original FEAR, although the plot broke down into supidity halfway through and the expansions were fit for little more than to line a dumpster the basic AI of fighting units was outstanding. They'd make coordinated pushes, flanking maneuvers, envelopements, and even attempt to flush you from cover if you took it. I'm not a big shooter fan but I found the AI amusing and challenging, at least the human AI, everythign else was boring.

The mobs didn't seem to run into or through walls like they do in Fallout 3 clips either which is just more the same from Oblivious.

Or should we only expect halfway decent AI from Shooters? Hell isn't Fallout suppossed to be at least half shooter for the console crowd it's intended for?

Mass Effect is largely RPG and extremely well done in my view, like damn near everything from Bioware - the last company I truly trust to deliver me a quality product anymore without any sort of investigation or hanging over their shoulder, and the AI there is far and away brighter than any Beth has ever managed. They even manage to implement a somewhat innovative system that Beth takes blundering stabs at with VATS and it works. You pause to cue up special abilities and your left to aim on your own.

I could probably go back as much as 20 years and pull out a hell of a lot better AI models than Beth produces, because it's not a new science in gaming despite what you think, it's just that Beth and many others are just plain lazy these days. They're going to get paid on hype anyway so why really devote the time to do something really well anymore when you don't have to? When you can throw all your resources into relatively pretty graphics and know you're going to make a profitl whether you bother to write an original story or just rehash one or two you already have in front of you and not even bother testing voice actors over who you already have on retainer then why wouldn't you?

jonnymstgt said:
I personally don't see it. I simply don't see a game out there that is giving me this perfect game that makes me don some helmet and turn off all the lights as I play. Not that I would want that but it does tell you a lot about the difference between those that play games and those that make games.

You don't see it because you're not even looking.

You like so many others don't really expect that kind of devotion to so many aspects of a game to truly pull you into it, so who's really going to fund something to give it to you?

You want it?

Look back to when some did.

Find System Shock 2 for one, good place to start.

I was a fully grown combat experienced Marine and I caught myself looking over my shoulder sometimes while playing that game in the dark. I don't know if I was so enraptured I really thought a zombie was creeping up on me or not but I was damn drawn into that game and I never played the first in the series. I was so drawn into that game it gave me physical reactions in response the fact that I would reflexively make sure I was safe outside of the game as well as in it.

THAT is quality in a game.

Oh yeah, and I never patched it, go figure.
ookami said:
Artisticspaz said:
or given a little whiff
Preview videos, videos of the leaked copy and the information that has been released so far is enough of a 'whiff'. I know what chocolate is, this is not it. This is a flashy, over-hyped substitute with nothing more than a legal right to be called Chocolate 3.

Also keep in mind that the 'new management' seems to hate us and scoffs at us for having the audacity to expect genuine chocolate, particularly not in turd form. Some of us were also fans of previous works of the old incarnation of the 'new management' with their line of fudge and are well aware of when they started skimping on quality ingredients and putting in feces as filler (they refer to it as something like 'streamlining'). You might remember it. They called it Fudge IV: Sugarblivion. It sold well because a surprising amount of people had never had actual fudge or chocolate before and were impressed with Fudge IV because there was so much of it.

As far as I'm concerned, the 'new management' can take Fudge IV and Chocolate 3 and put them right back up the orifice out of which they came.

Dude Nice response:clap: , but when i say Whiff that means trying it out(as in picking up final version and playing it) , Plenty of things look bad or good, but when you actually experience it for yourself it plays out the exact opposite. I mean you can have your opinions, but they aren't worth crap until you have hard evidence after actually having played it. I'm not saying it's gonna be a great game, or a great FALLOUT game atleast, I'm saying play before you judge.

Hell I picked up Fallout 1 from a friend to beat it before this game came out so i could compare the two when i PLAY it and say whether fallout 3 was better or not. So far i have to say i quite enjoy fallout 1, and am looking forward to Fallout 3.

*note*Now remember, the only official footage released is combat; other than a couple of snippets of dialogue. And in the leaked version it loooked like the guy sucked pretty hard, probably set it on easy too.

(just to throw this out here to:I'm kind of sick of people saying the graphics look like utter shit, when fallout 2 had identical graphics to a game 4 years older, atleast Fallout 3 they did fix tone it up alittle and fixed the atrocious faces of oblivion
Artisticspaz said:
Dude Nice response:clap: , but when i say Whiff that means trying it out(as in picking up final version and playing it) , Plenty of things look bad or good, but when you actually experience it for yourself it plays out the exact opposite. I mean you can have your opinions, but they aren't worth crap until you have hard evidence after actually having played it. I'm not saying it's gonna be a great game, or a great FALLOUT game atleast, I'm saying play before you judge.

Hell I picked up Fallout 1 from a friend to beat it before this game came out so i could compare the two when i PLAY it and say whether fallout 3 was better or not. So far i have to say i quite enjoy fallout 1, and am looking forward to Fallout 3.

*note*Now remember, the only official footage released is combat; other than a couple of snippets of dialogue. And in the leaked version it loooked like the guy sucked pretty hard, probably set it on easy too.
This is nonsense.
You can judge what you see. It's really very easy. You see it, then you make up your mind on what you saw.
That's what you base your judgement on. And it's as close as you're ever going to get without playing the game. And since we can't play the game, this is what we base our judgement on.

It's perfectly reasonable, too. You can't just reserve judgement until you've played everything. That would mean that you'd actually have to completely play a game before deciding whether or not you are going to want to spend your time playing said game.

Note also that almost all of the footage we have seen has been promo material released by Bethesda. In other words: material that's supposed to make the game look as good as possible.
And I still don't like it.

Artisticspaz said:
(just to throw this out here to:I'm kind of sick of people saying the graphics look like utter shit, when fallout 2 had identical graphics to a game 4 years older,
Fallout 2 had what now? It was released 1 year after Fallout, not 4.
Also, most people aren't talking about graphical quality, but about graphical atmosphere and verisimilitude. You know, real 'immersion'.
Also, most people aren't talking about graphical quality, but about graphical atmosphere and verisimilitude.

Or rather, the artistic quality of the graphics, not the technical quality.
Sander said:
You can judge what you see. It's really very easy. You see it, then you make up your mind on what you saw.
That's what you base your judgement on. And it's as close as you're ever going to get without playing the game. And since we can't play the game, this is what we base our judgement on.

It's perfectly reasonable, too. You can't just reserve judgement until you've played everything. That would mean that you'd actually have to completely play a game before deciding whether or not you are going to want to spend your time playing said game
What your speaking is nonsense, you can formulate an opinion of what you THINK sucks but until you actually sit down and play it you can’t give anything other than subjective evidence for you judgement. Sure you can accuately comment on animations, but Graphics look a lot different on a monitor than on a 40 inch HD Flatscreen TV, You don’t know what level of difficulty Todd-whuss I playing on for the AI and you most definitely can’t combat whether the combat is fluid or not considering you aint pointing the mouse or moving the joystick. All you have is a grainy picture of the culprit.

I could look at Fallout 1 vids and say this looks like a post-apocalyptic Diablo that uses turn based instead of realtime. I could also say that the story of finding a water chip to save your people from dying is a simple uninteresting story of going on a quest to get a a special artifact. However if I play fallout1 I notice the subtle nuances and the story gleaming with intrigue, the dark humor, the way it crosses the line and doesn’t censor itself at all or how the combat asks you to use smart tactics to overcome your opponents.

If the dev. Of fallout 1 only showed you vids of some jack-off shooting at random crap and all you knew about main story from them is that you need to go find a water chip to save your vault…chances are you wouldn’t be that impressed. Bethseda has done bad marketing in terms of the footage they choose to showcase

Sander said:
Note also that almost all of the footage we have seen has been promo material released by Bethesda. In other words: material that's supposed to make the game look as good as possible. And I still don't like it.
Notice how the promos are for combat, something entirely different than fallouts turnbased style, like Super Mario to Mario RPG different. Considering the best part of Fallout was dialogue, story and quests and we’ve seen almost nothing for those parts, it’s fair to assume the footage that could actually make you say this looks like fallout actually hasn’t been showcased by promos

Sander said:
Fallout 2 had what now? It was released 1 year after Fallout, not 4.
Also, most people aren't talking about graphical quality, but about graphical atmosphere and verisimilitude. You know, real 'immersion'.

Ok I apologize, I read somewhere where it said it came out in like 2001-2002, I apologize for misinformation. And when it comes to immersion, that’s something that almost every reviewer has said about the graphics doing a very good job of. We’d probably agree if beth showed wasteland pics or vids. And with a video you can’t really judge immersion considering looking at a game and playing it are 2 diff’t experiences entirely. Like looking at a an ice cream sundae and actually eating it.
<s>Whoops. Deleted it as there were two identical ones. Luckily, I always ctrl-c posts before doing so. My bad, sorry. Here's the post:</s>

EDIT: Goddammit, make up your mind already.
Notice how the promos are for combat, something entirely different than fallouts turnbased style, like Super Mario to Mario RPG different. Considering the best part of Fallout was dialogue, story and quests and we’ve seen almost nothing for those parts, it’s fair to assume the footage that could actually make you say this looks like fallout actually hasn’t been showcased by promos

The Megaton and Tenpenny Tower videos have no combat.
Artisticspaz said:
What your speaking is nonsense, you can formulate an opinion of what you THINK sucks but until you actually sit down and play it you can’t give anything other than subjective evidence for you judgement. Sure you can accuately comment on animations, but Graphics look a lot different on a monitor than on a 40 inch HD Flatscreen TV, You don’t know what level of difficulty Todd-whuss I playing on for the AI and you most definitely can’t combat whether the combat is fluid or not considering you aint pointing the mouse or moving the joystick. All you have is a grainy picture of the culprit.
I have HD trailers. I have high-res screenshots. I have high-res art. I have interviews. I have gameplay footage with and without combat. I have seen grainy live-streams.
I have a ton of information about this game. I am basing my judgement *on this information*. I'm not basing it on some hunch I have, but on extensive footage released by Bethesda.

And so far, this footage has been nothing but negative.

Why the fuck would I say 'Oh it could turn out brilliant!' when there's no reason to think that?

Also, the gibberish about what they show and what I'll see on my PC is ridiculous. I'm not talking about graphical detail here, I'm talking about graphical atmosphere, artistic vision, visual style. A visual style that was very visible in Fallout's 640x480 grainy interface, and completely absent from Bethesda's game.

Artisticspaz said:
I could look at Fallout 1 vids and say this looks like a post-apocalyptic Diablo that uses turn based instead of realtime. I could also say that the story of finding a water chip to save your people from dying is a simple uninteresting story of going on a quest to get a a special artifact. However if I play fallout1 I notice the subtle nuances and the story gleaming with intrigue, the dark humor, the way it crosses the line and doesn’t censor itself at all or how the combat asks you to use smart tactics to overcome your opponents.

If the dev. Of fallout 1 only showed you vids of some jack-off shooting at random crap and all you knew about main story from them is that you need to go find a water chip to save your vault…chances are you wouldn’t be that impressed. Bethseda has done bad marketing in terms of the footage they choose to showcase
No, this is what you assume. There is no reason whatsoever for this assumption.
I'll repeat this several times throughout this post: there is virtually no information out there that makes me want to play this game or look at it positively. Hence, I am negative about this game.
THis is a very logical stance to take.
To say 'Eh, I don't know, it could be absolutely brilliant' while I have *no reasons whatsoever* to think that and only reasons to think the exact opposite is absolutely ridiculous.
Artisticspaz said:
Notice how the promos are for combat, something entirely different than fallouts turnbased style, like Super Mario to Mario RPG different. Considering the best part of Fallout was dialogue, story and quests and we’ve seen almost nothing for those parts, it’s fair to assume the footage that could actually make you say this looks like fallout actually hasn’t been showcased by promos
I'm not basing this off of 'Oh noes I dislike the combat'. I'm basing this off of everything that Bethesda has shown so far.
Also, there have been promos with dialogue. There have been promos with Pete Hines playing the game. There have been promos showing off different aspects of this game.
*None of this looked good* (excepting the Vault)

Also, maybe if dialogue was an important part of the game, then they'd showcase it.

There have also been live streams of people playing Fallout 3. Which I have watched. Which only worsened my impression of Fallout 3.

*None of it* looked like Fallout. Whatsoever. The only thing that did feel like Fallout was the visual look of the Vault. That's it.

Artisticspaz said:
And when it comes to immersion, that’s something that almost every reviewer has said about the graphics doing a very good job of. We’d probably agree if beth showed wasteland pics or vids. And with a video you can’t really judge immersion considering looking at a game and playing it are 2 diff’t experiences entirely. Like looking at a an ice cream sundae and actually eating it.
Your analogies make no sense.
Also, you're wrong. I can very easily see that Bethesda's Fallout 3 does not have the same atmosphere, nor the same visual style that the original games had (excepting the look of the Vaults and one or two robots).
This can be seen everywhere, in every trailer, in every screenshot, in every interview, in every tidbit of information that Bethesda has released.

To think that, despite all of the evidence that it isn't so, the atmosphere is after all going to be there is idiotic naivete.

Conclusion: there is no reason whatsoever for me to be anything but negative. So why the fuck shouldn't I be negative? Because OMG I haven't played the game? Bullshit.
Sander said:
Conclusion: there is no reason whatsoever for me to be anything but negative. So why the fuck shouldn't I be negative? Because OMG I haven't played the game? Bullshit.

I'm not saying OMG JOO HAVEN PLAY TEH GAMEZ U CANT FORMULATE URZ OWNZ JUDGEZMENTZ...i'm just saying it's just as a annyoing that you state the game as shit as when noobies who haven't played the original fallouts say fallout 3 is better than sex...
you can think a game looks like shit before playing but you can't state facts

anyway Sander i think me and you iz as stubborn as dem tribals fellars. I like your arguments though you formed them better than i did.

and my analogies made perfect sense, a game based on dialogue/story can't be judged on vids of combat...and i have to say tenpenny/megaton were pretty good(lt.years ahead of oblivion) i mean the dialogue for takin the sherrifs hat sounds falloutish to me as a jackassish(word?) response.

And i think Bethseda i showcasing more combat than dialogue, not because dialogue isn't a main focus, but because they are aiming at the avg. consumer who see's shit blowing up as"OMG AWESOMEZORZ THIS GAMEZ ROCKZZZZZ!"....which isn't all that wrong if you look at the avg. consumer.....sad i know.

Anyways sander you've grown on me, after tearing me a new one several times. I think I know the perfect way in which to make fallout 3.

Give it to Valve, have them work with the original creators and composer to reproduce VAN Buren but with a nonbroken version of the V.A.T.S. system...i mean valve does a fantastic job with atmostphere and dialogue...

I hate ian from fallout 1.......