What are your gaming pet peeves? Do you have a list off the top of your head? Are there things you don't think about, untill it happens, and you go roll your eyes all the way around your head?
One mechanical pet peeve of mine is the forced auto-save/checkpoint-save.
Often the intention seems to be to prevent save-spamming, but here's two little problems I have with that:
1) Fuck. Off: I paid for the game, I'm in my home, I'll do whatever the fuck I want. Did they not inteeend for me to save-spam? What else did they not intend for? What if I smear my game disc in peanut butter? What if I play my game naked? With a boner? Ejaculating while playing? Let me do what I want.
2) I'm not even interested in save-spamming. I'm an adult, I can handle a challenge. My main problem with this shit is that games crash, they crash often, and they crash with gusto - most of all, they tend to crash when things are happening a lot, when you have done and accomplished a lot - as in, the WORST possible times, and the times you MOST want to have saved.
On the narrative side, I have a pet peeve for insane demographics, for example how the "DC Wasteland" has several hundred million raiders, and less than a hundred ordinary civilians. Beyond this obvious absurdity, I can't help but notice a general sense of bloated manpower capacity with baddies in general, especially shooters.
"Go fetch the macguffin toaster!" "Yes sir."
*toaster is defended by 20 brigades of bandits*
Another narrative pet peeve of mine is the sortof porn-scenario type of impatience - like some plumber knocks on the door, lady opens, plumber whips dick out *there and then* - no build up, no earning, no nothing.
Perfect example of this is Skyrim, where you're sitting in a horse cart AND THEN YOU'RE DRAGONBORN!!! DOVAKHIIIN DOVAKHIIIIIN TRALALALALALA!!!!!
Like fuckit, I guess I won the fucking game then, what else do I even need to strive for at this point? Oh yeah, I gotta learn to shout with the gandalfs and whatnot, I'M ALREADY DRAGONBORN, everything is a snorefest beyond that!
This one manifests in many (but not all!) roleplay games in much subtler ways - in particular when it comes to doing murder. Shooters are shooters, but imho - roleplay games should make a bigger deal out of the character resorting to violence. FO1 and 2 did this well, in that you can avoid violence, and thus make it a big deal yourself. I'm not talking about pacifism - but allowing more narrative weight to the fact that you have transitioned from adventurer to warrior.
Other games do NO such effort, such as FO4, in particular in how clumsily they treated player gender. If you're the man, you're allready a combat veteran - but if you're the woman, you're suddenly a master ninja killer for NO reason. At least give both of them the same contrived veteran-backstory.
Okay, I'm this close to making this about Todd Howard, so - what are your personal gaming pet peeves?
One mechanical pet peeve of mine is the forced auto-save/checkpoint-save.
Often the intention seems to be to prevent save-spamming, but here's two little problems I have with that:
1) Fuck. Off: I paid for the game, I'm in my home, I'll do whatever the fuck I want. Did they not inteeend for me to save-spam? What else did they not intend for? What if I smear my game disc in peanut butter? What if I play my game naked? With a boner? Ejaculating while playing? Let me do what I want.
2) I'm not even interested in save-spamming. I'm an adult, I can handle a challenge. My main problem with this shit is that games crash, they crash often, and they crash with gusto - most of all, they tend to crash when things are happening a lot, when you have done and accomplished a lot - as in, the WORST possible times, and the times you MOST want to have saved.
On the narrative side, I have a pet peeve for insane demographics, for example how the "DC Wasteland" has several hundred million raiders, and less than a hundred ordinary civilians. Beyond this obvious absurdity, I can't help but notice a general sense of bloated manpower capacity with baddies in general, especially shooters.
"Go fetch the macguffin toaster!" "Yes sir."
*toaster is defended by 20 brigades of bandits*
Another narrative pet peeve of mine is the sortof porn-scenario type of impatience - like some plumber knocks on the door, lady opens, plumber whips dick out *there and then* - no build up, no earning, no nothing.
Perfect example of this is Skyrim, where you're sitting in a horse cart AND THEN YOU'RE DRAGONBORN!!! DOVAKHIIIN DOVAKHIIIIIN TRALALALALALA!!!!!
Like fuckit, I guess I won the fucking game then, what else do I even need to strive for at this point? Oh yeah, I gotta learn to shout with the gandalfs and whatnot, I'M ALREADY DRAGONBORN, everything is a snorefest beyond that!
This one manifests in many (but not all!) roleplay games in much subtler ways - in particular when it comes to doing murder. Shooters are shooters, but imho - roleplay games should make a bigger deal out of the character resorting to violence. FO1 and 2 did this well, in that you can avoid violence, and thus make it a big deal yourself. I'm not talking about pacifism - but allowing more narrative weight to the fact that you have transitioned from adventurer to warrior.
Other games do NO such effort, such as FO4, in particular in how clumsily they treated player gender. If you're the man, you're allready a combat veteran - but if you're the woman, you're suddenly a master ninja killer for NO reason. At least give both of them the same contrived veteran-backstory.
Okay, I'm this close to making this about Todd Howard, so - what are your personal gaming pet peeves?