Gaming's Fringe Cults

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Joe Blancato has done an article for the Escapist in which he takes a look at Gaming's Fringe Cults. He interviewed NMA admins Sander, Silencer and Brother None for the purpose (note: interviews conducted before the GI article was out, obviously). And under the nomer of "Internet Curmudgeons with Hearts of Radioactive Gold: No Mutants Allowed" he takes a look at our community and site:<blockquote>Started on Geocities nearly a decade ago by a Serbian named "Miroslav" (who only left the site due to the Bosnian War), NMA has built a reputation as the definitive, and most vocal (read: kinda mean), Fallout community on the web. And to Thomas "Brother None" ßеекers, Sebastian "Silencer" Lenartowicz and Sander Philipse - NMA's administrators - tell it, they're not going away any time soon. "With the times, our goals have changed," ßеекers says. "Originally, we were formed to be as supportive as we could be of Fallout, and this was great between Fallout 1 and 2, before Tactics' release dashed our hopes of a good spin-off and no new release was forthcoming (there were two Fallout 3 start-ups that were cancelled before Van Buren [Black Isle's Fallout 3 tech demo, hosted on NMA]).

"Now, we're mostly evangelists of recreating the original Fallout experience. We try to convince the media and publishers that there is a viable niche market for Fallout-like games that has been under-serviced for years."

Acting as a non-profit, grass-roots PR and marketing campaign for the better part of a decade speaks to a zeal not often observed outside of holy crusades and message board flame wars. What is it about Fallout that inspires people to continually sing its praises?


In terms of the future, all three share reservations about Bethesda picking up Interplay's ball. "Part of me is happy that the franchise didn't die with Black Isle Studios," says ßеекers, "but for the most part I realize Fallout is only a name, and the fact that Bethesda's Fallout 3 is called Fallout 3 doesn't mean anything unless they make it a Fallout game. If they don't, I'm guessing I and other fans will be about as upset as we were with the release of Fallout: BoS [Brotherhood of Steel]."

However, regardless of what the future holds, ßеекers remains optimistic for NMA: "Considering we're still that active on a set of decade-old games that were never enormous hits, I don't think we're going anywhere, anytime soon."</blockquote>Link: Gaming's Fringe Cults on the Escapist (page 2)
really good stuff to read

just one thing maybe to clear

"Started on Geocities nearly a decade ago by a Serbian named "Miroslav" (who only left the site due to the Bosnian War), NMA has built a reputation as the definitive, and most vocal (read: kinda mean), Fallout community on the web."

Bosnian War was already ended when Miroslav left, and according to my knowledge miroslav is from Belgrade (Serbia) and he doesn't have anything with Bosnia or with war ;)
ßеекers? Lenartowicz? Philipse? What the heck kind of foreign names are those? What'll it be next, Froitzheim?
Per said:
ßеекers? Lenartowicz? Philipse? What the heck kind of foreign names are those? What'll it be next, Froitzheim?
Or Jorner?

Anyway, good article about 'fringe' communities.
mocnijogurt said:
"Started on Geocities nearly a decade ago by a Serbian named "Miroslav" (who only left the site due to the Bosnian War), NMA has built a reputation as the definitive, and most vocal (read: kinda mean), Fallout community on the web."

Bosnian War was already ended when Miroslav left, and according to my knowledge miroslav is from Belgrade (Serbia) and he doesn't have anything with Bosnia or with war ;)

That is a bit of interpretative writing from Blancato, but he had to shorten it somehow. Miroslav *did* initially disappear because of the NATO bombings, and went into the army afterwards. It's accurate enough to me...maybe?

PS: note that we are referred to as "one of the most feared message boards on the planet" in the intro. Funny.
Great article!

Glad to hear you guy are still enthusiastic about the future of this site even tough it's been 10 years :) .

I've first played fallout 3 years ago, became a fan and now I just can't stop myself from checking the site news and updates on a regular basis (I even registered on the forums now).

The lack of good post-apocalytic games have gotten me into modding. Hopefully I will be able to someday announce my finished project here :)

Keep up the good work!
Nice article. It made me do a little bit of research on the web.

Okay, I already hated Gamespot, but this proves that they have a bunch of retards working there:

"Fallout fans will find that this game is fairly faithful to the spirit of the series, except for the relentless use of profanity in its dialogue..."

How much are these fuckers payed off to write stuff like that? I mean, anyone that has seen/smelled/touched this game knows it has about as much to do with Fallout as Britney Spears has to do with Pink Floyd. Nothing...

I never cared to read a review, because I knew it was going to blow. I can't believe it got over a 6.
Brother None said:
That is a bit of interpretative writing from Blancato, but he had to shorten it somehow. Miroslav *did* initially disappear because of the NATO bombings, and went into the army afterwards. It's accurate enough to me...maybe?

Btw what's now with him ?? haven't seen him for ages here...

P.s.: I've just read most of the time on this forum since the beginning
of NMA, but registred only few weeks from now...
What he's doing now? His last posts were in 2003, concerning the Fallout: BoS business. I'm guessing he's fine, just not actively interested in NMA anymore. Much like Odin.
WoW, maybe? oO

Anyway, cheers guys, the sheer dedication and huge amount of effort you're putting into something which should, by all laws of nature and our modern world, sink into obscurity ages ago, earns my honest salutes. (this goes to all of NMA staff, not only the admins)

:* 8)
Per said:
ßеекers? Lenartowicz? Philipse? What the heck kind of foreign names are those? What'll it be next, Froitzheim?

I wouldn't want some asshole with that name as admin on my site.
I was thinking about 5 years ago, to get personally involved in the site too, but then i changed my mind, got a lot of stuff to do...

I think i registred on this forum at that time, but i don't know which nickname i had back then,...
so i started over with a new one, since things are getting "hot" while we're waiting for another spinoff :)

keep up the good work!!
Wow, that was quite a great article - and at the same time means that we're got a global presence on the Internet.

NMA is actually a dot on the radar, and a big one at that (Although, people have the same opinion of us as they do for The Glow). :D
Brother None said:
Poles are funny, by definition.

Buoyant? Mayhaps. Effervescent? Verily. Alas, by designating us by that banality, you, Sir, manifest your proclivity as the epitome of triteness.

I bid you good day.
Silencer said:
Brother None said:
Poles are funny, by definition.

Buoyant? Mayhaps. Effervescent? Verily. Alas, by designating us by that banality, you, Sir, manifest your proclivity as the epitome of triteness.

I bid you good day.
I thought I'd gotten all the Max Demian clones. Dammit.