First time out of the vault

Again, not at all called for.
All I'm going to say is that the use of a certain word used after this quote is entirely uncalled for.
I don't mean to be rude but how did a DOOM thread turn into this?
OMG I was chewing a piece of chocolate and it flew out of my face reading that laughing.It had nothing to do with DOOM it had to do with Sander being a faggot.
OMG I was chewing a piece of chocolate and it flew out of my face reading that laughing.
Tempting us with a good time eh? Not sure that's going to work, might backfire on you.Also the next faggot that backseat moderates I am gonna spank the fuck out of them. If you aren't one of the admins you can suck a dick. A big hairy one.
He really was a fucking faggot and I'm glad he's gone.
Sounds like I dodged a fucking bullet on that one.This thread was made because Sander controlled every aspect of the forum during Gamergate/censorship nonsense