General Discussion Thread of DOOM

  • Thread starter Thread starter TorontoReign
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Oh I would've been banned. but I missed the entire Gamergate thing everywhere but I do know it fucked with people's heads something fierce. I guess I'm just lucky to have avoided that whole mess.
There's a road a choice that will decide what I will become the ups and downs are just the labour of love and the pains change the shape of my tears but before all of that there's something else intangible yet it makes all the difference in the world. Each choice is worse then the last. Sacrificing everything I love (whichly adds up to 1 or 2 things) and being more, maybe the reason I feel like that is that it's time to move on or if I waste my time like I do here I may never have the chance again. On the other hand I could become my inner nature which I thought there would be an end to the darkness but I beheld something eternally gaping. Ever dark. At the cost of most of my purpose to live. But I'm told its better to die happy. God knows many more was like this and all of them regretted it. I'm scared of the choice, I'm scared there's no turning back, I'm scared I don't ha e the courage yet do things so vile and dangerous for nothing. Sooner or later I will have to make a move. It will catch up with me. I can say in comparison I'm like a time bomb. Sure I held it long enough to this point and Ive seen nothings broken me yet but there will come a time when my chest is bursting with the emotions of the past and future that I will fall.

I would've organised and told it better but nah I'd rather pick up where I left off
I have posted on this site almost as long as they/he/she/it has been alive. They are literally so fucking boring when the site asked for a name they thought ANIMEHUNTER...

Other than how completely incoherent you sound, all I'm going to say is that I got the name Anime Hunter from this video. It would surprise me if you took the image below seriously.

Edit: Not just this post but every rant you posted about me. Every time I log on just to lurk I see three new essays all about some strawman you made up in you head. All I ask is that you figure out why you're so acting so overly-sensitive over this.

Idk but the way this discussion has heated up it is starting to feel hot as hell again.

I singed up for NMA assuming I'd be able to avoid the sort of unhinged behavior you too often find on places like Reddit or Twitter. Hopefully this isn't super-common here.
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I singed up for NMA assuming I'd be able to avoid the sort of unhinged behavior you too often find on places like Reddit or Twitter. Hopefully this isn't super-common here.
I think you are just in the wrong thread mate. There are other sections of the forum with more civil discussions but "The Thread of DOOM" is probably not one of those. I would just avoid topics/discussions like this one. Trying to call people out for what you see as behavioral issues probably isn't going to change anything.
I'm not exactly trying to call anyone out, moreso I'm just wondering why I'm living rent-free in Tornado's head.

Well you are in the tornado alley of NMA right now. No one's holding you back from leaving the thread if you feel the weather isn't to your liking. It's just in my experience, yelling at tornadoes doesn't really do much to calm the chaos.
I think I am living rent free in your head because you still won't shut the fuck up lol. Nice try kiddo.

If you cannot enjoy a good sea shanty you are a faggot.

“Climate change didn’t cause the thunderstorm that sparked that fire, but it increased the likelihood that the ambient conditions would be receptive,” he said.

I hate all the dancing around the truth.
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I am a massive leftoid

Did some noob seriously log into the spam thread and start trying to have an argument with Toront's shitposting? If you wanted to do that you could've gone to the 30 politics sperging threads. This is for shitposting and oversharing personal details.
I am a massive leftoid

Did some noob seriously log into the spam thread and start trying to have an argument with Toront's shitposting? If you wanted to do that you could've gone to the 30 politics sperging threads. This is for shitposting and oversharing personal details.

I am thinkings, very much so to mineself that diffy diferent tell apart sum of the threadings. I am not nowing witch is which on politico page a person can speak of left v right or Xena worrier princess. Also I have to say your piccy of ginger lady tiepins is distracting enough to be mesmerism. I feelings vary sleepy and soon I am needings to watch 6PM propaganda by the totally honest objective BBC. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz