it's just a bit of banter. All in good fun.
It's not always the site playing nanny. I made a joke about Pakistanis doing the backstroke and many people flipped.
That statement returns as 0 : False.They don't like you. They never will.
I will always return this comment with "Twitter banned me for calling myself a faggot" and never stop.
There is really no substitute; it's the absolute best tool for the task.just as Microsoft will railroad you one way or another into paying for stuff you don't need or Office.
There is really no substitute; it's the absolute best tool for the task.
(I've tried others, and they not only fall short, but don't fully support the doc & Docx format.)
What about Apache OpenOffice?There is really no substitute; it's the absolute best tool for the task.
(I've tried others, and they not only fall short, but don't fully support the doc & Docx format.)
I don't store any gifs. Voof is a friend.
Actually I used to not get along with Voof but that was because Brother None was sucking her ass being a little bitch defending her against Alec who in fact needed to be banned and go have a life elsewhere because he was posting from a nut hut instead of getting well. Also I was on meth.
But yeah I have the best search finding ability due to being insane. I type gibberish and that pops up.
I've tried OpenOffice, LibreOffice, and lesser unknowns, but they all are too rough around the edges. They work for plain 5% text pages, and lost pet flyers, but anything complex would have issues—for instance formated objects would not always remain where they were put when import/exporting to Office formats... and everything intended to be shared has to be saved in Office formats. A friend of mine tried submiting a resume in ODF format —which of course they would not take. Searching Google about LibreOffice brings this up first:What about Apache OpenOffice?
Can LibreOffice save as docx?
LibreOffice Writer can open and save files in Microsoft's Office Open XML Document format (. docx), but . docx files saved with LibreOffice may contain formatting errors when opened in Microsoft Word.
I'll give you this much. You do seem quite honest. Also that scenario you describe is spot on to what I meant.
I did wonder if anyone had got on your back cos you chat to me. I know this does happen and people have other places to chat.
Again on that poker 'circle' lots would gossip on fakebook. google circles or skype. I could spot the set ups a mile away.
Best made plans of mice and men ay !
Glad you got off that shite. ' Faces of Meth ' was a weird meme kindov thing.
Manchester got riddled with ' Spice' a synthetic weed that zombied them right out.
Popular in jails as well cos dogs could not detect it.