General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

On my first play-through of Mass Effect.

It's not a bad little game, really. I think i may have made a mistake by totally neglecting the main storyline quests in favour of the side quests (which i routinely do in any game that allows me to do that). By the time i rescued Liara, i was level 30. Fuck level scaling, though, but at least this game isn't a huge dick about it.

Can't say anything positive/negative about the story yet, but i like the OC setting and the characters, the detail put into the world and it's history. It's pretty neat. The gameplay is varied, i don't particularly enjoy combat, but not because it sucks - my rig opts to go insane whenever the AI kicks in, and slows down to a pathetic slideshow until my companions take down a few of the enemies. From then on it's pretty fun to shoot shit, i guess.

The planet exploration parts were fun at first, but it got boring after doing it 10 fucking times in a row. I could just skim through to the quest related stuff right after going planetside, but i'm a completionist - i just have to find every landmark, crashed probe, mineral deposit or a hidden Thresher Maw with it's trollface on. Otherwise i get explosive diarrhea. Speaking about boring, i learned to hate that decryption/hacking/whatever minigame. Why is it even there? Fuck that shit, just make a skill check. Was it so hard to implement? Christ.

What else... the quests are decent enough, if somewhat shallow at times. I feel some of them could have been taken a bit further, but i've no gripes, the game seems long enough as is. I also wonder where did i miss out on RP in the RPG. Oh i can either scare people into submission or suck their cock, thank you! Eh, i don't really mind, i came into the game with just the correct mindset, so i'm enjoying it way more than i thought i would be initially, especially considering my PC really struggles to run this game (the scowl i make every time i go back to the Citadel could make Chuck Norris shit his pants).

Good game, all around, i'd have to say, even if it has it's share of quirks and flaws. I wonder if the story won't disappoint, but i have the feeling it'll just be the old 'kick ass, save universe' business. Oh well, it could be worse. It could be the plot of Brazilian Star Wars.
Well just kinda been playing casual this and that's. Guitar Hero and things of that nature but looking for something a little more deep.....

Would Civ 4 fill that void?
Loved 3, 2 and 1. Not in that order but all good to me. Now I finally have the computing power to play it. Last time I tried it was in slow motion. Old computer and all. Fun but toooooo sloooooooowww.
So, again. Civ 4 worth $20 off of steam?
Spent a few hours trying to make a party in Temple of Elemental Evil. It's hard because I know fuck all about D&D and all those weird 6d2+12 and junk. But I finished.
Just stopped palying Modern Warfail 2, grew completely tired to those explosive-spammers, knife-runners, quick-scopers, roof-campers, glitch-users, hosts in the other side of the world with shitty connections, etc... the biggest problems in are not in the game, but it's players. At least Battlefield: Bad Company 2 has only campers (snipers mostly) that I end up hating.
Puokki said:
Just stopped palying Modern Warfail 2, grew completely tired to those explosive-spammers, knife-runners, quick-scopers, roof-campers, glitch-users, hosts in the other side of the world with shitty connections, etc

true for me for most of online FPS.
And being a host if you can't be one suck a lot, its cheating to me. I prefer have a worse handicap and play using a worse ping than everyone else than doing everyone suckin in the game because of my connection.

Just started Silent Hill 5 yesterday
Ausdoerrt said:
TOEE. Co8's new modpack is out, I'm ready to roll out on the n'th adventure!

Yeah i'm playing that too. I suck ass at it, thanks to being desensitized with shitty, easy games. And it doesn't really hold my hand as much as other rpgs like Baldur's Gate and whatnot in relation to the whole D&D thing.

the_cpl said:
Fallout 3. 3rd time. Very Happy

Right now i am playing Fallout 3 and Left 4 dead 2....Both games are very nice and very enjoyable...And Fallout 3 is really awesome...
Thats pretty cool, i was just thinking about buying it. TBH even when i havent actually played blood 2 yet i allready prefer first game by far just because of the setting and graphics, but better hold my judgement till later.

Just finished blood 1 ep 2, also playing some BC2 online every now and then.

Apparently you cant change fire mode to single shots which kinda pisses me. Or maybe you can and i just havent found it yet. :?
Jagged Alliance 2, at last. Always meant to give this game a try, but somehow never managed it. After reading some posts here in various threads I finally got it and patch 1.13. Very good game. Got me hooked from the start. I only got to liberate Drassen so far and promptly got my ass handed to me by Deidrannas troops.

I'm quite happy that I found this gem so late. It’s a great experience in these bland days, like a breath of fresh air. Imagine you could play fallout 1&2 again for the first time.
Am I the only person in the world who is not tired to the once-so-great Tony Hawk- series? I just played Tony Hawk's Project 8, which, in addition with Tony Hawk's Proving Ground, is a perfect example of how to keep up the quality of a game series, year after year. That's why this Tony Hawk: Ride looks shit to me; why do they have to go and change everything as a desperate attempt to get new buyers to a game, while completely ignoring the fans of the old game? They did the same with Fallout, and the outcome was average Bethesada quality (read: complete junk.)
Puokki said:
They did the same with Fallout, and the outcome was average Bethesada quality (read: complete junk.)

Yep, but the outcome was also a ton of cash and that's the only thing that counts for any production in any media above a certain budget.