General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Avernum 6, and getting into it. The last one that really sunk its fangs into me was 3. 4 and 5 didn't interest me too much, but this one seems promising so far. I'm not sure I like how the overworld got the ax, making the entire world contiguous; it ruins the sense of scale when one city is like four screens from another city that is "about a day's travel to the west."
Leon said:
Avernum 6, and getting into it. The last one that really sunk its fangs into me was 3. 4 and 5 didn't interest me too much, but this one seems promising so far. I'm not sure I like how the overworld got the ax, making the entire world contiguous; it ruins the sense of scale when one city is like four screens from another city that is "about a day's travel to the west."

Avernum 6 is pretty good but did you ever play Geneforge?
Playing Borderlands, from what I've tried I like Brick the best, being more of a heavy melee damage/gobs of health tank character.
Bought Fuel for 4€ last weekend, what a crappy game.. No physics, retarded AI, graphics that for some reason look like 640x480 even when set to 1900x1200, empty multiplayer (understandably), stupid "console style" menu's etc etc...
Ausdoerrt said:
TOEE. Co8's new modpack is out, I'm ready to roll out on the n'th adventure!
Thanks for the suggestion! Thats what I have been craving for for a long time!

PS: You have got a pm!
Last day with Halo: Reach beta before I send it back to the depths of the local Blockbuster. Heard there's a new mode out so I might play it.
I just started up Avernum 6 the other day. So far so good, I don't have much of a sense of the plot yet - Slithzerikai are running amuck in the north and I'm dicking about near the castle. I'm playing it on hard, and it seems to be quite a reasonable setting. The only real challenge so far has been one of those damn splitting blobs.
Arcanum...again. Great game, never actually beat it, since I always sucked at making a specific character without spreading myself to thin.
Omikron: Nomad Soul

The atmosphere is amazing. The story would be much better without the daemonic crap, though.
Just finished Bad Company 2, shit I know the Battlefield games are known for their multiplayer but couldn't they come up with a better singleplayer storyline than that? And it started off so promising in the WW2 section as well, and checkpoint saves in 2010 so annoying and outdated.
Currently playing Heart of Darkness. Picked it up along with Gangsters at the local charity shop I work at.
Well it's awesome (some great animation with the enemies) but it's been so long since I've played a game that teaches you by killing you a lot. Got jumped right at the beginning because I didn't destroy something casting a shadow.
Also the jump button is a bitch and I hate it, feels sticky after playing Abe's Odyssey.
Hoxie said:
Playing Borderlands, from what I've tried I like Brick the best, being more of a heavy melee damage/gobs of health tank character.

How are you liking Borderlands? Im sitll on fence about getting it or not

Im currently playing

World of Warcraft, I only log on to run arena a couple times a week or so with my shadowpriest.
Fallout Tactics (again)

Other then that im thinking about buying Mount & Blade Warband & playing it. There is a lot of older games I am wanting to get back into until New Vegas comes out & some others like Marvel VS Capcom 3.