Water Chip? Been There, Done That

Anyone has any feedback on Metro 2033?
Demonslayer said:Anyone has any feedback on Metro 2033?
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:Burning through the Splinter Cell series at the moment. Finished Splinter Cell, Pandora Tomorrow, and I'm about 75% of the way through Chaos Theory.
There's almost no difference between SC and Pandora Tomorrow. PT feels like an expansion pack, instead of a new game. Chaos Theory, on the other hand is such a jarring jump in quality it makes the first two games feel like PSX titles. The gameplay is incredibly fluid, the graphics are awesome, and the AI is deadly without being omniscient.
I strongly recommend Chaos Theory to anyone who likes stealth shooters and hasn't played it yet.
aenemic said:I was actually going to start with F.E.A.R. 2 and play the first game only if I liked the sequel. but a friend of mine convinced me to play them in order. maybe I should've done it either way - I might've appreciated both games more that way. remains to be seen.
I'm really starting to like the first game anyways, although it's pretty damn repetetive so far. I've been crawling through the same corridors and shooting the same enemies with the same weapons for a couple of hours now.