General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Playing some doom 3 with Perfected doom mod. Had this game for ages now and finally decided to give it a go. Damn i really dont find all this darkness too scary, its just simply annoying to constantly switch between flashlight and gun. I do enjoy all the audio logs and the game still looks pretty good IMO.
PainlessDocM said:
I would buy his games and donate them to friends if they were on PC Zappa avatar

Sadly, the current game industry means that a single bad game can spell financial doom for a company (ie: Turok and Acclaim), so after the lacklustre Brutal Legend, I'm guessing Tim & Co. decided it was just safer to make small, downloadable games in the vein of Costume Quest & Stacking... although, they could have been released on Steam.
I'd imagine piracy has a lot to do with it as well.... Look at a game like World of Goo... very much worth the asking price, but it was rampantly pirated.

You can't really pirate games on PSN or XBLA.
Ausdoerrt said:
^ Weakling :roll: Witcher takes a couple of days to complete, a week tops. It's also possible to play a lot of games at once, but I usually prefer to limit it to 1-2 and switch them more often, cause then the games keep my attention longer.

Yeah, it is short. Playing it for 3 days now (actively), and I'm done with half of it.
But I'm generally slow in gaming, because of my free time, laziness, and my...obsession to check every corner of each game neatly. Many people do it, but I am slow at it, and I like it that way. I hate to rush through a game.
I'm a gaming gourmand, and I like to take it slowly... :smug:
It's not short. It's the standard game size these days. If you put a few hours in every day, you can finish more or less any game within a week unless it's some JRPG. For example, I finished Risen over one weekend.
It is not short, no, it's filled with lot of content, many quests, and a (so far) nice story. To rephrase, it is not short, it is fast...if you can say that for an RPG.
Comparing it to other RPGs that have been released in the last 2-3 years, this one seems more dynamical, fast-paced to me. You can really finish it in one breath. So it feels to me.

Ausdoerrt said:
If you put a few hours in every day, you can finish more or less any game within a week

If you have that much spare time, yes. I used to play games in that way, but after some time I'd come with a problem of "no fresh stuff", and ending up waiting for new games to come out. Nowadays, I can't get myself to finish a game.
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
Just started Heavy Rain. I know I've heard some bad things here but I might as well play it before I sell it.

aaaand finished it. Was a really great experience and will def. play again at some point.

I started Uncharted and it seems pretty repetitive and not too exciting so I might put it on hold and play DA:Awakening or Star Ocean.
Can anyone recall the location of the Morrowind mod/patch that was about 1.4gig in size. It was mentioned somewhere here on NMA and Google, but my searches have all been in vain. :(
Well, Crysis 2 leaked. Watching videos on youtube, it's gotten a tad console-tarded, for sure. A shame really. At least the gameplay looks still good. BUT, WTF is up with the horrible, stupid story setup? The "only you can save the world" crap is the worst part of it, too.
I have had hours of fun after installing ePSXe Playstation emulator yesterday playing Wip3out. Rumbling through dust covered boxes in the dimly lit cellar was fun too, but this is even better! 8-)
Moloch Horridus said:
I have had hours of fun after installing ePSXe Playstation emulator yesterday playing Wip3out. Rumbling through dust covered boxes in the dimly lit cellar was fun too, but this is even better! 8-)

I love that little program...with the quick-save function most games are a joy to play...but I found Tomb Raider freezes at certain points, which annoys me. Does anyone know a solution? (yes I've checked the web, it didn't really help). :?
Finally got New Vegas cheap here in Brazil. Dude, this bitch is actually good! True, I need some console commands to dodge certain unpleasant features, and use these commands in junction with some self imposed rules to prevent total cheatness, but still... damn cool game atm.

Hope one day guys like Lexx, Killap and you, Pixote, work on a New Vegas "Restoration", to make it a Fallout as it should/could be.

Ausdoerrt said:
Well, Crysis 2 leaked.

Dude, DUUUDE!!! PM me with more info on this, please! PLEASE!!! :shock:
.Pixote. said:
I love that little program...with the quick-save function most games are a joy to play...but I found Tomb Raider freezes at certain points, which annoys me. Does anyone know a solution? (yes I've checked the web, it didn't really help). :?
It's nice to be able to play PSX games without my PS2 (or a PSX memory card) but I hate having to mix and match to find the right drivers for specific games. Some games just don't work right, which is really annoying.

Started playing some Disgaea again.

Started Xeno Clash but I think it gave me a headache, which is weird because no FPS has ever done that before. It might be because all of the screen movement from attacks or it might have been unrelated.
Makenshi said:
Ausdoerrt said:
Well, Crysis 2 leaked.

Dude, DUUUDE!!! PM me with more info on this, please! PLEASE!!! :shock:
Lost your googling skills man? The good news are that PC gaming is probably getting the blame on this one(when someone from the development team leaked the freaking game), and blah blah blah, pirates, and they've probably found a great excuse to switch over to developing for consoles. I would believe this was almost intentional if it weren't that the multiplayer Master key was leaked, as well as some other juicy development info/leftovers.

Maybe it's the Karma for doing an X360 Multiplayer only beta and no demo on PC?(To be fair, that's just Microsoft's exclusivity anyway) Not to mention I haven't seen available for pre-order at Steam yet, which leads me to believe it might not reach it at all...
Makenshi said:
Hope one day guys like Lexx, Killap and you, Pixote, work on a New Vegas "Restoration", to make it a Fallout as it should/could be.

I'm sorry I'm stuck in the world of old school...polygons put a shiver down my spine...but I would like to steal some New Vegas buildings and critters, and add them to the original Fallouts. 8-)