General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

.Pixote. said:
Makenshi said:
Hope one day guys like Lexx, Killap and you, Pixote, work on a New Vegas "Restoration", to make it a Fallout as it should/could be.

I'm sorry I'm stuck in the world of old school...polygons put a shiver down my spine...but I would like to steal some New Vegas buildings and critters, and add them to the original Fallouts. 8-)

I'd just like to say that I'd be totally cool with this. At the very least, never mind making some sort of total conversion mod to make NV using FOT or FO/2 (I'm not really familiar with the modding of either game/engine, but I'd totally learn up on 'em for such a thing.)
Dario ff said:
Lost your googling skills man? The good news are that PC gaming is probably getting the blame on this one(when someone from the development team leaked the freaking game), and blah blah blah, pirates, and they've probably found a great excuse to switch over to developing for consoles. I would believe this was almost intentional if it weren't that the multiplayer Master key was leaked, as well as some other juicy development info/leftovers.

Maybe it's the Karma for doing an X360 Multiplayer only beta and no demo on PC?(To be fair, that's just Microsoft's exclusivity anyway) Not to mention I haven't seen available for pre-order at Steam yet, which leads me to believe it might not reach it at all...

IIRC, even the engine editor, right? :lol: But you're correct, the official EA/Crytek statement was that this event will surely hurt their PC development and market. :roll: It's like they're already looking for excuses about why the PC version will suck.

If there's one thing I hope they'll fix in the final version, it's the controls. They're all over the place in beta. I also hate them getting rid of the ability wheel bcs it worked pretty well in Crysis 1.
Ausdoerrt said:
IIRC, even the engine editor, right? :lol:
Yup, even the maps from the XBox 360 version. So at least that gives me some comfort that they downgraded the maps to fit the console, rather than the opposite.

Ausdoerrt said:
If there's one thing I hope they'll fix in the final version, it's the controls. They're all over the place in beta. I also hate them getting rid of the ability wheel bcs it worked pretty well in Crysis 1.
My friend is mostly a fan of the ability wheel, though I switched faster by using the hotkeys(double space, strength... double ctrl, stealth). It seems the controls have mostly been simplified now. There are some nice additions(like the ability to lean from cover keeping the FPS perspective), but there are several removals that I'm not sure they're right. For example, the power jump needs you to hold the space key longer, instead of switching and doing it instantly...

The grenade hotkey also seems to have been removed, and replaced with equipping it as a normal weapon and throwing it. I ain't still sure if that's turned out better or not yet.

Still, what this beta helped is that I'm amazed at how well this thing runs in my rig. Much better than Crysis 1 at pretty much the same settings... It seems to be a bit more linear though. :|
Warhead was extremely linear. I'd say Crysis 2 is some middle ground b/w sandbox 1 and linearity of Warhead.

I dislike having to look all over the keyboard for a button I need in an FPS. Crysis 2 is just a bit overwhelming with all the different buttons.

I personally hate how the lean works, being tied to cover. I would've been pretty satisfied with the traditional FPS 45 degree lean instead.

Runs OK on my laptop, hopefully performance will improve in the final version. The ridiculous amounts of motion blur are annoying, too, hope there will be an option to turn it off. Preformance isn't ahuge surprise, though, since it's roughly the same as Crysis 1 graphically, and they also had to downgrade it to run properly on consoles.
Between work, sleep and life in general I took my super Nintendo over to my parents house. My father and I have been playing Super Mario Brothers 3 from the All Stars collection. 12 year Jameson makes that old bastard funny. Well all three old bastards. My father, the super nintendo and mario 3.
Playing Mass Effect 2 with my imported character from Mass Effect 1. The game looks nice but it really isn't a RPG anymore! :shrug:
was it ever one ? I cant say the Me1 feelt to me more RPG like then Me2. Sure it had a more complex rpg-like system behind it. But for me personaly in the end it didnt matter as it still feelt like a corridor-shooter at some point.

Also turrians are cute :3
I agree the companions made Me awesome. At least in my eyes. The story ? Its mediocre in my eyes. Good enough to keep me enterainet. But in Me1 it loost at some pont (after half of the game was finished) the interest in it. The levels have been so damn boring, long and empty. And the fighting feelt not all to intuitive in my eyes. Maybe the controls, or because the distances have been so huge. No clue its hard to describe. But I liked the speed of the action in Me2 more. Just that Me2 was even LESS of an RPG then Me1 already was. ... Yeah well I am looking forward to Me3 though. And I hope the decisions this time WILL matter. Not just get mentioned here and there. I want to see DRAMATIC changes to the outcome of the story damnit!
I loved ME, and have played through it many times, but the combat feels REALLY shitty compared to ME2, especially if you're playing on Hardcore.

ME Hardcore: Spam all of your powers, and then spray the enemy with horribly weak bullets (Oh, and since there is no localized damage and MASSIVE auto-aim, skill is removed entirely from the equation) while you wait for your powers to come off cooldown.

ME2 Hardcore: Be awesome at shooters and intelligently manage your powers and you will tear the game up. It is almost completely skill based.

Anyway, just finished Invisible War and damn, what a clusterfuck of a story that was. All four endings sucked.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
Anyway, just finished Invisible War and damn, what a clusterfuck of a story that was. All four endings sucked.
Heh yeah I remember that and had the same feeling hence I killed everyone discovering the Omar have won :shock:
no seriously now I kinda missed that part. It was a real WTF moment. I guess I was to focused on the other lines (which sucked in my eyes) like Tong and JC or the Templars.

It has been a long time since I played it and maybe I cant remember it that well anymore but it feelt to me like everything was a bit to artifical. Something I liked about Deus Ex1 was that it didnt feelt so heavily focused on you the player but that you simply tried to find your way out of this. To make it short the story was much better told.