General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

I'm replaying Bayonetta. Changed the console because the small hard disk was annoying (from 40GB to 320GB) but the saves of this game can't be copied. For some reason.

Well, I've an excuse to play it again. :P
Tried to play ME2 with Vanguard again , fking ruined character class . Enemy spamming nukes into my head and i can't do crap with my Charge or shotgun ...
But my original Infiltrator character can one shot kill krogans with sniper . Nice balance they created ...
Really? Vanguard are my favorite class. Zipping around with almost no health, going from enemy to enemy, surviving only with the shield boost given by Charge while the Claymore one-shots baddie after baddie. Good times.

And I agree Phil, ME2 has one of the very best combat systems I experienced, ever. Not really RPG-ish, but much better than spamming overpowered Biotics while taking 30 seconds to boringly pump every single foe full of bullets like in the first game.

Oh, and the Infiltrator is the most powerful class most of the time, what with the huge sniper damage and the get out of trouble free cloak. It's like judging Deus Ex's game balance around the ridiculous Regererate power.

On topic: replaying Bioshock. Man, the opening cutscene is so well done.

'I chose...

Playing the Predator campaign. Its kinda fun actually (played exactly 2 levels thus far.) Tried some alien missions too, those were pretty boring/bad.

Funny thing about losing interest in ME1 in halfway trough, this happened to me too, not really sure why, it just wasnt fun anymore i guess. Now that i think about it this happened with dragon age too, just after i entered those elven woods (forgot what they were called) and never got back... I didnt really hate those games either but i just kinda lost interest.
Re-installing Last Remnant, gotta finish that game... It's madness to make games that long, but it's fun so I'm not complaining. Also want to see how much better it looks/runs on my new laptop...
Ilosar said:
Really? Vanguard are my favorite class.

Sentinel for me. I like the versatility and feeling of power.

Ilosar said:
And I agree Phil, ME2 has one of the very best combat systems I experienced, ever. Not really RPG-ish, but much better than spamming overpowered Biotics while taking 30 seconds to boringly pump every single foe full of bullets like in the first game.

Typical cover-shooter really. It'd be a lot better if BioWare was better at level design so I wouldn't be able to prejudge difficulty of combat by the amount of cover available. It's kinda stupid to be honest.

Still. Enjoyable.
Ausdoerrt said:
Re-installing Last Remnant, gotta finish that game... It's madness to make games that long, but it's fun so I'm not complaining. Also want to see how much better it looks/runs on my new laptop...

So it's a good game, huh?
I had a pirate copy of it, but it didn't work, so it got canned.
I wanted to replay Morrowind with the Morrowind 2011 stuff.
Pain in the ass to install, unstable as hell and extremely laggy.
Sure, looks much better, but it took about 4 hours to get it at least partially to work. The problem is that I didn't find any useful information on how to install this beast.
It didn't help that the version of the Morrowind graphic extender didn't work, that there are pretty much no readmes on when to use what plugin and that the mods don't seem to be too compatible.
Some plugins were really nice. One grass mod for example made it impossible to walk through grass. Now, there are five or six different grass mods, so it's pretty hard to determine which one is fucked up, so I had to ditch them all.
And of course, it crashes every ten minutes.
I'm sure it will work if everything is set up correctly, but where can I find some info on that?
Atomkilla said:
Ausdoerrt said:
Re-installing Last Remnant, gotta finish that game... It's madness to make games that long, but it's fun so I'm not complaining. Also want to see how much better it looks/runs on my new laptop...

So it's a good game, huh?
I had a pirate copy of it, but it didn't work, so it got canned.

It's lots of fun if you like JRPGs. Got a great combat system that's just a bit too dumbed down for its own good. If only they let you control how the squads move around the battlefield...

Oh yeah, and the English voice-acting is terrible, stay away. Thankfully, the PC version allows to choose original voices instead.
Ah, I stopped playing because I wanted to shoot the main character in the back of the head whenever he said something stupid within the first hour of the game. Would've run out of bullets pretty quick.
Hopefully the Japanese voices are less anoying as the combat is really nice and as it's turnbased you can use a keyboard.
The Japanese VA is usually great (cause they take it seriously unlike most of the time in the States), but TLR's acting is top-notch for most characters, especially the villains.

The story is obviously targeted for teens and the plot reads like a mediocre anime. The problem with the English translation is that the game seems to be "overly localized", making some of the dialogue downright stupid. I know cause I switched to English voice for 5 minutes before turning it off.

The combat is where the game really shines, especially the more challenging battles. It's a bit complex though, takes time to fully grasp. Sadly, since the game wasn't very successful, they'll probably abandon this beauty in favor of dumbed-down gameplay of their more mainstream titles like FFXIII.

You CAN use keyboard, but it's much, MUCH more comfortable to play with a gamepad if you have one.
I don't play JRPGs much, or better said, almost not at all, but I liked this game when I read the review.
I expected for VA to be poor, and if I recall correctly, the reviewer explicitly stated to play the game only with original VA.
To bad I can't find that game anywhere. Even the biggest firm in Serbia that specialises in selling games, consoles and other gaming equipment, has quite a poor selection of Japanese games. Except some Final Fantasy titles, maybe couple of Naruto or Dragon Ball titles - nothing else.
And I promised myself that I'd stop downloading games illegally - and even if I could find the Remnant on some torrent site, it would be a miracle.
I'm not sure if you can use Steam, but that's where they sell it. I'm not sure if there was ever an official DVD release. When I was back in Ukraine last summer, though, you could find a pirated copy in just about any games store. And the game's not so old as to disappear from torrents already.

As for the VA, judge for yourself:

It's not just the dialogue, it's even the battle sounds and, if you understand Japanese the translation itself. Especially compare the voice of Duke Hermeien (the guy in a checkered outfit at 1:45).

Also guess what, there's actually a demo:
Finally beat Wing Commander 3 16 years after buying it. Fun story, but it's hard to play any space shooter after having played Freespace 2.

Playing Crusader: No Remorse right now. Controls are annoying as hell but having a lot of fun with it, I forgot how much of a puzzle game it was.

Probably will start a JRPG soon, Resonance of Fate or Star Ocean International.
Ausdoerrt said:
I'm not sure if you can use Steam, but that's where they sell it. I'm not sure if there was ever an official DVD release. When I was back in Ukraine last summer, though, you could find a pirated copy in just about any games store. And the game's not so old as to disappear from torrents already.

As for the VA, judge for yourself:

It's not just the dialogue, it's even the battle sounds and, if you understand Japanese the translation itself. Especially compare the voice of Duke Hermeien (the guy in a checkered outfit at 1:45).

Also guess what, there's actually a demo:

Amazing how crappy that sounds. Escpecially after hearing Japanese version.
To be honest, I downloaded couple of Remnant torrents, but none of them worked. Usually viruses and similar annoying problems, so I dropped that idea. One store here sells copies, but they get them from the same source I do - so it's a waste of time and money. More over, my friend bought one copy, and, you can guess what happened.
I "can" get games from Steam - it's just that I have no means of paying. No PayPal, nor do I own a credit card, so I have to wait for that.

But thanks for the link to the demo, at least I'm able to play that much.
I "can" get games from Steam - it's just that I have no means of paying. No PayPal, nor do I own a credit card, so I have to wait for that.

Ah yes, makes sense. The first time I got a card wasn't until I came to the States. They just aren't as common in Central Eastern Europe.

The biggest disappointment for me was how little carried over between OC and MotB; there's absolutely no advantage of continuing with the same character, since you lose all inventory, and the crafting system is completely changed. So much time accumulating the ingredients to make stronger wpns only to find out that it was all in vain...

That and the half-assed last dungeon+ending. Otherwise a great game, though I strongly suggest to skip the final dungeon and look up the ending on Youtube or something, and go straight to MOTB, won't lose much.
Ausdoerrt said:
The combat is where the game really shines, especially the more challenging battles. It's a bit complex though, takes time to fully grasp. Sadly, since the game wasn't very successful, they'll probably abandon this beauty in favor of dumbed-down gameplay of their more mainstream titles like FFXIII.

Last Remnant was basically made by a large part of the team behind all the SAGA titles.

SAGA games always have/had extremly complex and always changing game mechanics (including perma-death). Honestly, Last Remnant is actually a little dumbed down from them.

Thanks to non existant tutorials however their also absolute mindfucks. If you don't like spending the time to figure out the game mechanics its nothing for you.

They are Squares experimental hidden gems.
There is a tutorial... ish. Kinda tutorial lite and I don't know if it's in the console version.

I would use a controller for this but my brother seems to have lost my wired 360 controller, only realised this after trying to play Bionic Commando Rearmed with a keyboard and almost loosing the feeling in my hands.

Wow, the Japanese voice acting sounds so much better.
Alphadrop said:
There is a tutorial... ish. Kinda tutorial lite and I don't know if it's in the console version.

I would use a controller for this but my brother seems to have lost my wired 360 controller, only realised this after trying to play Bionic Commando Rearmed with a keyboard and almost loosing the feeling in my hands.

Wow, the Japanese voice acting sounds so much better.

I was talking about the SAGA games not about Last Remnant. :P