General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
Trying Star Wars Empire at war again. I played Rebellion a lot as a kid and this seems to improve on it in every way, especially the ground combat. I'd like to see more types of units and more covert missions like Rebellion but oh well. It's also some of the better space combat strategy I've played.

Only played the demo but the space combat is really great in that. Ground combat I tended to loose a lot in.
Yea, shame it dosen't have as many units and complexity as in Supremacy (aka Rebellion) but then again building a couple of Death Stars was always slightly overpowered. :V
well in forces of corruption you can build the second death star AND a super star destroyer which is really awesome.

THough I wish both the Space and Ground combat would have been a bit more complex and biger (from the map size). Otherwise the game is definetly one of the better ones.
Dawn of War 2: Retribution campaigns. The Spess Mehreens one for the story and continuity, the Ork one because the banter is freaking hilarious, it's obvious Relic had a lot of fun writing that one. A bit of a shame the levels and objectives are pretty much reused, but making 15 good and unique missions for 6 races is out of reach for even Blizzard, yet alone Relic. It still rocks though.

Also stomping n00bz with Imperial Guard because people don't know how to counter the faction yet, yay for beta participation.

EDIT: it is an RTS, but the story is still vastly superior to SC2, for instance. You just do what your race does; save the day from demons and such with SM, kill and loot with Orks, consume with Nids, ect. It's just that the sector happens to be about to be burned to ashes (not a spoiler, the intro says so), which fuels the story because you kinda don't want to be burned to ashes. Im am only halfway through the SM campaign, however, don't take what I say for granted :).
Finished Grim Fandango after having to look up puzzle solutions three or four times. Apparently I haven't gotten much better at adventure games over the last 12 years.

The Witcher has been sitting in my 'Need to play' pile for over a year now, so now seems as good a time as any to give it a try.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
Finished Grim Fandango after having to look up puzzle solutions three or four times. Apparently I haven't gotten much better at adventure games over the last 12 years.

Congrats. I really wanted to finish it but just didn't have the patience for it. The game proved to me that fantastic writing, setting, voice acting, and humor are not enough after all. I got about half way through but found the gameplay unbearable. I think I will watch the rest on youtube.

Oddly enough, I did the same to Psychonauts.
Well as Painless knows I loves me the M60 so an entire DLC thingy with it in is like a dream come true. That it completely spoofs Bad Company 2's Vietnam is just extra goodness.
Ugh, so apparently Crysis 2 demo is buggy as f*ck. I can't even log in. Crytek, what were you thinking, releasing a demo in this state? Why the hell PoS Gamespy?

And to think that I was considering buying the game if the multiplayer was fun. Yeah right.
Tried Crysis 2 demo today. It completely destroyed my laptop. I don't get why either because it can run most games well and even Crysis 1 at very decent settings and speeds.

I couldn't even get a somewhat tolerable performance out of the demo on the lowest settings and boy does it look horrible at 800xsomething. Could not even get a single decent match going.
Same here Maximaz. I tried turning the resolution all the way down but only at like 1024 did the game run properly, and it was nigh unplayable on my 21' monitor. Also, the game seetings are really unclear; is ''gamer'' the best or worst setting? or is it ''harcore''? What, Low, Medium and High is not cool enough nowadays?

Apart from that it feels a bit like a COD-ized version. It still plays well and all and at least the lack of grenade hotkey and open maps mean there's little grenade spam (that annoys me more than anything else), but the killstreak awards and such seem like they are only there because other shooters have them and it's now become mandatory to have that sort of thing, along with the leveling system whose existence I still do not understand in a FPS.
maximaz said:
Tried Crysis 2 demo today. It completely destroyed my laptop. I don't get why either because it can run most games well and even Crysis 1 at very decent settings and speeds.

Supposedly a lot of the demo lag is because of crappy Internet connectivity. That's what I head anyway. I can't even connect to compare performance to *that other* version of Crysis 2 I've seen.