General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

The tutorial only goes into basic controls and much less more. There's little explanation of how stats, character interaction, tactics, upgrades etc. etc. work. It takes a while to take all of that in, thankfully the game gives you a plenty of time to do so. There's also a great wikia for TLR that explains all of that and is extremely helpful.

@C2B: Which ones are the SAGA games? You mean like Romancing SaGa and stuff? I don't think they ever made any for PC so I'm not very familiar.
Ausdoerrt said:
@C2B: Which ones are the SAGA games? You mean like Romancing SaGa and stuff? I don't think they ever made any for PC so I'm not very familiar.

Yup. Sadly only a few made it to the US (always flopped over here due to difficulty)

Which are the original SAGA games (FF: Legends over here) for Gameboy, Saga Frontier 1+2, Unlimited Saga (which marked the end of the series), and the remake of Romancing Saga.

There are tons of fan translations around though. So if you aren't afraid of emulators they are certainly worth a try.

My personal favourite is Romancing Saga III.

Here is some unlimited Saga gameplay

(Was absolutly hated by US reviewers for its complexity)
Finished Dead Space 2 in a single sitting (How's that for a nerdy friday night?). It was better than the first, but nothing great. My fingers were sore about halfway through from all of the "MASH E!!!111shiftone" QTE's.

The story started off at a blistering pace, and had me hooked... and then it proceeded to let me down over and over again, all the way to the cliche "surprise" ending (which you will see coming ~50-60 minutes beforehand).

Then there's the DLC debacle. In classic EA form, they gave PC gamers the finger by stating that they WILL NOT be releasing any DLC for the PC version (no Severed expansion), and the bug which completely fucks up your unlocks isn't going to be patched either. Oh, and it's still $60. Enjoy.

But wait, it's not all bad news. The three $5 armor/weapon packs already exist in-full on the disk, and can be enabled on the PC version by using a modified save. So at least there's that.
Recently played through the entire Half-Life series over the course of a couple weeks. Half-Life, HL: Opposing Force, HL: Blue <strike>Shit</strike> Shift, Half-Life 2, HL2: Episode One, & HL: Episode 2. Was tons of fun to play through the whole thing consecutively after a few years of not playing any Half-Life at all. That strider battle at the end of EP2 is some serious bool-shyeet, though. Hunters are pricks.

Afterward, I completed my campaign in Mount & Blade to conquer all of Calradia. Just had to finish steamrolling the Rhodoks and Sarranids. Been a looooong time coming, that. The "endgame," well... I got a message stating that all of Calradia had been conquered by one nation, my nation. Yippie. I guess.

Now I'm toying with NV again, probably going to dump a few weeks into playing through it on and off in between work and studies.
I_eat_supermutants said:
Seriously. Minecraft. What the shit. It's like Tetris. Simplest shit is the most addicting.

And made of blocks.

Playing some more Bad Company 2 multiplayer. Got sick of the Single Player campaign after they decided to take an all Hummer convoy into the middle of unexplored enemy territory.

Though I have found the worst enemies in multiplayer are dust, bloom lighting and bloom lighting coming of the dust. Played a Vietnam map and a tank duel ended up with both sides guessing where the enemy tank was in all the dust while waiting for a Recon to one shot a tank with a small stick of explosives planted 5 feet away.
Doesen't help the tanks main gun is possibly the worst explosive gun in the game, the lowest level RPG can take out tanks more effectively and doesen't take three shots to kill a soldier.
There's probably something wrong with your tanks when the pintle mounted machine gun is the more effective of it's two weapons.
/end treadhead rage.
Playing Mass Effect.
I got it about 5 months ago, and still haven't finished it. Better said, haven't started it. Enjoying so far, but controls are really a pain in the ass.
Ilosar said:
Really? Vanguard are my favorite class. Zipping around with almost no health, going from enemy to enemy, surviving only with the shield boost given by Charge while the Claymore one-shots baddie after baddie. Good times.

And I agree Phil, ME2 has one of the very best combat systems I experienced, ever. Not really RPG-ish, but much better than spamming overpowered Biotics while taking 30 seconds to boringly pump every single foe full of bullets like in the first game.

Uh huh . What ?
One shot baddie with Claymore , when did that happen ... on Normal i need more than one shot , on Hardcore i need to take my pistol out when i run out of shotgun bullets .

First of all in ME1 you can't spam because you have cd on everything , so you need to think what to throw and when . And it's more open so enemies can fire tons of bullets or missiles on you . And that's not easy to dodge . Talking about overpowered Biotics look at shockwave in ME2 . Since most of the combat is linear and not so much open , ramming everything in a single straight line is op and funny . As much as is singularity and shotgun kaboom from ME1 but that you have to focus to make it work and not just click .
Sorry if i want my shotgun skill back again to blow things up , or my lift and singularity power while running into enemies . In ME2 i run into them and then run back like hell if i don't want a missle running up in my ass . Charge is a waste if i can't kill them with it or do something else except going through walls . And they get up too quickly . Not even a Shield power at the start like Jacob has , i need to friend him for that kind of survivability . Shotgun sux bigtime , that much that Bioware had to actually add one later is enough said . Vanguard in ME2 is nothing compared to the one in ME1 . I don't see much fun in going to cover all the time , with usless weapon and cool looking PRIMARY skill which doesn't help me that much . Nice and balanced combat system . Good thing they made other weapons usable later , wonder why . Or perhaps i didn't play the same ME 2 ?
We'll just have to agree to disagree then. But a claymore headshot instantly solves the majority of problems in the game on Insanity, not counting those damn Scions.

Just one thing; Barrier sucks. It has a 12 seconds cooldown, 12 seconds without powers (the key to your superiority over the mooks) for a shield that lasts 2-3 more seconds under heavy fire max. While Charge has a much lower cooldown and fully recherches your sheild while closing the distance and giving a 2 seconds slow-mo to help you get that claymore headshot I mentioned earlier.

But to each his own tactics.
Atomkilla said:
Playing Mass Effect.
I got it about 5 months ago, and still haven't finished it. Better said, haven't started it. Enjoying so far, but controls are really a pain in the ass.

Another game where you have to get used to the controls, which sucks more when you're computer can barely run it even on all low.

The Story is what kept me going, i liked interacting with all the characters, especially your teammates, their backstories and such.
thegaresexperience said:
Atomkilla said:
Playing Mass Effect.
I got it about 5 months ago, and still haven't finished it. Better said, haven't started it. Enjoying so far, but controls are really a pain in the ass.

Another game where you have to get used to the controls, which sucks more when you're computer can barely run it even on all low.

The Story is what kept me going, i liked interacting with all the characters, especially your teammates, their backstories and such.

Story is so far ok, and so are the backstories, setting is good, and some characters' design is awesome (Turians are cute).
Controls, like said, suck, especially in the battle. And I hate that interface, with all "powers" looking similar.
The biggest pain in the ass are bugs and glithces, and there are plenty of those in the unpatched version.
Story doesn't get that great, but the back-stories are consistently ok.

On the topic of controls, the Mako. Discuss.

Also, have been playing Bulletstorm. Believe I am now completely desensitized to violence.
Shadow of the Wastes said:
On the topic of controls, the Mako. Discuss.

Actually, I don't mind Mako...much.
Seriously, I don't find its controls hard or annyoing, it's just that some parts with it can be quite tedious.

Yesterday, I almost deleted ME from my computer. It crashed 5 times in half an hour.
Fucking idiots at BioWare can't make the game properly. Even after 2 patches.
PC version of ME was a pretty piss-poor port, what with all the bugs, loooong texture loading time, and bad DRM. Happily those issues were fixed in the sequel, mostly.

About the Mako, I think it's not really the controls (they are admitedly a bit wonky) as much as the environnements in which you drove it. All those damn mountains that always looked identical and boring made getting around a serious pain. The story missions had more linear Mako levels, but they were better because you didn't have to worry about the damn thing getting stuck somewhere and could concentrate on going forward.
Ilosar said:
We'll just have to agree to disagree then. But a claymore headshot instantly solves the majority of problems in the game on Insanity, not counting those damn Scions.

Just one thing; Barrier sucks. It has a 12 seconds cooldown, 12 seconds without powers (the key to your superiority over the mooks) for a shield that lasts 2-3 more seconds under heavy fire max. While Charge has a much lower cooldown and fully recherches your sheild while closing the distance and giving a 2 seconds slow-mo to help you get that claymore headshot I mentioned earlier.

But to each his own tactics.

Headshot a Krogan or someone other with full shield ?
That's some chance i have , but i take it on Vanguard , problem is i don't see that happening too many times . Or a lot of missiles are coming to my head to even notice my chances have improved .
I really tried to use Charge effective as i could but three things happen eventually :
No ammo , shield gone too soon , low hp . Possibly fourth no cover since you go in like a baloon tank expecting to survive . You can't snipe with shotgun from cover anyway , you can with pistols only they have more ammo . I pull all that aggro on me alone .

What you're saying is like i need more play time on him . But for how long i wonder . If i had shotgun blast from ME1 it would be better , why they took that out is beyond me . Most it did is splash damage and since in ME2 you don't have singularity on Vanguard it could make it's worth . But no for some reason that only Bioware knows . Shotgun expert with no real shotguns till addons or special skill . Pistols at least have faster fire rate .

Titan Quest: Immortal throne.
Great game for some coop with friends.
Still as much fun and beautiful as it ever was.


Silent hunter IV: U boot missions. Challenging and very atmospheric subsim. A shame the sequel was released in beta state and is not going to get any more patches + it has the infamous Ubi DRM.

I'm also trying to get back into FNV, with little success thus far.
Ilosar said:
PC version of ME was a pretty piss-poor port, what with all the bugs, loooong texture loading time, and bad DRM. Happily those issues were fixed in the sequel, mostly.

I can live with everything, but crashing while game is loading, so that I have to restart my computer is excruciatingly painful experience.
I must have gotten lucky with ME1 (PC), I didn't experience a single crash nor did I notice long texture loading times.