General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Ilosar said:
Crusaders King II. As my first Paradox game, I was quite overwhelmed at first. Tried to lead France to glory and ended up neck deep in rebellions and backstabbing half-brothers from Slovenia. Then I tried to unite Ireland and found out the counties are so tiny you can't get anything done. I've finally settled with Danemark, and got a nice dynasty going smashing Pagans and stealing, err, reclaiming De Jure duchies from those silly Swedes. Vassals don't like me having high crown authority, but screw them, I have so much cash I can hire mercenarires and kick their asses.

Also, the actual crusades in my game were such a monumental failure. The 30K Fatimid army threw us back across the sea while the AI moved it's 10 different 3-4K stacks around like headless chickens. It was quite amusing to watch, if not particularily glorious.

Noticed that you could choose Sweden.. I should try it out!

And i finnished Metro 2033 yesterday after a few restarts due to missing stuff and i must say that the game was great but it was lacking something.. But now i can't wait for last light but i have to wait a while before i'm buying it :(
Faster Than Light, it's a highly addictive little indie game. There's just one 2D static screen with your trusty space shuttle in this game, yet you're jumping through the star systems faster than light! :)
valcik said:
Faster Than Light, it's a highly addictive little indie game. There's just one 2D static screen with your trusty space shuttle in this game, yet you're jumping through the star systems faster than light! :)
Oh I've heard good things about that.

My favorite space games so far are Star Control II and Beat Hazard.

EDIT: and Homeworld.
FTL is fun, though the final boss is like running into a wall. Dude is haaarsh.

Completed Borderlands 2... finally. For an intergalactic killing machine genetically engineered by an ancient alien race to destroy the everything the final boss is a bit of a damp squib, taken out by two dudes with sniper rifles shooting the giant easily shootable glowing weakspot. Or shooting rocket launchers at it, love Tediore weapons.
Alphadrop said:
FTL is fun, though the final boss is like running into a wall. Dude is haaarsh.

Completed Borderlands 2... finally. For an intergalactic killing machine genetically engineered by an ancient alien race to destroy the everything the final boss is a bit of a damp squib, taken out by two dudes with sniper rifles shooting the giant easily shootable glowing weakspot. Or shooting rocket launchers at it, love Tediore weapons.
Dude can be harsh or a total pushover depending on your luck, ship upgrades/weapon setup, and how much time you invested into farming scrap and upgrading your ship. Not something you can beat on your first try, though.

I think the Yatzee limerick about FTL is absolutely fantastic.

I got quite bored with Borderlands 2 right when you start having to fight robots, made it to the big ship fight, but didn't feel like going on. The game drags on even worse than the first one IMO, and is a tad too repetitive for its own good.
Think co-op made the difference, first try gave up around the same time you did but it does pick up after you rescue Roland.
Tiny Tina almost makes it worth the whole slog.
Mount and Blade warband original.
difficuly is very easy but playing single charector.
Hell 1: 44 is very hard even with very easy difficulty :lol: :lol: :lol: .
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
TS might be my favorite C&C game. I also loved Renegade, but I never did finish it. Worth a shot if you like the universe, I'd love to see a modern one.

Yeah i think ill try renegade out too, i remember not really liking it when it came out but i really didnt give it much of a shot tbh.
Mutoes said:
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
TS might be my favorite C&C game. I also loved Renegade, but I never did finish it. Worth a shot if you like the universe, I'd love to see a modern one.

Yeah i think ill try renegade out too, i remember not really liking it when it came out but i really didnt give it much of a shot tbh.

It's a pretty bad shooter in my opinion. On top of that it hasn't aged well. So personally I wouldn't touch it.
Can't stop playing Stalker!
It's far evoled from SOC though dungeon is dissapointing but not that bad.
but for field to explore, enemy to fight, quests(actually quest of SOC is quite sucks though it's useful to earn money), finding artifacts and factions.
There's hell of bugs but I don't feel it's bad maybe because I have played most buggy games or actually it's not that bad.

Grenade is one of funniest part of this game. they throw grenade and it lends just I hiding. so moving fastly to don't give them chance to throw, aim head, using 3 shots and battle solves. it's quite fun to me.
I'm playing The Binding of Isaac, I cannot seem to beat the last final boss. If you're into well designed sado masochism, I suggest it. I'm playing until I get the Basement Collection. I have enough money, but I'm a cheapskate when it comes to buying new games.
Finally scrapped together a new PC, and took the time to play through the entire Crysis series.

Crysis 1 was okay. Impressive graphics, but things get a little boring once the aliens are finally revealed. The AI also has a tendency to cheat, and that frequently spoils the immersion. Basically just Far Cry with a Nano Suit instead of a Hawaiian shirt, and Aliens instead of Mutants. Still, a fun experience.

Crysis Warhead was better, with far more variety in gameplay, an interesting protagonist, and better combat; even the cheating AI has been thoroughly reigned in. All of that comes at a cost of being on-rails for about 90% of the game, but I don't think the game really suffered from that as the pacing is excellent.

Crysis 2 is where the wheels start falling off. They somehow managed to fuck up the graphics so that they're significantly worse than the previous two games (even with the DX11 patch and "HD" textures installed). The cheating AI makes a return, almost all of the levels are boring and samey, and the game is about as linear as your standard call of duty title. You can either shoot these guys, stealth and bypass them, or go through that conveniently placed sewer grate and bypass them. That is the extent of the variety. The story is decent enough to keep things moving on, but the gameplay is a boring slog.

Crysis 3 is a mess. They managed to get the graphics right this time; but that's literally all they got right. The cheating AI is back with a vengeance, and brush/tall grass/trees now provide *ZERO* cover. If an enemy is looking in your general direction, no matter how far they are away, you are either invisible, behind a wall, or being shot at. Saving is now entirely handled by checkpoints, and these checkpoints are EXTREMELY few and far between. Besides that, it's basically just Crysis 2 with better graphics, slightly more open levels and a jungle-skinned New York. Like Crysis 2, the story was okay, but I was bored within the first 15 minutes and had to force myself to continue on. 7 hours later the ending was decent, and wrapped things up nicely while still leaving room for yet another sequel, because we really need another one of those.

Crysis = B+
Crysis Warhead = A
Crysis 2 = C-
Crysis 3 = D-
Ilosar said:
Also, the actual crusades in my game were such a monumental failure. The 30K Fatimid army threw us back across the sea while the AI moved it's 10 different 3-4K stacks around like headless chickens. It was quite amusing to watch, if not particularily glorious.

I think that's quite historical. Several crusades had crusaders behaving like headless chickens. :)
Dark Souls.

I know I'm late to the party but can someone explain why I just killed 5 invaders in a row and got no humanity or souls for it? The 6th guy got me.

I was pretty proud of myself since I usually lose 90% of 1v1 PvP invasions and this was mostly 2v1. Uchigatana yea!
With both my new stalker games done and APB is not an option anymore due to nothing new i was thinking of either modding the shit out of one of the stalker games or play some F3/NV or Skyrim.. Sadly the Fallout mod managers doesn't give me an option to check for new updates on all the mods i have so i might just take the lazy way out.. Or maybe even collect all mods from scratch! Sadly i will probably get bored with F3 due to the story or NV due to the world being really boring in my opionion... And I never manage to complete everything i want in skyrim before getting tired of it or restarting...

My gaming life sucks :P
The most fun I had in F3 was with that mega mod that lets you change a whole bunch of stuff regarding xp rewards, enemy difficulty, enemy spawn size etc. It also has weapon modding, a shit ton of new weapons and armors, real-world drugs with trippy effects, the need to sleep, eat and drink and lots of other fun stuff. I made the game super hard, and spent most of the time high and drunk shooting things with my bozar.
aenemic said:
The most fun I had in F3 was with that mega mod that lets you change a whole bunch of stuff regarding xp rewards, enemy difficulty, enemy spawn size etc. It also has weapon modding, a shit ton of new weapons and armors, real-world drugs with trippy effects, the need to sleep, eat and drink and lots of other fun stuff. I made the game super hard, and spent most of the time high and drunk shooting things with my bozar.

Wasn't that FOOK or something? I'm pretty sure I played a very similar mod.

Also, Company of Heroes 2 rocks. Some balance issues in multiplayer aside (those thrice-damned Bolcheviks and their snipers in cars! :x ), it's a very solid RTS.

I'm liking Crusader Kings II more and more thanks to the alternate history aspect. In my game the Byzantine empire is a superpower that holds Jerusalem, half of Italy, all the areas around the Black Sea, and is routinely spanking the Seljuks and Mongols. France has now half its territories in Spain thanks to some marriage shenanigans, the Kingdom of Jerusalem owns all of northern France and parts of Hungary (of all things) yet no territory in the Holy Land, Scotland has taken over Ireland, and mine own Denmark is starting to swallow northern Germany and Poland. I regularily declare Embargo wars on the Swedes, which gives me an easy 1500k thanks to their many trade posts, then declare war and buy as many mercenaries as I can, allowing me to spank even the Holy Romans for a time.

Also, is it just me or the technology rate is really slow? I'm in the mid-1200s and barely any technology is level 2, and none 3. I,ve built every single building for all my holdings and am bottlenecked only by the techs, it's annoying.
aenemic said:
The most fun I had in F3 was with that mega mod that lets you change a whole bunch of stuff regarding xp rewards, enemy difficulty, enemy spawn size etc. It also has weapon modding, a shit ton of new weapons and armors, real-world drugs with trippy effects, the need to sleep, eat and drink and lots of other fun stuff. I made the game super hard, and spent most of the time high and drunk shooting things with my bozar.

Fallout wanderer edition? If so it's a must :)
Makta said:
aenemic said:
The most fun I had in F3 was with that mega mod that lets you change a whole bunch of stuff regarding xp rewards, enemy difficulty, enemy spawn size etc. It also has weapon modding, a shit ton of new weapons and armors, real-world drugs with trippy effects, the need to sleep, eat and drink and lots of other fun stuff. I made the game super hard, and spent most of the time high and drunk shooting things with my bozar.

Fallout wanderer edition? If so it's a must :)

Yeah, I think that's the one.