General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Alphadrop said:
woo1108 said:
For Expeditions: Conquistador, hell.... I want game like SOZ. Creat party, explore the world, solving problem or events that are coming from attribute or skill etc. then Expeditions: Conquistador apears..... how wonderful it is...

Heh, that's how I think of it, like SOZ though less meh and with more muskets. Could never get into SOZ but that might be due to not being too keen on 3.5 character creation in general.
Funny thing is that EC also has long loading before combat :lol:
But that wasn't big problem since battles not that frequently occur.
Unlikely SOZ which I can get planty of golds because of unbalanced trading, in EC every goods are quite well balanced so there's always chance of lacking food, medicine and gold though for medicine, I never experience lacking of it because I stack herb instead of medicine to prevent theft.
another different thing is bad event, there was no bad random event in SOZ.
Still playing Fallout 3 and sometimes Fallout 2, at least once or twice weekly :)

I don't really play much games in general however.
Playing tiberian sun for the first time ever. Played pretty much every other C&C game made by westwood and somehow skipped this one (and renegade) along the way. Playing with GDI on hard and going into mission number 4. Was kinda surprised by Michael Biehn in the first cutscene he appeared in, did not know about that.

I quite enjoy the music and looks of the game. To be honest i found having no attack move a bit jarring at first but im starting to get used to just spreading forces and focusing enemy units manually when advancing.
I just beat the Arcanum with Tech master and beat the first map of Expeditions: Conquistador.
From the second map of EC, bug occurs.
Tried gun point......hell...Yeah...
just try it! it's awsome!
Heh, I am trying a solo techie playthrough of arcanum. Any tips for techies? I use a fine revolver at lvl20 and try desperately to get enough Int an techskills to build arachnids to help me out. Are they useful or should i concentrate more on guns and dodge?

Also did dishonored twice (high chaos first, then low). Quite good, loved the setting, thats why I dusted off arcanum.
learn electronic+gunsmith or mechanical+herbalogy have good schemetics.
and if you have high mechanical skill, make gogle and sell it to junk trader would earn some good money. you can buy material from inventor cheaply.
I want to play Remember me, looks interestign with the combo customization, kind of reminds of Godhand. Has anyone here already played it? How is it?
Walpknut said:
I want to play Remember me, looks interestign with the combo customization, kind of reminds of Godhand. Has anyone here already played it? How is it?
Haven't played it, BUT having done considerable (and by "considerable", I mean I thorough, not necessarily over a long period) research into the game, it's basically Arkham Asylum as far as the combat is concerned, with some depressingly easy-to-abuse upgrades, and rather linear platforming that's largely inspired by Uncharted. Supposedly it's like ripping apart the core elements of several games and smashing them together, so what you end up with isn't all of the games in a single title, but good bits here and there blended together. The premise also makes for a creative explanation for the more typical mechanics like level-ups, in that you are "remembering" your own abilities, which I appreciated. It's still up to you to assess how the whole package plays out for you, as that's your subjective impression of the store/plot/setting and the rest of the gameplay besides those 2 previously mentioned. I'm personally interested in the game, despite some reviews I dug up having dismissed the game as "forgettable" (yes, groan-worthy deliberate pun ~_~).

If you grab it, be sure to say what you think of it! =D
Been playing State of Decay a lot lately, if you can overlook the lag and awfully slow texture rendering in certain parts of the game its not half bad. Trying to keep the survivors happy and alive is pretty darn fun, once you have to make runs for supplies further from your camp it gets tougher. But all in all its a fun sandbox game, well worth the 1600 points purchase :)
SnapSlav said:
Walpknut said:
I want to play Remember me, looks interestign with the combo customization, kind of reminds of Godhand. Has anyone here already played it? How is it?
Haven't played it, BUT having done considerable (and by "considerable", I mean I thorough, not necessarily over a long period) research into the game, it's basically Arkham Asylum as far as the combat is concerned,

To go off on a tangent, how perfect is the Arkham fighting system? Because to me it's perfect when it comes to just you vs groups of mooks. There's just SO much you can do at any given moment. You're in the middle of a group of enemies and you could, dodge by rolling, fly over an enemy, throw a batarang, punch someone, punch everyone individually, punch one guy over and over untill he's down, use your bat cable to drag someone to you, electrocute someone, smash a dude with another dude and some things I'm probably forgetting. There's probably twice as much as i've mentioned.

And not only can you do a lot of cool things, the balance is just perfect. You have to be on your toes in every fight trough the entirety of both games, on the right difficult setting. I could make a lot of criticisms about the game, like the end fight in asylum, the lack of focus in the sequel, but the fighting is just top notch. It's basically what Ubisoft utterly failed to do in Assassin's Creed, and done perfectly.
SnapSlav said:
Walpknut said:
I want to play Remember me, looks interestign with the combo customization, kind of reminds of Godhand. Has anyone here already played it? How is it?
Haven't played it, BUT having done considerable (and by "considerable", I mean I thorough, not necessarily over a long period) research into the game, it's basically Arkham Asylum as far as the combat is concerned, with some depressingly easy-to-abuse upgrades, and rather linear platforming that's largely inspired by Uncharted. Supposedly it's like ripping apart the core elements of several games and smashing them together, so what you end up with isn't all of the games in a single title, but good bits here and there blended together. The premise also makes for a creative explanation for the more typical mechanics like level-ups, in that you are "remembering" your own abilities, which I appreciated. It's still up to you to assess how the whole package plays out for you, as that's your subjective impression of the store/plot/setting and the rest of the gameplay besides those 2 previously mentioned. I'm personally interested in the game, despite some reviews I dug up having dismissed the game as "forgettable" (yes, groan-worthy deliberate pun ~_~).

If you grab it, be sure to say what you think of it! =D

I recommend watching Cynical Brit's preview of the game.
Decided to play F.3.A.R but i got tired of the single player part after 2 chapters.. And there are 0 online games going on.. Guess i should put that game down for good :P
Playing Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. I wish it had the smooth motion control like in Skyward Sword...
Recently I've been replaying Bungie games after the announcement of Destiny. I played an unhealthy amount of Myth and Marathon, and now I'm moving on to the Halo trilogy, I'll probably play Reach Multiplayer if its still active, I can't face Halo 4:Modern Warfare , its a horrible game, but then again its not made by Bungie, so I don't really care.

I only just finished another Playthrough of New Vegas, and I was also thinking of moving onto Fallout 2 again.

Multiplayer wise I have been playing Primal Carnage, Battlefield 1942 and Battlefield 2142.

Might play Mass Effect, I've never played those games but I bought the Trilogy for PC, are they any good? also what genre are they really? they seem like third-person shooters to me, and I was wondering whether I should give them a go.
Decided to purchas Metro 2033 due to it being cheap and i'm bored with pretty much every game i have. It feels like there is something missing and it does have that console feeling over it but besides that i do like it.
Mutoes said:
Playing tiberian sun for the first time ever. Played pretty much every other C&C game made by westwood and somehow skipped this one (and renegade) along the way. Playing with GDI on hard and going into mission number 4. Was kinda surprised by Michael Biehn in the first cutscene he appeared in, did not know about that.

I quite enjoy the music and looks of the game. To be honest i found having no attack move a bit jarring at first but im starting to get used to just spreading forces and focusing enemy units manually when advancing.

TS might be my favorite C&C game. I also loved Renegade, but I never did finish it. Worth a shot if you like the universe, I'd love to see a modern one.
Crusaders King II. As my first Paradox game, I was quite overwhelmed at first. Tried to lead France to glory and ended up neck deep in rebellions and backstabbing half-brothers from Slovenia. Then I tried to unite Ireland and found out the counties are so tiny you can't get anything done. I've finally settled with Danemark, and got a nice dynasty going smashing Pagans and stealing, err, reclaiming De Jure duchies from those silly Swedes. Vassals don't like me having high crown authority, but screw them, I have so much cash I can hire mercenarires and kick their asses.

Also, the actual crusades in my game were such a monumental failure. The 30K Fatimid army threw us back across the sea while the AI moved it's 10 different 3-4K stacks around like headless chickens. It was quite amusing to watch, if not particularily glorious.