General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Metro: Last Light. If you've played Metro 2033, you've played that one. Kickass atmosphere, decent if overly esoteric writing, good gunplay, mediocre AI, horrible bullet sponge bosses. It's enjoyable but they barely corrected any of 2033's flaws, so I'm a bit dissapointed.
Ilosar said:
Metro: Last Light. If you've played Metro 2033, you've played that one. Kickass atmosphere, decent if overly esoteric writing, good gunplay, mediocre AI, horrible bullet sponge bosses. It's enjoyable but they barely corrected any of 2033's flaws, so I'm a bit dissapointed.

I'm actually going to buy both games the next time they are on sale! Sadly i havent tried the first one yet even tho i said i would when it was released.

Stuck with Dota 2 now due to many real life friends are playing it. The community is way better than the HoN community :P
Tried Dishonered...
It's great game only a little things bad and those were not a problem for me. but I just don't want to continue I don't know why..
woo1108 said:
Tried Dishonered... but I just don't want to continue I don't know why..

exactemundo. I ghosted one playthrough and although a violent max chaos approach was more "fun" it didn't keep me captivated for a second run.
Gaspard said:
What does that mean? :o
I'm noob to english.

For now, I just beat Divinity2 flame of vengence.
Good story of world, well designed quest, funny jokes, finding keys and hidden switches and well designed dungeon puzzle makes me amused. but for storyline..... :| little bit unsatisfied.
so I hope Larian to make sequel of Dragon knight saga.

Replaying GTA:SA is quite fun!
I beat embulance and firetruck mission before firtst main mission and it was fun!

Ultima underworld is quite amzing game. even it was first 3d dungeon game, far better than TES 1,2 or even skyrim!
Arx fartalis also looks interesting so I perchased it from gog and playing it after underworld.

still playing Arcanum still intersted but other games also interesting.
I just finished Bioshock Infinite. I had to think about the ending for a few minutes, but in the end it was kind of anti climactic. There was no resolve, just [spoiler:04133f9274]you = the bad guy, you get drowned[/spoiler:04133f9274]
A little Dust 514, and replaying the Infamous series in case I need to be caught up storywise for the new game.
I managed to find a Wii for 20 bucks, without the controller or power cable. I bought both of those items and Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword.

I must say, Skyward Sword has impressed the hell out of me. The motion controls are perfect. The swordplay is the best I have ever seen. I even get a little workout when I'm busy swatting enemies around. The best part is the dungeons. I have had such a fun time exploring, I haven't been bothered by the times when I have gotten lost, or couldn't figure out what to do next. I like how you can upgrade your weapons and equipment too. It makes the game feel a lot more like a RPG. You even have some chocies in dialog options, which is usually absent from Zelda games.

Overall, I like it better than Twilight Princess. As a die-hard Zelda fan, I truly love this game. It's worth buying a Wii just to play the Zelda and Mario games imo. Plus, I have the first three Resident Evil games for the Gamecube(and 0), so now I can play those on my Wii too. Next I'm going to buy Twilight Princess, since I never beat it, and Super Mario Galaxy 2. I think I didn't give Twilight Princess a chance the first time around, so I'll pick it up again after I beat Skyward Sword.
Dawn of War: Soulstorm campaign with Chaos, wretched 2 enemy strongholds so far. Still waiting for F2 RP 2.2, but understandably Killap needs his time to polish things up
Completed Sleeping Dogs, starts of a tad slow but when it gets going it really feels like a Hong Kong action movie.
Just gotta wait for Nightmare at North Point and Year of the Snake to be on sale.
mobucks said:
I traded my wii for a 400 dollar bong and then broke it.

I feel your pain... I overheated mine while cleaning it and it cracked. Fucking glass....

If A Zelda game was made on a better console, or *gasp* a PC, we would have a much better game. Despite that, for the few people that still own a Wii, Skyward Sword is a must buy. Next for me on the Wii:

Twilight Princess (Never beat it)
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Eternal Darkness
Resident Evil Remake, 0, 2, and 3

Just beat Indigo Prophecy for the PS2. Awesome game except for the QT events. Looking forward to buying a PS3 and playing Heavy Rain now.
I have gotten crack addicted to Gran Turismo 5. I so want to buy a 250 dollar steering wheel and start beating people's hotlaps online. I played the old GT5 A-spec with my old Driving Force Pro before it broke and it really is a totally different experience. It's a great driving simulation, albeit a little unfocused. (rallying is kind of a joke)
Expeditions: Conquistador and Arcanu.
Both are awesome!!!!
For Arcanum, I heard it as a game that every good aspect of Fallout upgraded and it was true. but compare with Fo2, I think Fo2 is better though but it doesn't matter because it's
Great game VS Awsome game not a which is poor game.

For Expeditions: Conquistador, hell.... I want game like SOZ. Creat party, explore the world, solving problem or events that are coming from attribute or skill etc. then Expeditions: Conquistador apears..... how wonderful it is...
So I got and beat Knife of Dunwall, 4 hours to compelte a non lethal run and 2 hours to complete an Omnicidal Psychopath run, not bad for 10 dollars. The Ghost Run is kicking my balls tho, specially playing it on elite.
woo1108 said:
For Expeditions: Conquistador, hell.... I want game like SOZ. Creat party, explore the world, solving problem or events that are coming from attribute or skill etc. then Expeditions: Conquistador apears..... how wonderful it is...

Heh, that's how I think of it, like SOZ though less meh and with more muskets. Could never get into SOZ but that might be due to not being too keen on 3.5 character creation in general.
I'm finally playing something else that's drawing me away (albeit, very, very slightly) from DotA2; L.A. Noire. A friend gifted it to me back in January for Christmas, but I never got around to playing it until recently. I'm not loving it, but I'm enjoying it. Sadly, it's yet another red flag that I gotta stop procrastinating and upgrade my PC, because SOMETIMES my slightly-lower-than-default settings run smoothly, and SOMETIMES my animations drop frames, or stutter, or the animations lag half a second behind the sound, etc... Anyway, performance issues aside, I appreciate what the game is going for. It's got enough non-linearity that on the surface I can almost miss that the game IS totally linear, and it's different enough that I don't draw many comparisons between it and many other titles. I just find myself puzzled at how people seemed to described the Truth/Doubt/Lie system, because it seemed MUCH more straightforward to me when I learned it. Thus far, I've only found 1 or 2 instances where I couldn't figure out how to get the right answer without consulting a guide due entirely to the answer being "convoluted and not having any clear logic in the slightest", so it seems like the popular reaction to the system was a decided overreaction... <_<

But that's just distracting me, mostly. I'm STILL avidly playing DotA2, and still loving it- and that's STILL a bittersweet love... >_< I the game's player rankings (which is invisible), there are many dozens of subdivisions that players are sorted into, but the game will only display 3 Skill Brackets, the bottom of which contains 80% of all players. I was stoked when I found out I placed into the middle Bracket (or the top 20%), and I NOTICED the quality of my matches go up... But tragically, new heroes were released and, as a rule, I stopped playing because I wanted to avoid seeing the same damn hero in every match for 2 weeks, and once those 2 weeks ended... ANOTHER hero came out, so I waited again. By the time I decided to play normal matches again, I had been knocked down from the top 20%, and it was back to those disappointingly moronic levels of games that I had to claw my way out of.... Gotta build up the patience to fight my way out of it, all over again.

But yeah, L.A. Noire, nice distraction. =)