Well, you got (looted) from him the key items he sells: The orange soapstone, the residence key and his weapon, one of the best ones for Dex(terity) builds.
The bad news are that you don't get the item that allows item repair and storage in bonfires, arrow/bolts early in the game, slightly better midweight armor than most classes and the loss of some earlygame consumables, not a great loss but he will be missed. You can buy all of this later from other merchants.
I think you can pacify aggroed NPC's and revive the ones you killed by paying someone for "forgiving your sins" (you'll understand when you meet him). The problem with this is that i don't know if reviving actually works, and if in both cases the NPC will interact with you again.
Question turn
So, are you playing with a controller?
And which class+build are you going for?