First time out of the vault

Final Fantasy Xv, loving it so far.
I never cared for Twin Snakes due to the cutscenes. That and the music being changed alters the game beyond my liking. The graphics and controls were better of course, but every single other things I can think of was worse. Nothing beats the original except for that outdated control scheme...
Went and grabbed the bundle as well, will check out Secret World. I remember seeing it once before and thinking it looked neat, but then forgot about it, oops.Picked up Secret World, Grim Dawn, Volume, and Legend of Grimrock 2 for 14 bucks. Secret World is definitely worth a look by my reckoning. There isn't another MMO like it. From what I have seen the quest design is unique enough. I'm not convinced with the combat/class system yet but we shall see.
Shadow Warrior on the PS4 is alright, but I really hate FPS games on controller. I don't see how people do it. It's like walking in quick sand. Funny I payed almost as much for this one as part two is going for on Steam. Not sure it did that well. Or Gamestop fucked me.
CoolioLet me know if you like it and we can play.
So yeah Final Fantasy 15 is the best one I have played in years. No question asked. It reminds me of MGS5 (open world wise) thus far. The car isn't a detriment to exploration since it is limited to the road, so that answered one issue I had.
I now have too many games to play. Nap time.
Do FF6 for old school. FF7 for the golden age. Tactics for strategy.
I'm doing FF7 now.
And will the PSP remake of tactics do?
No, Prompto, we can't halt our survival in order to take spiffy selfies, ffs...
Cities Skyline