General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

I'll say the first one is the least bad because it's not full in the cringe, self-referential, self-aware humor. It's in the second one where they dive in into that type of humour, and the third game is just cringe city in terms of writing and humour.

The third game is so damn cringe that i avoided playing it because just clips of it were legit killing me, i felt myself dying faster after each shitty joke.
gameplay is shit too

looter shooter rat in a cage do the same loop every two minutes forever type gameplay but its not fun its a chore
I have a backlog of games to either play for the first time or replay, though the same things happen every time I start one up, boredom or aggravation.
Lack of self awareness? You clearly do not know where I am at in my life, plus you don't know me you know this shitty avatar at NMA. I am having this account deleted, so I am no longer compelled to talk to obsessed weirdos like yourself, even though for the past two years I have decreased my post count by about 60 percent, this is not enough progress and the writing is on the wall with this place anyway. The people here are depressing (myself included) and you are one of the most depressing of the bunch. People like you are why this place has died - you are incapable of seeing any perspective but your own due to obsession. You thought I was talking about "kids" meaning "kid stuff" but I was talking about them hardly existing on the Earth for very long, being confined mostly to the internet, so just don't bicker with kids/religious zealots/radicals online (pointless waste of time) was my point.

Have a nice life guys.

I'm trying a game called Balatro. It's definitely unique compared to any game I've played before. It's kinda like a poker deckbuilder. There's many joker cards which you can discover which give different effects.

It shows me I should never play poker for real money as I'm not that good at it.
I started playing Cruelty Squad recently. I can only play for about an hour before I get a headache and my eyes start feeling like they're bleeding, but otherwise it's pretty fun. I enjoy collecting organs from dead bodies and selling them on the stock market for extra cash. Also the fishing is pretty rad.
I started playing Cruelty Squad recently. I can only play for about an hour before I get a headache and my eyes start feeling like they're bleeding, but otherwise it's pretty fun. I enjoy collecting organs from dead bodies and selling them on the stock market for extra cash. Also the fishing is pretty rad.
Fucking amazing game. I still need to finish up the game entirely. I did most of everything in it but need to get around to finishing it all up. I consider it an immersive sim or at least close enough. I thought it'd be cool and novel but not as great as it turned out to be.
Fucking amazing game. I still need to finish up the game entirely. I did most of everything in it but need to get around to finishing it all up. I consider it an immersive sim or at least close enough. I thought it'd be cool and novel but not as great as it turned out to be.
The game has a great art style. Unfortunately it does strain my eyes after a while but I guess it's something you get used to. Otherwise I really love the look and vibe of the game. The difficulty can be harsh but you are given so many ways to navigate the levels and so many tools to help you as well, like a grapple hook tendril thing, double jump, a stealth suit, armor, and so much more stuff I haven't unlocked yet.
Just finished Psychonauts 2, I now realize I am a muppetphile.
Something about the female agents just makes me go primal.
Just finished Tyranny.
So uh...
I don't think I like Obsidian games very much.
It's a bit sad to see them go. They just declined and turned into some generic studio. Although I liked Tyranny despite the lackluster gameplay.
I mean, I liked the characters, world, setting, lore, factions and choice and consequence of Tyranny. It's just that godawful gameplay that I never wanna put myself through ever again.

And it made me look back at other Obsidian titles and ask myself how many of them I actually enjoy.

Alpha Protocol was good back in the day but it's aged like milk.
Kotor's gameplay was a hard pass the moment I started it and I never liked Star Wars to begin with.
Pillars has all the issues Tyranny has and more, it's also far too wordy.
Outer Worlds lacks soul and direction. It also uses weird RPG mechanics to build your character and has that stupid loot system and loot everywhere.
South park is fine but it's not exactly what I want out of Obsidian.

So that leaves us with FNV, which I adored but at this point the gameplay is painful to sit through.

I think it's time that I just stop pretending like what is in front of me isn't in front of me and just accept the fact at hand. Obsidian just isn't delivering the kind of games I want, never did. The only great game they ever did in my eyes was FNV and that was lightning in a bottle apparently. I can want Obsidian to be a great RPG dev all I want to but that don't make them one.
I enjoyed Tyranny, though seemed a little short. Played through PoE 1 and 2. Kotor 1, strongly enjoyed, never finished Kotor 2.

Guess we all need to find which games work for us since there are so many out there now.
Kotor 1, strongly enjoyed, never finished Kotor 2.
I never understand how people enjoy 1 so much but not 2. Outside of bugs and glitches. Also the first one was by Bioware while 2 is Obisidian.

I mean, I liked the characters, world, setting, lore, factions and choice and consequence of Tyranny.
Yeah all this shit was awesome in Tyranny and I also disliked the gameplay. But I really can't tell if I dislike the gameplay or if I really just have not figured out RTwP games yet. KOTOR and Witcher 1 (inb4 "those aren't RTwP games" yeah fine but they're similar enough to me), it works fine for me it seems but moving around via mouse clicks I guess just makes me struggle with that type of combat.
I enjoyed KOTOR 2 and FNV a lot and still have some of their games to play or play more of in my library. But I am not shocked at your sentiment about them at all. I think I like the premise of a lot of their games but not always the execution, at least gameplay-wise. I don't think they're any worse or better than before. I still need to try PoE more and I want to install and play Pentiment someday soon. Otherwise their other games I've played like South Park and Alpha Protocol failed to get my attention.