General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Daggerfall is one of the few games that I'll keep going back to every couple of years. Crazy to think I've been playing it since 1996. I'll have to try Daggerfall Unity next time I get that itch.

The same character since 1996? That would be awesome.

Either way, voof is one hell of a gamer. Much respect ma'am.
Nah, I'm not a gamer. I only play a handful of games, all old favorites. Video games have passed by me and that's fine.
I'm playing Outcast right now for the first time. It's one of the first 3d open world games ever made as far as I know, releasing in '99. You play as this tough mercenary guy called Cutter Slade and are teleported to an alien world called Adelpha. As you explore, you learn about the culture and life of this alien race. I am still at Shamazaar right now, but the world building and lore of this universe is really fascinating so far. The game reminds me a lot of Stargate since there are even portals you use called daoka's that look almost exactly like stargates and the main protagonist is similar to Jack O'Neil.
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