It Wandered In From the Wastes

I probably enjoyed KOTOR 1 because to my knowledge, we'd never had a Star Wars RPG before. I liked tweaking the lightsabers and other gear and I felt the story was well executed. I liked the interaction with the companions. And sorry, I often get Bioware and Obsidian confused.I never understand how people enjoy 1 so much but not 2. Outside of bugs and glitches. Also the first one was by Bioware while 2 is Obisidian.
I got to a point in my KOTOR 2 run where the game seemingly would not let me proceed due to bugs. I think I just got distracted and lost interest and never tried again.
Now there's all sorts of games since but I feel they may be too "action" for me, so I never tried those. Anyone ever play Fallen Order, for example?
I did try Star Wars: The Old Republic and that did not hold my interest.