General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Today i found my very first pc and a pile of floppys.

After couple of hours i got it to run (!?). And what do you know... There was install of my very first game ive ever played, Street rod 1.

I played in high of nostalgia this old gem for good 3 hours before completing it. I still remembered everything (well almost ,i had some trouble with the king) so clearly. As if i had played it just maybe a year ago.

Now that i think about it my first game was actually some mahjong game for pc but this was my first game that i got hooked in.
I just tried the open source version of Ufo, just to delete it after 3 hours. Not ready yet, and the forum is not nice either (didn't post anything). Rude/incompetent admins are a major problem of smaller projects (thinking about mercon @ Kerberos) I feel
GTA 3 for the first time.

(Have X-Com Ufo Defense and D2 in the back of my mind too, but don't have time to play much)
Just rented the new Prince of Persia yesterday and i must say that i am very impressed!
gotta get my hands on it sometime soon!
Mirror's Edge. Keeps either exiting to main menu or freezing altogether. Downloaded the patch at work today. gonna try it out later. I liked what I've seen so far.
Daimyo said:
GTA 3 for the first time.

Hey good choice on starting with it. That whole early segment of the game where you're doing odd jobs for the mob has a pretty special atmosphere. Plus Claude is just awesome. I'm sure you'll enjoy the game.
I just started playing Silent Hill: Homecoming.

I gotta say it's very okay in my opinion. I'm slightly lost considering I've never really played any previous Silent Hill games but got me interested in playing the previous games.

I am indeed searching for them on Amazon as we speak.
I_eat_supermutants said:
I just started playing Silent Hill: Homecoming.

I gotta say it's very okay in my opinion. I'm slightly lost considering I've never really played any previous Silent Hill games but got me interested in playing the previous games.

Let me recommend you Silent Hill 2 first ant foremost. In terms of atmosphere that game is a masterpiece. The story is a rare gem among video games too. I didn't figure out what exactly certain scenes meant until I replayed it multiple times to get different endings. Most other games just spoonfeed you.. First three Silent Hill games are still scariest games I've played. Homecoming is ok, yeah, but it's also very inferior to games made by original Silent Hill developers.

Oh.. and Silent Hill 2 has my favorite trailer of all games.
Silent Hill: Homecoming is unlike any of the SH installments... in Homecoming you can just fight your way out most of the time for example.
I'm ashamed to admit that I'm currently playing NFS: Most Wanted (yes, I know I'm a couple of years too late). My first impressions are dominated by a single constant observation - that classic EA game series' have sunk really, really low.
the only silent hill game i played was Silent Hill 4: The Room which is a good thing because i heard that the other parts(1-3) are strongly connected to each other and i am not in a mood of playing through the whole series! :D
Serge 13 said:
i heard that the other parts(1-3) are strongly connected to each other and i am not in a mood of playing through the whole series! :D

Not true. Only part 3 is a semi-sequel to part 1, and it still is fine to play without playing the first one. Silent Hill 2 is an entirely separate story. Silent Hill 4's difference from first three is the setting, it's not set in Silent Hill town, just somewhere near it, so you don't get to visit same locations you do in first three games. And it actually is the worst game of first four, it has the weakiest story and is least scary. Actually Serge, I think you haven't even played the real Silent Hill game. :) I recommend you play the second one in order to see what a piece of crap is The Room compared to it.
KQX said:
Daimyo said:
GTA 3 for the first time.

Hey good choice on starting with it. That whole early segment of the game where you're doing odd jobs for the mob has a pretty special atmosphere. Plus Claude is just awesome. I'm sure you'll enjoy the game.

I enjoy it so far. Am on Staunton Island now.

Kind of like "Driver" met "Mafia" and then got modern AND grew some more choices.

Love the radio.

Been busy Spelunkin'.
Multidirectional said:
I recommend you play the second one in order to see what a piece of crap is The Room compared to it.
yup, i heard the same from other people, but my PC got toasted before i got to try it.:)
I also heard thatSilent Hill home coming isn't really that good either. no wonder since the original developers weren't working on it.

Daimyo said:
Love the radio.

yup, listen to lazo on chatterbox, he is talking with this guy who pretends to be someone who knows a lot about matial arts...boy i laughed my guts out the first time i listened to that. :lol:
Serge 13 said:
yup, listen to lazo on chatterbox, he is talking with this guy who pretends to be someone who knows a lot about matial arts...boy i laughed my guts out the first time i listened to that. :lol:

Oh man, well, i have no choice, now I have to quote a little chatterbox. My favorite caller...

Gunnut caller: "Guns don't kill people, death kills people. Ask a doctor, it's a medical fact. You can't die from a bullet. You can die from a cardiac arrest, organ failure, or a major hemorrhage but a small piece of metal ain't the problem. Besides I only use my machine gun in the safety of my own home... and car."
Serge 13 said:
I also heard thatSilent Hill home coming isn't really that good either. no wonder since the original developers weren't working on it.

I'm just unable to be scared by that game. Even though environments are pretty creepy and resemble the first SH games more than The Room does. It seems like new developers tried really hard, and they liked previous games, but they just can't recreate that subtle horror feeling original developers could. "Jump scares" they included in game do not help either, Silent Hill was never about them. Shit, Silent Hill 2 often uses silence to creep player out and it works marvelously. Guys who did Homecoming just aren't that creative. I played SH2 again after playing Homecoming, and even though it was my 8 time playing it, it still scared much more than Homecoming did.
However, with scares it's always subjective, I suppose. What scares one person might make the other one laugh (sometimes what scares my girlfriend makes me laugh for example), so feel free to take this with a grain of salt.
Ratty said:
I'm ashamed to admit that I'm currently playing NFS: Most Wanted (yes, I know I'm a couple of years too late). My first impressions are dominated by a single constant observation - that classic EA game series' have sunk really, really low.

What's there to be ashamed of? I'm still on NFS3: Hot Pursuit. Never liked the newer games :(

Right now, though, I'm playing Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction with Sicblades. We keep dying ont Act 5, Hell difficulty, though. I think we need to reach higher levels before we can beat the game, only around the low 80s so far. :)

Edit: Oh, and I've recently tried Star Trek: Starfleet Command, which looks promising.