General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

valcik said:
TorontRayne said:
Oh well. I recently bought Fallout 2 again, and I am looking for mods or fixes. The core game was a bit buggy for me in the past,and I have never played it fixed or with mods. Any suggestions?
Yup, try killap's Restoration Project.

Is that the only patch I need to fix most of the bugs? What about the unofficial patch or does Kilaps patch do all that? What about the new high-res mod? Is that relatively stable? And finally, is Windows 7 ok to run Fallout 2 , or should I run in compatibility mode? I seem to have lots of gaming problems with Windows 7.
High Res mod is very stable and I think you just need Killaps patch and maybe an official one, haven't installed it in a while but the readme is very detailed.
Fallout 2 does have some problems with 7 but most of them are easily fixed from things like Killaps and the resolution mod or from browsing forums.
Alphadrop said:
High Res mod is very stable and I think you just need Killaps patch and maybe an official one, haven't installed it in a while but the readme is very detailed.
Fallout 2 does have some problems with 7 but most of them are easily fixed from things like Killaps and the resolution mod or from browsing forums.

I hate Windows 7, but I am anxious to try Killaps patch and the High Res pack, so more to follow. Thanks for the info.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed was the only game I could get my hands on this week so that's what I'll be playing.
Not a big Star Wars fan but the game seems to be fun for what it is.

Also, Brütal Legend was quite fun, even if the "side-quests" and the "open world system" were boring as hell.
Fallout 2 with Killaps Restorarion patch is epic. I just bought Witcher 2, and I find myself wanting to play Fallout 2. All Hail Fallout 2, and all Hail Killap!
Also+ I'm still playing Planescape Torment which is awesome. All the cool dialogues and the nifty graphics aside, it's simply a wonderful wicked world you dwell in.
TorontRayne said:
Alphadrop said:
High Res mod is very stable and I think you just need Killaps patch and maybe an official one, haven't installed it in a while but the readme is very detailed.
Fallout 2 does have some problems with 7 but most of them are easily fixed from things like Killaps and the resolution mod or from browsing forums.

I hate Windows 7, but I am anxious to try Killaps patch and the High Res pack, so more to follow. Thanks for the info.
Once you get used to the really lame parts of Windows 7, you actually realize it's a much superior operating system (vs XP & Vista). It's basically Vista Fixed, so that one's a given, and vs XP, it did take steps back in a few areas, but in other areas it adds stuff that is very useful and XP should've had all along - always have the Open File Location option when alt-enter or right-click items, searching from the Start bar, direct link to Device Manager, all windows (incl. Control Panel etc) are text-searchable, Copy and Move status boxes give detailed info, etc.

It's an adjustment process but all things considered, Win7 is superior hands down.
Win7 Professional at least, it comes with XP. :V

Currently playing Discworld Noir, late 90's early 00's games really are the hardest games to get working on modern systems (says an XP user). Heck one of the bugs in this game is fixed by not using the mouse to click on your notebook after talking to someone.

However it's an excellent adventure game, the soundtrack is great and it's a very Discworldian take on Noir.
can you make free styled characters in SWOTOR? like a freelancce dark jedi /sith merc, or a Jedi thaat dwells into smugling and stuff?
How far are you into the story? have you already gotten sick of the music? I liked the game a lot but it came a point where I started humming the songs while ad libbing obcsene lyrics just to make them beareable.
Walpknut said:
How far are you into the story? have you already gotten sick of the music? I liked the game a lot but it came a point where I started humming the songs while ad libbing obcsene lyrics just to make them beareable.

The music is pretty bad for the most part. I like the music for the Velvet Room....and the Velvet Room sounds like a pussy.
I think the intro song is pretty good, except for the singing, Shoji Meguro is a great composer but of course the point of the music in the game is to make them feel like set in the mdoern world and society, kind of a stylistic suck.

The song A New World Fool! is awesome, I only liked boss battle songs.


just don't read the commentaries or the related videos, full spoilers there my friend.
Walpknut said:
I think the intro song is pretty good, except for the singing, Shoji Meguro is a great composer but of course the point of the music in the game is to make them feel like set in the mdoern world and society, kind of a stylistic suck.

The song A New World Fool! is awesome, I only liked boss battle songs.


just don't read the commentaries or the related videos, full spoilers there my friend.

Catherine is better in many ways. I think Persona 5 will rock though.
Today I downloaded the Demo of Asura's Wrath....

it must take a lot of talent to make a fight between a dude with six arms and a gargantuan god bigger than the planet itself be so.... FUCKING BORING! the fight with the dude with the sword was even worse...... Asura's Wrath, that's a game I will keep away with a stick.
Walpknut said:
Today I downloaded the Demo of Asura's Wrath....

it must take a lot of talent to make a fight between a dude with six arms and a gargantuan god bigger than the planet itself be so.... FUCKING BORING! the fight with the dude with the sword was even worse...... Asura's Wrath, that's a game I will keep away with a stick.

I had high hopes for it too. Oh well. I am still playing Persona 4, Fallout 2, and a little New Vegas, but have not gotten back to Witcher 2 yet. I play Persona 4 at night when I am going to bed. It is a pretty relaxing game. You can kinda coast through it in a haze without focusing too much, as long as you have the music turned down. The Monster Rancher parts of the game are amazing. I wish they had more Personas though. I like how the Tarot is used in the game. It is not used correctly in most media, so it is nice to see it done right.
Has anyone here ever played floor 13?

I heard of it last year from Allah-knows where but I just downloaded it and can't get it to work. How does one get a very old game to work on windows 7?
The easiest way to run an old game is to set up Windows XP on a seperate hard drive and boot up in XP; no useless compatibility mode.