Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Mutoes said:Playing XCOM: enemy within on classic and seems like its worth the price, theres enough new content to justify buying it.
Game is definately way too easy on normal now due to the MEC:s. I had a challenge on normal when i played it back when Enemy unknown came out and now that i tried it, it seemed like a cakewalk, didnt lose a single guy during my try and i played until the first alien base assault mission. Or maybe im so experienced now that i need to play it on classic, i dunno. Seems like proper challenge on classic though so i recommend playing on it even if you found it too challenging before.
Also doing some games of Civ V brave new world and all the expansions with some friends, seems more like a full game now and much more enjoyable experience than the vanilla version i tried way back.
Enemy Within is the best expansion/dlc in a long time, in my opinion. It simple makes the game so much better, integrating nicely into the basic content and adding so much new stuff.
I also thought the game was a bit too easy on normal this time around. Yes, the Mech's are powerful. But still, the new missions can be pretty challening. No mission in the vanilla game threw 20+ chrysallids at you. So I think it's more a case of being better at the game and knowing how to play it to be successful.
I immediately started a classic playthrough when I finished on normal and I have to admit that it's a struggle. I've completed the vanilla game on classic, but didn't do iron man on that one. These days I refuse to play without iron man.