This ghoul has seen it all

Is a remaster of Life is Strange even necessary? The games look fine, the visual style actually made good use of the simplistic textures very well so what's the point of slapping new textures on games that aren't even that old? Also funny they are only remastering the first one (and the awful before the storm prequel) and seemingly ignoring the second game.
The originals had really cringy dialogue but were kinda fun adventure games. This new one might solve some of the cringe that came from french people trying to write hip dialogue for american teenagers and also being less french in their heavy handed conveyance of themes.
The originals had really cringy dialogue but were kinda fun adventure games. This new one might solve some of the cringe that came from french people trying to write hip dialogue for american teenagers and also being less french in their heavy handed conveyance of themes.