Generic Birthday thread (they ALL go in here)

Happy B-day to all in the past 2 weeks. Been on holidays since the birth of my daughter. Figure this was a good place to post that, since June 29 was her Birth Day.
The_Vault_Dweller said:
It's appears to be a large rat...I think maybe a muskrat?

What is it Monsharen?
I have no idea. At first glance I thought it was a otter but the tail was all wrong... it must be a muskrat, or a huge sewer rat.

The_Vault_Dweller said:
Oh yes and...Happy Birthday!

:) ,
The Vault Dweller

forddieselguy said:
Happy B-day to all in the past 2 weeks. Been on holidays since the birth of my daughter. Figure this was a good place to post that, since June 29 was her Birth Day.
Congrats to your daugther! Hope you had a good holiday!
Happy 15th birthday to The Internet! It was supposedly launched on August 6th, 1991. Only one more year and I won't have to worry about having illegal sex with it.
therealthesteve said:
you might want to know that my birthday is on the 25th november

And happy birthday to me. Nothing eventfull, exept i got 8 dvds with movies from ww2. so i will probably go "got mit you" when im done.
Happy birthday, all! I have a question, and I suppose this is the place to ask it:

My birthday is on 10-17, which falls on a Tuesday. Do you think I should I party the weekend before, or the weekend after? I can't do it during the week, with my work schedule.
OMFGLOLPOPS, old Sil has a birthday?! Well let me be among the first to say; Go back to where you came from on this day so many years ago, you Polish cunt!

j/k, Happy Birthday, Silencer and much lub.
Happy b-day from me, too, Silencer! Drink a few for the rest of us!

Damn, one more person I know with a birthday in October. You know what a lot of people having birthdays in October means?

A lot of parents got laid in February. :twisted: