Generic Birthday thread (they ALL go in here)

Good day my ass, duck. My last week has been like a bad country song. My cat is sick, my old lady is on the rag, my kid is sick, and my car just died. Oh, and I quit my job because they accused me of being a thief, and now they want to press charges.

Good day/ I don't think so, Tim.
Talisien said:
Good day my ass, duck. My last week has been like a bad country song. My cat is sick, my old lady is on the rag, my kid is sick, and my car just died. Oh, and I quit my job because they accused me of being a thief, and now they want to press charges.

Ehhh... pretty Birthday?

About your cat, dont worry, she got still 8 lifes left.
About your kid, dont worry, .... ehhh... better worry...


Yesterday, mang, yesterday.

Mexican Revolution day = Woozie birthday.

My father used to tell me that all those parades and ceremonies are in my honor :D
Thats awesome to have your birthday on the same day as such festivities.

Happy Birthday Wooz honored artist and moderator.

:D ,
The Vault Dweller
Wee! My birthday today! My only wish is that my flatmate would care enough to celebrate it, as I told her last week it was my birthday today! I want her to stop ignoring me!
Happy coming-into-this-world-naked-kicking-and-screaming day, <s>Bab</s> Overseer. You should just tell your roommate you're in love with her, get rejected, move out and get it over with.
Happy 21st barfday to me! It was on December 5th, but I've been so busy partying and being awesome I didn't have time to congratulate myself here. Ithankyou.
Wow he's accomplished so much I always assumed he was in his he's a year younger than me!

Happy Birthday Luke!

The Vault Dweller