Generic Birthday thread (they ALL go in here)

Since it's the 13th in other parts of the world, it's close enough. I want to shout a great big resounding


to my darling Dove. Now you're an olllllldddddd maaaannnnn!!!
Happy birthday dove... and to celibrate, for a limited time only... Here's dove with a pair of watergirl's panties on his head!!!!


Edit: Image removed as per the agreement. Now wheres my money dove?
'cmon people, at least add a witty remark of some sort so it doesn't look like spam.
And that gives you an excuse to spam? The only important thing I can think of for 1453 is that was the year that Constantinople fell.

Besides, Dove's birthday is more important that yours. Happy birthday Dove, don't do anything that will end up with them fishing your corpse out of the river.
Egocentric people. I never even mentioned my birthday. Tsch.
Sander said:
Egocentric people. I never even mentioned my birthday. Tsch.

That's a pretty funny comment...coming from a person who's avatars have always been pictures of himself. Hehe, how many were there? I remember at least two with the goofy smile, a profile, even a close up of your eyes.
Well I'll be going for a 2 weeks vacation to Denmark tonight at 3 A.M.
And since I won't get back in time, I would like to remind you all now that: Kahgans birthday is coming up the 1st of August!
So happy birthday in advance from me Kahgan! 8)