Generic Birthday thread (they ALL go in here)

That's a pretty funny comment...coming from a person who's avatars have always been pictures of himself. Hehe, how many were there? I remember at least two with the goofy smile, a profile, even a close up of your eyes.
Actually, it isn't. I use pictures of myself because, surprise, I actually feel it's more appropriate to have myself represent myself instead of pictures randomly begotten from the internet. That has nothing to do with being egocentric.

PS: Malky, don't say pwned until there has been a reply. Tsch.
I know I am going to regret saying this, but Happy Birthday to you CCR... :P

Mohrg :twisted:
Happy Birthday, FanaticBoy. Post a pic! SHOW US YOUR TITS!!!1
Oddly enough, they're probably larger then most of the ones on Who's Sexier, but no, I'm afraid I can't. No webcam or such. And won't, just to make it clear.

I'm going to a great Brazillian resteraunt tonight and plan to eat more then enough meat to feed all the poor of that nation.
A-ha, then you're prolly the classical pimple-faced rich kid weighing in at 450 lbs :P
Wooz69 said:
A-ha, then you're prolly the classical pimple-faced rich kid weighing in at 450 lbs :P
Something along those lines.

I'm not that heavy, and I'm almost 6'4. I'm actually loosing weight, or atleast I was, I'm going on a vacation and I always gain weight on those.
Seriously? Then you're exactly 24 days younger than I am. Ehehehe. Interesting....

Congratulations, by the way.
Happy Birthday CCR- ANd exercise. Get that 6 foot 4 frame into shape.

Because a 6 foot 4 fat ass intellectual doesn't get you laid.
Bah! Missed your birthday while out on a little vacation of my own. Happy birthday CCR, only one more year until you can start voting, 'eh?
Kotario said:
Happy birthday CCR, only one more year until you can start voting, 'eh?


I don't know if that is a good thing, though. :twisted: