Generic Birthday thread (they ALL go in here)

Katja is now elevated to the status of 'first digit=2'. You now have priviliges to yell at/scold teenagers. 1 more year to go for drinking age! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Paladin Solo said: taking nude photos of yourself and mailing them to everyone on your msn list...
Great, now you scared her off.

Just add her on your msn im list, if you don't have one, maybe she has icq? Email?
I think he was just kidding. No sane person would intentionally be using MSN. :P
Warped314 said:
Katja is now elevated to the status of 'first digit=2'. You now have priviliges to yell at/scold teenagers. 1 more year to go for drinking age! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Actually she can.... in Canada, drinking age is 18 and 21 in some places, but where she lives, it'S 18
Ugly John said:
Warped314 said:
Katja is now elevated to the status of 'first digit=2'. You now have priviliges to yell at/scold teenagers. 1 more year to go for drinking age! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Actually she can.... in Canada, drinking age is 18 and 21 in some places, but where she lives, it'S 18
Yeah, in case you haven't noticed, some of us here live in countries that aren't lame. :P
Thanks guys. I appreciate it - cheered up my day quite a bit actually.

Ugly John said:
Actually she can.... in Canada, drinking age is 18 and 21 in some places, but where she lives, it'S 18

It's 19 in all of Canada with the exception of 3 provinces, which have it as 18.

It's 19 over here, UJ. ;)
Paladin Solo said:
Some of us live in countries that can kick non-lame country's asses :P

In Australia it is also 18 (not that most people care), just in time for the finals. HA ha

Quick quiz: My birthday is the official birthday of all horses. (I am not a horse, well not completely) Astrologer hippies aways think they can predict it but they are always wrong. When is it then?