Generic Birthday thread (they ALL go in here)

Just moved all the new birthday threads in here (and a few old ones too).
If the last couple of pages don't make sense, it's because of an overlap caused by the two different threads being merged together, so sorted by the posting-time of each post.

Also, happy birthday to everyone.

Also also, it's coincidentally my birthday tomorrow too, so happy birthday to me as well.
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I time traveled from 2047 to 2016 to congratulate your last birthday @PlanHex (you will die in three weeks in a car crash, you drunken bastard) but some temporal fluctuations fucked me up so I arrived a day earlier.
Anyway, happy birthday. Have a helluva last three weeks mate!

Edit: @The Dutch Ghost

Happy birthday too, you've got two more months!
Hey all, thanks for responding to my birthday topic. I hadn't really noticed that there was already a thread for it as I otherwise would have posted it in that instead.

I have not much to add more to what I already wrote in the initial post. Still have not decided yet on what I would like to do myself on celebrating it.

R. Graves, every year I posted my own birthday thread on the forum as in general people here don't know about it. (I don't think I added that information to my own person bio description)

Well the bed is already against a wall, plus one side of the bed has this wooden surrounding at the head and right side (plus an option foot end cabinet). I am more worried of accidentally rolling of the other side as the bed feels a lot smaller than my old one.

Oh and happy birthday to you Planhex (I think I am still on time)
It is Ghost's birthday (again!)

Hello everyone reading this,

Well as it says today is my birthday, I am now beginning my thirty-eight (or is it thirty-ninth?) tour on this planet with still no idea what it will bring.
It is such a weird coincidence that my birthday happens to fall on the same day (not year) that the nuclear firestorm wiped out civilization and society in the Fallout universe though if it wiped the slate clean is a topic for debate.

Time really flies, before you know it a year has passed by and suddenly you are an old/"older" man.
Do I feel more wiser and experienced? Not really despite how much I would really like to experience a moment of enlightenment that unravels some of the mess in my life and finally gives me understanding how simple some of it is when you look at it differently. I still feel as ignorant as I was during my twenties, only more jaded and frustrated with the world and in particular with myself.

What I dislike the most about this day is that it reminds me how little I have accomplished, especially of the goals I claim I want to pursue so much and that I then feel that I need to rush if I ever want to do these things in my lifetime as time is running out.

Things I would like to have today? Of course I have wishes but these aren't exactly material goods, rather conditions or states of mind I guess such as really good drawing talent and skills, having some real personal discipline in my life and not be easily distracted by thoughts or surroundings, having the future I wish for (finally working on those comic stories I want to make).

Physical goods? I have been going through the pages of Steam, GOG, and Ebay to see if there is anything that catches my fancy. There are things I like to own but I keep having this nagging feeling that it is wiser not to spend a lot of money when I don't have a steady income yet. Plus do I really need the Mega Bloks Original Star Trek sets or classic TMNT sets? After assembling them they would probably just end up collecting dust like so many other things I have bought over the years.
The only thing that comes on my mind is drawings, I would love to order some commissions or have perhaps the artists I admire make me a couple of gifts but that is unlikely to happen.

Addendum: I have been looking at games like Elec but to be honest the content doesn't really appeal to me even if the setting looks pretty cool. I just don't like stuff involving fantasy with the exception of Sword and Sorcery like Conan the Barbarian.
I would probably settle for a couple of indies or Atom if that had been finished. (how I long for another Fallout like Fallout New Vegas or the new Metroid Prime 4)

Will I do something to celebrate today? I am rather late today to do anything that means something to me but I will look into the coming days. It would have been nice to have done something special with friends and family.
Going to the film? Which one? It is all generic crap, sequels, and reboots, expecting to find something new and exciting that lifts the standard of sci fi story telling is like wishing that Todd Howard, Emil Pugalerio, and Pete Hines are suddenly teleported to Mars without a pressure suit.
I think I will visit the cat cafe, that is a place I really enjoy.

Hope to hear from people
Hello Hassknecht, hello Atomkilla, thank you both.

Atomkilla, you know such headsets will be a trend one day. Hope at least Death or the Grim Reaper will wave at us.

In all seriousness I did actually think about this subject today.
Wow, there has not been any new post in this thread since I posted here last year.

Anyway it is my birthday again and looking at my previous post in this thread I in general still feel and think the same, I am still looking for any meaning or purpose, I still desire something that can not be given (or perhaps even acquired), and I do feel indeed that Death/The Reaper is closing in on me each year.

I would not actually mind getting older if it meant that the time between the birthdays was filled in better so that each year I can look back what I have accomplished during it.
Of course that does depend on myself as well (I really would like to have more discipline and focus).

Will I celebrate my birthday? I would like to but I do not have anybody to celebrate it with, most of my contacts live in different countries.

I really would like the coming year be different and have more development and growth.