Germans get new screenshots from Fallout 3

From 9 am yesterday to 9 am today my blog had 90000 unique visitors. The post with the pics is the 4th more seen in, in twenty million or so.

My blog is the third more seen blog in Wordpress, behind the official CNN ticker and I Can Has Cheezeburger. I'm having more hits than a guy that just signed a 300.000 dollars publishing deal with Random House...

This is a good sign that it's time to show more of the game, people are thirsty for Fallout 3 info.
Nice job, Briosafreak. It's a good thing that people are going to an impartial site like yours as well as the "professional" gaming sites with their wonderfully unbiased previews.
Xenophile said:
I know it has been a long long time for most of you, but think back to when you played the fist game. You meet the mutants and ghouls as pretty aggressive enemies. It was a suprise when you realized they weren't just "monsters".

I would theorize that the treatment in all the press and marketing is simply to prevent from spoiling the same kind of suprise in the new game. You want the "first-time" player to have that "aha" moment. It's part of the charm.

Well, we will see whether any of the Supermutants or Ghouls do have personality.

I replay the games fairly regularly - probably once a year at this point, but it used to be more frequently - and I never remember the ghouls as seeming mindless.

There was definite atmsophere in that first Necropolis encounter, that those pointlessly wandering, incoherent masses might suddenly decide to organise themselves into a single-minded, organised pack of killers. They didn't seem to be chaotically aggressive in the same way as the cannon-fodder critters (rats, radscorpions, gheckos, and so forth).

It is possible that these screenshots deliberately undersell the creatures, but they also look terribly reminiscent of House of the Dead, or similar.

Stg Granite said:
For me the Super Mutants look much worse. And the ghouls from Fallout1, well, many of them were mindless too.
Screenshot from Necropolis:

Of course, if all them end up like zombies from a trash movie, (and I don't have much doubts) that will be very unfortunate, to say the least.

Take a good look at the Fallout sprites. Those Ghouls are clearly a decaying, ravaged form of humanity; they aren't little glossy-eyed, animated skeletons wearing a human skin-suit.

I think that the problem might be that they've taken inspiration from the very decayed appearance of Set's/Harold's heads, along with the shambolic manner of the Necropolis ghouls to create a model which lacks both the personality of the former and the sinister muscularity of the latter. They've apparently created a synthesis which lacks the strengths of either components.
Briosafreak said:
From 9 am yesterday to 9 am today my blog had 90000 unique visitors. The post with the pics is the 4th more seen in, in twenty million or so.
So how much Ad-money did you earn?
Briosafreak said:
From 9 am yesterday to 9 am today my blog had 90000 unique visitors. The post with the pics is the 4th more seen in, in twenty million or so.

My blog is the third more seen blog in Wordpress, behind the official CNN ticker and I Can Has Cheezeburger. I'm having more hits than a guy that just signed a 300.000 dollars publishing deal with Random House...

This is a good sign that it's time to show more of the game, people are thirsty for Fallout 3 info.

Wow, thats amazing numbers. Although.. on a closer look at the site it's not really 3rd most seen post:

The most popular posts are ranked here according to a special formula.

..might just be the 'special' formula.

Whatever, still amazing of course. I hope it stays that popular and you stay loyal to the 'true' fallout ways. Too much publicity (and money which comes with it) does bad things to people.. Bethesda may even try to buy you now :wink:
Now let's all lubricate each other and dance naked around a fire to celebrate this. :roll:
Awaiting infos about Fallout 3 is like awaiting the results of an AIDS test after having unprotected sex with a cheap dirty crackbitch.
Briosafreak said:
From 9 am yesterday to 9 am today my blog had 90000 unique visitors.

That number seems a bit unlikely.

Though then again, that's about what NMA got in one day both times when releasing VB demo and the GI scans, as far as I can guesstimate.

Wish we had a better tracker, and not one that shows about only half our actual visits.

But I think your tracker is messing up too. Unless you actively spammed your blog's post everywhere or summat. Or you're counting clicks/pages as visitors.

Briosafreak said:
This is a good sign that it's time to show more of the game, people are thirsty for Fallout 3 info.

Actually, this would be good sign #umpteen that people are curious about Fallout.

Doesn't matter, Bethesda isn't releasing info when people are curious, they release it in their own time. And that's their good right.

They'll show as much as they want, when they want, and hype it up good.
Hey Briosa, can't you just check where all the hits are coming from?
I recall seeing links to your blog at Destructiod and one other place I think (maybe Kotaku? can't remember...), so there's probably a good reason for it.
If places like that link to you and the horde of readers tip off some friends, 90000 suddenly doesn't seem that far off.
Lancelot said:

Useless info time!
This picture is from an online car ad. Some guy was selling an old American car and accidentally put a picture of a stuffed dog in with the ones of the car. Here is a audio clip of my girlfriend calling the guy. It's not comedy gold but it was funny when we did it. :)

On topic
Environment looks cool (love the Megaton pic), Ghouls look like alien zombies, Dogmeat looks fine except for messed up eyes.
PlanHex said:
Hey Briosa, can't you just check where all the hits are coming from?
I recall seeing links to your blog at Destructiod and one other place I think (maybe Kotaku? can't remember...), so there's probably a good reason for it.
If places like that link to you and the horde of readers tip off some friends, 90000 suddenly doesn't seem that far off.

Yep, one front page on Destructoid and another at Kotaku (and a bunch of other places)will make you this.

The embargo is ending today or tomorrow, a lot of new stuff is coming up.
Briosafreak said:
The embargo is ending today or tomorrow, a lot of new stuff is coming up.

The embargo on what?

PS: when we wuz on the frontpage of Kotaku + Destructoid we didn't get no 100k hits (or visitors or pages, not sure which one your graph shows). I r the saddest.
Well, huzzah I guess

This isn't going to be like that awful wave of E3/GDC previews, all having the same info and screens but with a variety of mistakes and false info in them?

How 'bout the exclusive screens for APNB?
Brother None said:
Well, huzzah I guess

This isn't going to be like that awful wave of E3/GDC previews, all having the same info and screens but with a variety of mistakes and false info in them?

Probably yes it will :?

But they might surprise us too
Gamepro already has pics online, no new one I think. Gstaff told Blinzer he was working on the fan interview, but he's been pushing for it for a couple of months now, still nothing, I'm skeptic.

Now that Interplay will release something then that might get us busy for a while. Prepare your digg links.
Parannegha said:
Let's talk a little about the guy's rifle instead. Hey, SuAside, look - there's a G3 with a bit of FAL over here :]

what bit would you identify as FAL then? it's pretty much all G3, although the magazine and magazine well are pretty similar, i'll grant you that.

Buxbaum666 said:
Briosafreak said:
Idiot. ;)
indeed, but more power to him if it's true! ;)