GiantBomb previews Fallout 3

The place even had a whore-in-residence who offered her services to me

Has this been brought up already? In a much earlier preview it was said that the prostitute turned you down, and this was decried as phoney by some, while others countered that it was a brilliant piece of characterization: even a crack whore of the wastes didn't have the heart to offer her services to someone as young and innocent as nineteen. Is all that goodness gone now?
If you read all the previews, there is one from yesterday I believe that talks about when you sleep with the prostitute you just wake up in her bedroom similar to the originals. One sec I will find the link if I can.

Here ya go

"Miguel: Compared to Kratos (or a Hot Coffee-empowered CJ), Fallout Man is coming up short when it comes to videogame hanky panky. The closest we got in our demo today was seeing a fully-clothed woman laying on the rented bed upon waking up. I'm compelled to mention that hiring the prostitute Sterling refers to is compulsory when you rent a bed to sleep at Moriarty's saloon."
I think as long as the insinuation and general idea is there, like the slavery and discrimination, it's fine, because it's good for the atmosphere. A few things that should never be removed from Fallout. As far as the actual act and fade out goes, I'm cool with that. This isn't GTA.
I still don't see the reason why you should forge an alliance between them and the people of Arefu, they seem to be mostly a bunch of loons with no special power or weaponry whatsoever.
well, they are a numerically superior gang with some heavy duty fire power according to PC Gamer and it gives arefu a sort of organized defense.
Going around pretending to Vampires is all well and good when you are living a comfortable life in an age of to much free time and food.
But I dont see how a large group of people in the friggen wastelands has enough free time on their hands to go around playing pretend vampire, let alone go through alot of effort to fuel said hobby.
People usually throw that sort of behavior out of the window when you have a little bit more pressing concerns, like surviving for just one more day...

Either they have a mutant ability to extract all their daily nutrients from blood, or they are just mentally ill. Both design choices are retarded because they break verisimilitude in a big way (for me).

But then again, this is just a pebble in a virtual landslide of verisimilitude breaking design choices... sigh...
And why is a bunch of mentally ill people in the wastelands a retarded design? Seems pretty good to me, it's not as if the world isn't filled with mongs.
iridium_ionizer said:
I think when I get around to playing Fallout 3, the first thing I will do is to try to break the either-or nature of the Megaton quest. Can I slap on the device, go to Tenpenny towers, kill Mr. Burke, not detonate the bomb, and either shoot or weasel my way out of the towers? Or is Mr. Burke unkillable?

I was thinking the exact same thing. That quest sounds pretty exploitable... unless Mr. Burke = Little Sister.
On planet fallout they say you can kill burke to get his gun.

I personally would like to strap burke to the bomb then go detonate it.

nice try lenny...
thefalloutfan said:
Per said:
Is all that goodness gone now?

Oh come on if the option of her offering services to you wasn't in the game we'd hear "oh no, no choices!!". Better this way.

I didn't read Per's post as whether of not to have the prostitute interact with you. I read it as though he was wondering if it was the same kind of interaction.

In fallout 2, your ability to become a porn star was tempered by your age and some stats. Maybe it's a similar issue in F3. Maybe there's more than one prostitute.

Her turning you down implies that you asked for her services. Where as her offering her services implies that she's been proactive. So, I'd assume there are two different situations here, maybe even two different prostitutes.

Anyway, I'd say your stats determining to an extent whether or not you can get it on with a prostitute to be a much deeper implementation than simply, "will I or won't I have sex with this whore."

EDIT: Even a character driven response that removes some level of choice, if done well, can be pretty cool.
thefalloutfan said:
And why is a bunch of mentally ill people in the wastelands a retarded design? Seems pretty good to me, it's not as if the world isn't filled with mongs.

If they are mentally ill enough to try to fullfill this Vampire fantasy, they would be dead. Plain and simple.
You cant expend huge amounts of effort trying to get human blood AND have the time left over to get yourself properly fed for the day.

Ok, perhaps they are sitting on a vast stockpile of prewar food and have the time to sit around all day playing emo vampires, but that would also be retarded.

Like it has been stated earlier in this thread, deranged cannibals? Yes.
Vampire Wannabees?
Emphatically no.
Outbreak said:
If it was something come up with originally by Interplay/Black Isle, and was like it seems, a cultist group who drink the blood of humans, I think it would be accepted just fine as a nice creepy element.
The difference is that Black Isle knew how to set things like that (references that might even be PA but are not really fitting when it comes to Fallout) off to the side as things like easter eggs and not cram them into the main game so they don't end up in canon, but Bethesda doesn't seem to have that ability to reason when it comes to setting. I won't be surprised if Bethesda start putting the vampires in every single Fallout game they make.
Westbend said:
You cant expend huge amounts of effort trying to get human blood AND have the time left over to get yourself properly fed for the day.

You talk about it like they actually spend their time playing vampire and nothing else. I don't see how a person can't play vampire and be a vandal/raider/pillager at the same time, especially when they have an entire band of similarly deranged friends to help them.

How do those raiders survive when all they do is sit around and kill people all day?
sai | GLYPH said:
How do those raiders survive when all they do is sit around and kill people all day?

An exellent point on how one dimensional Bethesdas world design is.

And about the Vampire thing, if you cant see how it could break a players sense of verisimilitude, there is no sense in me explaining it to you.
The difference is that Black Isle knew how to set things like that (references that might even be PA but are not really fitting when it comes to Fallout) off to the side as things like easter eggs and not cram them into the main game so they don't end up in canon

Talking plants? Skynet? Ghosts?

Not that FO2's silliness is any excuse for similar silliness in FO3.
Ausir said:
Not that FO2's silliness is any excuse for similar silliness in FO3.
Especially since Bethesda claimed such adherence to FO1 and have given so much criticism of that kind of thing in FO2. Then they go and put in some stupid vampire crap (even if it's some wannabe IAL reference).

In addition to that, were those things you mention from FO2 going to be in Van Buren or were they just some optional background things that did not carry on after that? If the vampires are as avoidable and ignorable and taken as non-canon as those things you list, and if I believed even for a minute that it wouldn't show up in FO4, then I might be a little more willing to accept it. However, I don't trust Bethesda to that end.
Westbend said:
sai | GLYPH said:
How do those raiders survive when all they do is sit around and kill people all day?

An exellent point on how one dimensional Bethesdas world design is.

Alright. Rather than trade sarcastic quips... The raiders in fallout 1 and 2 never visibly stole from people. It was a matter of what npcs told you, and what you found stashed in their headquarters. It was a matter of suggestion. Passing by their hideouts in Fallout one, two and three one might ask just as easily, "How do they survive when all they do is stand around?"

In fallout 3, I think it'd be safe to say suggestion plays a big role in making the raiders believable. (It probably won't be done with the same finesse.)

The point of my question was to express that just because a group does a certain thing, does not mean they don't have time for another. Though, you seem intelligent, so I assume you figured this out and chose to take the opportunity to slap Bethesda in the face anyway.

Westbend said:
And about the Vampire thing, if you cant see how it could break a players sense of verisimilitude, there is no sense in me explaining it to you.

Bite marks could be a calling card. That's where I was coming from. And I don't see how that could break verisimilitude. Honestly, that word is becoming the 'immersion' of NMA. Sometimes I wish BN wasn't so eloquent.

Vampire wannabes can work. Though, after further reading the wiki, the blood pack solution says otherwise. There. Now you know where I was coming from, and that I now agree with you. You didn't even have to try to explain it to dumbshit little me.

Now... you. There's no sense explaining verisimilitude to me despite my effort to discuss the issue. Yet, all you've offered me is snide redirection and an insult to my intelligence. I hate what's being done to Fallout, but come on. If you're not going to offer anything but a thinly veiled "Bethesda sucks and so do you" sit down and shut up.
Something to note about the Super Mutant encounter is that Bethesda has bragged about their amazing new AI which will pick up better weapons to use against you yet the Super Mutant just leaves his rocket launcher. Now this could be acceptable if the rocket launcher was damaged beyond use but that seems like a stupid way to determine when an enemy drops their weapon (and makes shooting weapons significantly worse). Now I like that he beat it by thinking but it worries me that fighting intelligently will make the game too easy and again raises the question of how balanced VATS is.