Bush is an idiot. He wants to visit for a press view and get a little relief from his low popularity. The folks in New Orleans and the Gulf are telling him to stay away because they can't afford all the work or expense to give him a photo op.
New Orleans- yes there is looting. But then think about it. The 3/4 of the population that could afford a car got to drive away, leaving the 1/4 that is too poor to drive to sink or swim. How would you feel about that?
And let's be honest, New Orleans is a great place to visit, but it also suffers lots of corruption, crime, poverty. Lots of poor folks in New Orleans.
I heard one of the National Guard leaders say, "We will show no mercy in stopping the Looters!" Translate that and it means "We've got a golden opportunity to shoot coloreds." Yet its easy to forget that its the black folk in New Orleans that really give the place its soul.
Makes you wonder why no one considered this problem before the Hurricane and where are the National Guard and Cops when you need them (probably on higher land). But the leaders didn't really plan for the post-invasion phase of Iraq either.
Most European city in the US? Maybe. Boston is nice too. I like San Francisco in part because it has a Med flavor while Boston has a more Northern European flavor. Depends what Europe means. Civil Law, lots of people of French origins- perhaps the most Creole City is a better definition.
Tsunami vs. Hurricane. Well, it's hard to cry for a casino that's been pulled out to sea. But much of the Gulf Coast east of New Orleans is badly flooded and the property damage is huge. Expect insurance rates to go up and maybe a few insurers to go belly up. Seriously, it's like these buildings got knocked aside by the blast of an atomic bomb. There are sections that are completely levelled. It's not just coastal damage, as the hurricane did some really hurting further inland. Extensive rain before, storm surge, tidal flows- yeah it's pretty bad.
But if you are looking to make a few bucks, this is a damn good time to be a contractor or in construction.