Yep! all the frames for everything that I posted here (and am posting now) are done and ready to use. And the black combat armor and the Blue Powered Armor are already in the repositery. Don't download katja. After some serious testing, i have found many glitches...
I guess a quite good effect can be done with shoulder emblems and markings. Rang insignias etc. Actualy that NPC Armor mod done quite a great work with that on Sulik and Cassidy!
May I present you M.Captain America?

Still based on the work of Josan and Joystick, as you already know.
I will try and see If I can copy past some symbole for each color.
And I sure will do a blue PA with blue head, etc, etc...
The hologram method allow me to work with very crude color, for example i can change the color of the helm of the PA without much effort.
If you are good and hardworking, you need approx 5 days. For my critters I need approx 4 days if I just change the color of the most important animations. Generally, there are 24 must have animations and if you do every day one animation, you get it in one month without "overworking" yourself.
Yeah! My Idea of way too long!
Not that I am not hardworking, I did the black combat armor (all frame) and the hubo robe frame after frame, but using the HUE transposition allow me to pass no more than 10 sec pro frame. (4animation in one hour, then it start to be really boring) and that with no quality deperdition.
Sadly, that doesn't work for every model, (I can't do the blue CA this way for example) which should be done frame after frame, using the method that HC gave.
But I still with the right combination, and the automatic hologram methode I can sometime work things out.

The brown CA wouldn't have been my favorite either, but if I can do it...Maybe the rangers will want to use it.
And because I like Tubby and his candy, I gave him a new shirt:
Generally, there are 24 must have animations
This is something i have always wanted to ask. Can you name them please?
Josan, here is the tutorial I used to learn, it is made for photoshop, you might want to learn with that.
For the HUE color transposition, I use GIMP (it's free), i don't know how to do it with toshop, but if you want, i will make you a tuto.
For the Hologram method, read this thread., specifically the first post of hologram:
You will need to use python to use it thought.
Let's keep in touch so we don't do the same work at the same time