Great but overlooked games

Now the follow-up question is, how many of these games have aged well because a lot sound cool and are making me pull out my credit card.
Omikron: The Nomad Soul.

Better than Deus Ex, IMO, and released at approx. the same time, but now largely forgotten. Huge world (you could enter pretty much all the buildings), nice humour, awesome music, cool story, but - meh - combat sorta sucked.

This gives you an idea of the gameplay:

alec said:
Omikron: The Nomad Soul.

Better than Deus Ex, IMO, and released at approx. the same time, but now largely forgotten. Huge world (you could enter pretty much all the buildings), nice humour, awesome music, cool story, but - meh - combat sorta sucked.

The combat sucked really hard, I still remember reviewers complaining about the shooting segments, honestly, that's why I never finished it, but it was certainly unique and I guess David Bowie is always a big plus.
Civil War Generals II is one of my favorite turn based strategy games. In the game each unit had several attributes that affect its combat effectiveness like organization, health, morale, experience and quality, each unit could can upgrade its weapons between campaign battles also terrain and direction of attack were important for combat effectiveness. Every unit had limited number of soldiers which could not be replaced during the battle. The best part of the game was the campaigns in which you could change the course of the war like attacking the Washington with Confederation, and loosing a battle didnt mean end of the game but next "what if" scenario where the result of last battle with affect your starting forces, position and reinforcement.


Wierd Worlds: Return to Infinite Space looks interesting gonna try this. Still i havent found a 4X space game as good as Master of Orion 2 even GC series although good were never that good.


I quit playing Omikron for the same reasons, the combat was awful but i loved the atmosphere and the soundtrack.
Holy crap marko, I love that game.

I still play that one to this day. I love trying to flank the enemy and buying up guns between levels.
iridium_ionizer said:
Imagine a 4X space game where you can finish a campaign in 15 minutes or less. And it's insanely fun. The combat takes place in real-time with pause but is extremely tactical.

From Digital Eels. There is Looking Glass people in Digital Eel; Iikka Keränen and Rich "Zdim" Carlson.
Have any of you played the recent "Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals" game? It's absolutely awesome, although you don't really hear much about it. Guess that happens to most good adventure games these days.
I really know if it's overlooked or not, but I've never really seen/heard anyone discuss Freelancer. I freakin love that game - sure it's a bit repetative, but the story is great and the atmosphere and surroundings are amazing. a friend told me about the game a few years ago, and that's the only time I've heard of it.
Some of the games mentioned here are great, but were not overlooked in their time. Beneath A Steel Sky, Ikari Warriors and Moonstone are good examples. Moonstone even made the tabloids due to its bloody and gory violence, well ahead of Mortal Kombat IIRC.

I never hear this one brought up in RPG discussions, but I remember liking it a lot. Could be nostalgia talking though as I was probably 12 or so when I last played it.

Turn based combat and dialogue trees all in a non-Forgotten Realms setting. Low level cap though (9 I believe) and a little buggy if I remember right.
A little buggy?
There's a bug that causes all enemies to become unresponsive, that was a pretty inconvenient bug.
haha, sounds like it. Can't you just reload? I don't remember hitting anything game breaking.

Also I remember it having a non-linear storyline, with multiple solutions for some of the quests. There like 3 or more ways to get out of the slave pens you start in for example. It has been about 15 years though, my memory is a bit foggy. Any D&D game gets huge points from me for not being in the Forgotten Realms, I hate that generic fantasy setting.
I'm certain they patched it as quickly as possible, most versions floating about on the net and a few of the RPG compilations with Dark Sun within them contain the updated version, as far as I've been told, there are differences between those and the original release.
Although I could be wrong (about there being patches that is, the bug definitely exists), I haven't played it in a long time, and even then it was an original 1.0 copy and I suffered that bug the first time I tried playing it, my second time through went much better however.
Snackpack said:

I never hear this one brought up in RPG discussions, but I remember liking it a lot. Could be nostalgia talking though as I was probably 12 or so when I last played it.

Turn based combat and dialogue trees all in a non-Forgotten Realms setting. Low level cap though (9 I believe) and a little buggy if I remember right.

I followed your link ... is this game still playable? I have played Dark Sun extensively (P'n'P) and would love to try these games
@Daimyo: Yup, Moonstone was a great game and it had a one of a kind atmosphere! Brings back some childhood memories as well *sniff*
Woodruff and the Schnibble of Azimuth, a great overlooked post apocalyptic adventure game by Coktel Vision.


alec said:
Omikron: The Nomad Soul.

I loved that game.