Gry-Online previews Fallout 3

Sander said:
Autoduel said:
No. They said that journalists would get hands on at E3. There will be video footage released to the public.
Ehm, they never said that for as far as I know.

Yes, they did. In fact there is a news post even here on NMA that reads "New Gameplay footage, hands on at E3"

“We have not really showed anybody anything new since E3,” explained Pete as he was showing us the game. “We are still working on it. It is still coming along.” He then went on to add, “once we get to E3 you know that will be like we will release game play, footage, we will let people do hands on stuff.”

“E3 will probably be us and a bunch of kiosks and like come on up, here you go. Oh yes, we are going to do hands on.” He later went on to say that the new gameplay footage could be part of the Microsoft, Sony or even both of their main stage presentations at this year’s E3.

In addition to this being in the news post here, they told us on the Bethesda forums that they would be releasing footage at E3.
Autoduel said:
New footage released = released to public
Ehm, no, it doesn't say 'to the public' anywhere. Doesn't mean they won't do it, but you're jumping to conclusions again.
Sander said:
Autoduel said:
New footage released = released to public
Ehm, no, it doesn't say 'to the public' anywhere. Doesn't mean they won't do it, but you're jumping to conclusions again.

No. I'm not. "released" does mean, "released to the public" in this context. Video "released" at E3 is for the public. That means its not video shown behind closed doors and any E3 videos that are not shown behind closed doors are "released" for sites like IGN, Gametrailers, Gamespot or whoever to put on the net.

If they weren't releasing the footage, it also couldn't be used in Microsoft or Sony's on stage presentation, for instance, because those presentations can be viewed by the public. All the big websites, like IGN, stream those presentations.

This is just further confirmation of what they already told on on the Bethesda message board anyway. That they would be giving us gameplay video(s) at E3.

Released = Released to the publc.
I don't agree with the conclusion that 'released' means the same as releasing something to the public, but if they said so on their own forums I suppose it'll be true. ;)
Considering Bethsoft's PR history, I'm inclined to think that the footage and "hands-on" material will be closed-door, pre-approved press-only. On the other hand, it is getting closer and closer to the release date, and not putting any footage out for the public would be pretty ridiculous.
Ranne said:
ArmorB said:
To me perception and radar would be ones ability to interpret the info on the radar and or differentiate one blip from another.

. . .

Please use your ability and interpret these 3 dots for me please. They are speaking about the range of the radar, not about the blurriness of its screen....

Well as I understand radar to work, it is much more effective at closer range because you get a more detail 'image' of what you are seeing. So at a further range it would take more skill to determine that a blip is one thing or another.

But I'm guessing you don't really care...
ArmorB said:
Ranne said:
ArmorB said:
To me perception and radar would be ones ability to interpret the info on the radar and or differentiate one blip from another.

. . .

Please use your ability and interpret these 3 dots for me please. They are speaking about the range of the radar, not about the blurriness of its screen....

Well as I understand radar to work, it is much more effective at closer range because you get a more detail 'image' of what you are seeing. So at a further range it would take more skill to determine that a blip is one thing or another.

But I'm guessing you don't really care...

Look at us. We're becoming frantic. We want to justify a horrible design decision in any possible way that we can, just so that it would make sense.

Horse on a treadmill, carrot on a stick. :(
I think it would make more sense if the radar was tied to the Intelligence attribute (analyzing the output, rather than, er, observing it), unless the radar would be some sort of a realistic 3D presentation with sound, like, i dunno, a full 3d fps video game, where you have to, both, use your eyes and ears to take in the data (Perception), and use your brain to analyze it and react accordingly (Intelligence).

Sloppy design, imo. :/
How about answering this question...does a radar signature look more or less clear the further away it is?

Some of you are making yourselves look like idiots.
Doesn't matter when you're not trying to perceive a particular thing, rather than interpret an output. Take the movement detector in the previous Fallouts as an example. It's immensely silly to limit the functionality of a device accordingly to one's perception. It makes no sense at all.
terebikun said:
Does anyone know why people mysteriously use bottlecaps again?

Expanding on what Ausir said - not like anybody's going to be able to make any more bottlecaps, so at least you don't have a fluctuating value for bottlecaps as currency?

rehevkor said:
We're edging on towards the release date.. why isn't the hype machine producing any videos for us to watch?

Bethesda already said they over-hyped Oblivion to start with (the AI, etc) so they're trying to back off of over-hyping F3 this time around.
Madbringer said:
Doesn't matter when you're not trying to perceive a particular thing, rather than interpret an output. Take the movement detector in the previous Fallouts as an example. It's immensely silly to limit the functionality of a device accordingly to one's perception. It makes no sense at all.

Not challenging the silliness. But I do challenge the idiocy of people thinking that objects further away would apear just as clear as those close up on radar.
So you care enough to quote me, but you don't care enough to look at the radar photos I provided... What hand-held radar would waste its valuable screen space to show the blurriness beyond its practical sensor limits? Moreover, let me remind you, we're talking about close range enemy encounters, not about an intercontinental missile tracking system. I'm not an expert, but I don't believe somebody would bother to create a ground surveillance radar device that wouldn't have a working sensor range of at least 15-40 meters. Less than that, and you'd need a magnifying-glass and some hearing aid, not a radar. Again, look at the damn pictures and stop imagining things.

Besides, how exactly do you see the whole thing? if my perception skill is way too low, I can still see sh*t up to 10 kilometers away... but whenever I look at the radar screen, I can barely identify myself as a single green stain in the middle of the radar blurriness? It's not a perception problem. It's called presbyopia. That is, farsightedness, if you don't know the medical term.
Radar this, radar that... Shouldn't the radar range be affected by the science skill or computer skill instead? It makes more sense that, with a high skill in those areas you can upgrade/tweak/hack the radar, whichever you choose to interpret.

Perception should only affect things like being able to notice mines and traps, or things hidden away and things slightly out of place. That is something I do not think Bethsoft can do properly in FPS view, and why isometric view is better in that sense. Unless, they have *cough* something else up their sleeve.
I think the easy way to explain the radar is call it a gameplay contrivance, like the wireframe models when you do aimed shots in the early games. Does it really make sense that your pipboy can make a 3D model of something you're shooting at, even things it couldn't have known about or had programmed-in pre-war (Deathclaws, mutants)? Not particularly, but it works so might as well roll with it.
Ad Astra said:
Now here's something to blow your mind: your post about my "unconstructive" post is, itself, unconstructive. Furthermore, your post, unlike my post, isn't even related to the topics of Fallout 3 or Bethsoft.


consider my mind blown (!) :freak:

Ohh and im sure everyone apart from me was really laughing out loud, i mean really belly laughing untill they cry. I didnt know HGTTG jokes were so 'in' now anyways(!)

BS are doing an ok job, hope the game is good <=== mandatory keeping the comment on topic sentence!
Pete mentions Cormac McCarthy's "The Road" as one of the main inspirations.

So, you walk around by yourself, run away from everything, don't talk to anybody, have 3 bullets total, and there are no mutants of any kind. It's like he just mentioned a random post-apocalyptic story.
TTTimo said:
Radar this, radar that... Shouldn't the radar range be affected by the science skill or computer skill instead? It makes more sense that, with a high skill in those areas you can upgrade/tweak/hack the radar, whichever you choose to interpret.

I love your insight into the hardware modification community :D

And yes, if I ever got my hands on a pipboy, it would be on my desk in 30 pieces, in 300 seconds.. :lol:
I always liked games with post-apocalyptic stuff, so when i first saw fallout i was amazed by it. Although lots of people say fallout 3 is gonna suck, i for one am pretty optimistic about it. Don't get me wrong, I really hate bethesda for what they are doing to fallout. :x I just wished since bethesda wanted to make a post-apocalyptic game that they would start their own or if they wanted to make a fallout game left all the original stuff and got some developers from the other fallouts (maybe even finish Van-Buren).